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Discussion utilisateur:Sting/Archive 20

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Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

plot Ceci est une archive. Merci de ne pas l'éditer. Ma page de discussion actuelle se trouve ici.

Africa relief location map

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Hi Eric,

I apologize for writing to you here, but I can't find any other way of getting in contact with you. I would love to get a copy of a Africa relief location map from you. I need the map without any background image, borders, scale, grid, names etc.

If you could help me with this, I would really appreciate it.

-- (discuter) 13 février 2019 à 10:31 (CET)[répondre]

Hello. No problem to contact me through this discussion page. You’re welcome.
To get only a contour map of Africa you can in fact use the following maps: File:Africa location map.svg or File:Africa location map without rivers.svg which doesn’t display the rivers. These are the same maps than File:Africa relief location map.jpg but, because they are in svg format, you can very easily edit them with a free software like en:Inkscape. You can then hide the layers you don’t need (borders, scale, etc.) and change the colors if you want.
Best regards. Sting (m'écrire) 2 mars 2019 à 20:08 (CET)[répondre]

Request for use of the Morocco relief map

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Hello again. I am preparing a manuscript entitled, An Imperium of Clay', nd would like approval to use you map in two of my illustrations. Thank you! Comer Plummer

Hello Comer. Yes, you are welcome to freely use the map for your publications. Sting (m'écrire) 25 avril 2019 à 04:47 (CEST)[répondre]

Carte physique de la Charente

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Bonjour, je souhaite utiliser votre carte physique du département de la Charente dans mon mémoire d'archéologie. Dans la légende de la figure je compte marquer : "Fond de carte : © Eric Gaba pour Wikimedia Commons". Cela suffit-il ? Merci !

Using your volcano map in curriculum

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Hi, we are creating a set of earth science activities for middle schoolers and your map of volcanoes and spreading ridges (this one is ideal. We would like permission to use it in our activity on the Ring of Fire. It will be used by middle school and early high school teachers as part of a collection of activities that will be sold for $25 for the collection, co-published by The POGIL Project in Lancaster, PA ( and Flynn Scientific in Batavia, IL under a commercial license.

Would this be an acceptable use of this map?

Thank you for your time,

Gwen Katz

✔️ Answered. Sting (m'écrire) 6 août 2019 à 17:14 (CEST)[répondre]

About the bust of Aristotle at the Louvre Museum

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Hello, Sting! I was today at the Louvre Museum and I did not find this bust, nor that of Socrates and Plato. Do you have any information about it? Thank you very much in advance. Kind regards, Leòn — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par l'IP (discuter), le 17 août 2019 à 19:15 (CEST)[répondre]

Hello Leòn.
The Louvre holds a huge, very huge amount of artworks and only a very, very small part is in display. I noticed they sometimes move some of them from one room to another as well as moving some to the museum’s basement to give place to other ones. I think that’s what happened (the photographs are from 2005) and I imagine it’s a way to bring some dynamism to the museum, even for Parisians. Sting (m'écrire) 18 août 2019 à 00:49 (CEST)[répondre]

Falkland Islands Map -- How to View the Rest of the World

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Dear Eric:

An another page you said that people could write to you on this page.

Your excellent Falkland Islands Map is exactly what I am looking for in map software. It shows exactly the physical and political features I need, without clutter, and it has fine grades of latitude and longitude. I would like a map of the entire world done in exactly the same way, with lines of latitude and longitude showing. I would like to be able to:

1. alter the grid increments at will;

2. using a mouse or arrow key, move along a line of latitude or longitude at will, following it around the world;

3. zoom in and out at will.

Can I find such a world map on the internet? Or can I create one in exactly the style you used? What software and database would I need to do so?

Thanks for reading. — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Falkland Island Map (discuter), le 6 septembre 2019 à 14:59 (CEST)[répondre]

You’re welcome to contact me here.
Because it’s a worldwide map, you’re starting a hell of a project in my opinion. I’m not very familiar with what you are trying to create, but I think you will need an application to show your map, something like the one Google Maps uses and work as well with tiles and layers: zooming in, you will change the resolution of the map (= layer (edit) tile) and show more information. For this part I can’t help you much.
For creating the base map(s), I use the proprietary Global Mapper, but you can use a free software like QGIS. About the GIS data, should it be DEM (Digital Elevation (edit) Data Model) or the complementary vector ones (shoreline, water bodies, rivers, boundaries, cities, etc.), you can check the page GIS sources and palettes or its original version in French.
Good luck for your project. Sting (m'écrire) 7 septembre 2019 à 00:48 (CEST)[répondre]

Thanks very much for this reply. To explain what I want a little more clearly:

1. Up until just a few months ago, Google Maps (I don't mean Google Earth) used to offer a flat map of the world. It was possible to move with your mouse or by grabbing the map all the way around the world on roughly one parallel of latitude, or one meridian of longitude. You might get some wavering, but you could do it. So if I wanted to find out, say, what cities were on exactly the same latitude as New York, or on exactly the same longitude as Paris, I could easily do it. Google Maps has recently made things difficult for everyone by going for a spherical map on large zoom, which now makes this kind of movement difficult or impossible, but that's another issue; for now, let's pretend that a scrollable flat map of the world like the former Google Maps is available.

2. The only drawback was that Google Maps shows a lot of clutter, whereas your beautiful map of the Falklands shows only the stuff most people need - main cities, main physical features, main political boundaries, and a clear latitude/longitude grid. All general atlases should be done in this way. It's only for special needs that one wants to see roads, railways, isobars, undersea oceanic ridges, etc. Your map is perfect for general purposes. So I was wondering if it would be possible to take the Google Maps flat map (presuming I could still get it somehow), with all its zoom and scrolling functionality, but superimpose your artwork and your selection of information.

3. It sounds as if I might need some very expensive mapping software to begin to create this kind of world map. I looked at the price for Global Mapper, and as I'm not exactly rich, there is no way I will be purchasing that program in the near future. But I will look at the free software you mentioned.

4. My only other question would be this: Does one have to know anything about programming to use these software programs to create maps? I know literally nothing about programming (I couldn't tell C++ from Vitamin C) so if that is necessary I would not be able to do anything. But if one can simply bring up a map of the world, and then tell the program what features to exclude and include, and what increments of longitude and latitude to show, I might be able to create a world map satisfactory for my general purposes. — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Falkland Island Map (discuter), le 9 septembre 2019 à 16:07 (CEST)[répondre]

You have to keep in mind that, even it’s an easily editable map because it’s in svg, my Falkland’s map is a static map, like if it was a scan of a printed one, showing the same information whatever size you display it. In your case it would be dynamic, displaying different information of additional data when zooming in/out which would multiply the number of layers. But if you don’t want the viewer to be able to choose what information to display or not, maybe you can simplify the whole by creating a bunch of static maps, each of these tiles already containing the additional information (embedded) you want them to see depending that specific zoom level.
To keep the coordinates lines strait all over your map, no matter the zoom level, you will have to use a cylindrical projection. The most common for this type of application is the geographic one, aka Lat/Lon, aka “non-projection” where each arc-degree is a square, no matter the latitude. Most of the GIS data are distributed in this “non-projection”. You can see an example at the USGS AppEEARS’ site clicking on “area samples” (you have to register to access – it’s free) which is a portal where you can find and download many types of DEMs.
Yes, Global Mapper became pretty pricey. I still use an old version which was much more affordable at that time, but you should have no problem handling almost any kind of data using QGIS, as many Wikicartographers use it here.
No programming or code lines needed to use QGIS, it has a graphic interface so it’s wysiwyg. You still have to learn to use the software, the basics of cartography, the different types of data available (raster and vector) and how to use them, etc. For the application used to navigate in your finished map, as I wrote, I don’t know. Sting (m'écrire) 10 septembre 2019 à 22:08 (CEST)[répondre]

Échelle des cartes numériques

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Bonjour Sting, j'ai pris une requete pour créer une carte de l’état de Virginie et j'ai regardé ta carte de Floride. J'ai essayé de comprendre comment calculer l’échelle. J'ai vu aussi une ancienne discussion avec l'utilisateur Alvesgaspar sur le sujet mais je n'ai pas tout compris. Est-ce qu'il y a une page qui décrit comment calculer l’échelle des des cartes numériques? Merci --Ikonact (discuter) 12 septembre 2019 à 16:47 (CEST)[répondre]

Via Egnatia map

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I'm working with an author Richard Cassidy who is finishing a book titled A Roman Commentary on St. Paul's Letter to the Philippians to be published by Herder & Herder publishers.

To illustrate a number of places, in the commentary and the Letter, he's looking to reprint illustrations and maps in his book. He's sent me the following email:

"A talented map expert named Erich Gaba who goes by the name of "Sting" and receives contacts under that name is the fellow to whom we are indebted for the beautiful rendering of the Via Egnatia that we currently have off of WikiCommons.

As you will recall, the IT teacher at the parish school was the one who arranged for the sites relevant to Paul to be highlighted and the names of the other sites deleted. That was a valuable modification and Chris said it could be done under the Wiki ground rules.

Now, however, a new idea has come to me. Gaba's map only shows the very beginning of the Via Appia on the Italians peninsula and he just uses a plain yellow line to indicate its northwest direction. The Via Appia will eventually end in Rome and I am wondering if you can contact Gaba/"Sting" to see if he can provide an enhanced map that will enable me to show the entire route that Epaphroditus traveled from Philippi to Rome when he brought a monetary gift to Paul according to Philippians 4."

Is this a map that you might already have done? If so (or you are willing to make one) we would love to be able to use it in our book. Would you let me know your thoughts when you get a moment?

Fred Courtright aka "Perm Dude" Freelance Permissions Editor The Permissions Company, LLC — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par Perm Dude (discuter), le 19 septembre 2019 à 05:11 (CEST)[répondre]

✔️ Répondu. Sting (m'écrire) 21 septembre 2019 à 00:15 (CEST)[répondre]

Projection de Fuller

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J’ai remarqué que vous aviez réalisé un fond de carte vierge avec la projection de Fuller ( J’essaye de générer une carte avec cette projection, mais impossible de trouver un outil qui la gère. Pouvez-vous me dire comment vous avez fait ? Cordialement, --LeBret (discuter) 7 octobre 2019 à 17:41 (CEST)[répondre]

Carte du Maroc

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Bonjour, j'ai vu que tu étais l'auteur des cartes de localisation sur le Maroc. Je travaille actuellement sur la Bataille de Smara (1979). Avec Notification Le Petit Chat :, on voudrait faire une carte sur les localités contrôlés par le Maroc ou le Polisario avant la bataille. J'aurais cependant besoin d'une carte de localisation du sud marocain avec le Sahara occidental sans qu'il y ait les contours du mur des sables et des régions administratives marocaines. D'autant plus que le mur des sables n’existait pas et les régions aussi. --WeshMani (discuter) 21 octobre 2019 à 13:58 (CEST)[répondre]

Carte de l'occupation de la France

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Bonjour, Pour un article marquant le 80ème anniversaire du début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, pour un revue de l'ordre des Palmes Académiques, je voudrais utiliser la carte de la France occupée (référencée NGDC World data bank II (public domain) sur Wikipédia, qui me dirige vers vous)... Que dois-je faire ? Que dois-je mentionner ? Merci d'avance. --Jbhu (discuter) 22 octobre 2019 à 11:33 (CEST)JBHU (Toulouse, France)[répondre]

Map of Mauritius

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Bonjour, je désirais user votre image du relief de Mauritius dans un libre. Que indiquer comme license? C'est bon a écrire: Source: Eric Gaba, Creative Commons ? Merci pour une réponse, Meilleures Salutations, Esther Wullschleger — Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par l'IP 2A02:120B:2C14:9290:8410:A8B8:DECC:821B (discuter), le 6 novembre 2019 à 22:20 (CET)[répondre]

Bonjour et merci pour votre message. Vous pouvez indiquer les crédits avec la formule suivante : « © Eric Gaba pour Wikimedia Commons – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike ». Sting (m'écrire) 6 novembre 2019 à 22:45 (CET)[répondre]