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Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Denis Diderot was the editor of one of the most important encyclopedias in history - a document generally known as the "Encyclopédie de Diderot." It came as such a shock to me that no one was using this username that I felt the need to take it on myself, even though I'm really a lexicographer, translator and computer scientist by profession. Someone has to be Diderot, if nothing else to show that Wikipedia really is the heir to the traditions of the revolutionary encyclopedias of the past. I've always been a reference tool geek and started reading Wikipedia long before I started contributing. I'm a Canadian by birth, but I lived in the States for a long time before moving to Brussels.

Quoi? Vous maîtrisez mal l'anglais? Tch, tch... Bien, je suppose qu'il vaut mieux dire quelque chose en français pour mon dossier sur le Wikipédia français. Je suis un expatrié montréalais marié à une californienne, tout comme Gretzky. Mais, lui, il a son château à Los Angeles et il a son propre équipe d'hockey. Moi, j'habite Bruxelles et je n'ai que mon iMac.