


// /* THIS IS ImageAnnotator VERSION 2.2 Image annotations. Draw rectangles onto image thumbnail displayed on image description page and associate them with textual descriptions that will be displayed when the mouse moves over the rectangles. If an image has annotations, display the rectangles. Add a button to create new annotations. Note: if an image that has annotations is overwritten by a new version, only display the annotations if the size of the top image matches the stored size exactly. To recover annotations, one will need to edit the image description page manually, adjusting image sizes and rectangle coordinates, or re-enter annotations. Author: [[User:Lupo]], June 2009 - March 2010 License: Quadruple licensed GFDL, GPL, LGPL and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY-3.0) Choose whichever license of these you like best :-) See //commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Gadget-ImageAnnotator for documentation. */ // Global: getElementsByClassName, importScript, importScriptURI (wiki.js) // Global: mw.config.get('wgPageName'), mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId'), mw.config.get('wgUserGroups'), mw.config.get('wgRestrictionEdit') (inline script on the page) // Global: mw.config.get('wgAction'), mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber'), mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage'), mw.config.get('wgContentLanguage'), stylepath (inline script) // Global: mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds') (inline script) // fiXME: getElementsByClassName is deprecated. Use document.querySelectorAll. if (typeof getElementsByClassName !== 'undefined' && typeof (ImageAnnotator) == 'undefined') { // Guard against multiple inclusions mw.loader.load('/wiki/MediaWiki:LAPI.js?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); mw.loader.load('/wiki/MediaWiki:Tooltips.js?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); mw.loader.load('/wiki/MediaWiki:TextCleaner.js?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); mw.loader.load('/wiki/MediaWiki:UIElements.js?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); (function () { // Local scope var ImageAnnotator_config = null; var ImageAnnotation = function () {this.initialize.apply (this, arguments);} ImageAnnotation.compare = function (a, b) { var result = b.area () - a.area (); if (result != 0) return result; return a.model.id - b.model.id; // Just to make sure the order is complete }; ImageAnnotation.prototype = { view  : null, // Rectangle to be displayed on image: a div with pos and size model  : null, // Internal representation of the annotation tooltip : null, // Tooltip to display the annotation content : null, // Content of the tooltip viewer  : null, // Reference to the viewer this note belongs to initialize : function (node, viewer, id) { var is_new = false; var view_w = 0, view_h = 0, view_x = 0, view_y = 0; this.viewer = viewer; if (LAPI.DOM.hasClass (node, IA.annotation_class)) { // Extract the info we need var x = IA.getIntItem ('view_x_' + id, viewer.scope); var y = IA.getIntItem ('view_y_' + id, viewer.scope); var w = IA.getIntItem ('view_w_' + id, viewer.scope); var h = IA.getIntItem ('view_h_' + id, viewer.scope); var html = IA.getRawItem ('content_' + id, viewer.scope); if (x === null || y === null || w === null || h === null || html === null) throw new Error ('Invalid note'); if (x < 0 || x >= viewer.full_img.width || y < 0 || y >= viewer.full_img.height) throw new Error ('Invalid note: origin invalid on note ' + id); if ( x + w > viewer.full_img.width + 10 || y + h > viewer.full_img.height + 10) { throw new Error ('Invalid note: size extends beyond image on note ' + id); } // Notes written by early versions may be slightly too large, whence the + 10 above. Fix this. if (x + w > viewer.full_img.width) w = viewer.full_img.width - x; if (y + h > viewer.full_img.height) h = viewer.full_img.height - y; view_w = Math.floor (w / viewer.factors.dx); view_h = Math.floor (h / viewer.factors.dy); view_x = Math.floor (x / viewer.factors.dx); view_y = Math.floor (y / viewer.factors.dy); this.view = LAPI.make ( 'div', null , { position  : 'absolute' ,display  : 'none' ,lineHeight : '0px' // IE ,fontSize  : '0px' // IE ,top  : "" + view_y + 'px' ,left  : "" + view_x + 'px' ,width  : "" + view_w + 'px' ,height  : "" + view_h + 'px' } ); // We'll add the view to the DOM once we've loaded all notes this.model = { id  : id ,dimension: {x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h} ,wiki  : "" ,html  : html.cloneNode (true) }; } else { is_new = true; this.view = node; this.model = { id  : -1 ,dimension: null ,wiki  : "" ,html  : null }; view_w = this.view.offsetWidth - 2; // Subtract cumulated border widths view_h = this.view.offsetHeight - 2; view_x = this.view.offsetLeft; view_y = this.view.offsetTop; } // Enforce a minimum size of the view. Center the 6x6px square over the center of the old view. // If we overlap the image boundary, adjustRectangleSize will take care of it later. if (view_w < 6) {view_x = Math.floor (view_x + view_w / 2 - 3); view_w = 6; } if (view_h < 6) {view_y = Math.floor (view_y + view_h / 2 - 3); view_h = 6; } Object.merge ( { left: "" + view_x + 'px', top: "" + view_y + 'px' ,width: "" + view_w + 'px', height: "" + view_h + 'px'} , this.view.style ); this.view.style.zIndex = 500; // Below tooltips try { this.view.style.border = '1px solid ' + this.viewer.outer_border; } catch (ex) { this.view.style.border = '1px solid ' + IA.outer_border; } this.view.appendChild ( LAPI.make ( 'div', null , { lineHeight : '0px' // IE ,fontSize  : '0px' // IE ,width  : "" + Math.max (view_w - 2, 0) + 'px' // -2 to leave space for the border ,height  : "" + Math.max (view_h - 2, 0) + 'px' } ) // width=100% doesn't work right: inner div's border appears outside on right and bottom on FF. ); try { this.view.firstChild.style.border = '1px solid ' + this.viewer.inner_border; } catch (ex) { this.view.firstChild.style.border = '1px solid ' + IA.inner_border; } if (is_new) viewer.adjustRectangleSize (this.view); // IE somehow passes through event to the view even if covered by our cover, displaying the tooltips // when drawing a new rectangle, which is confusing and produces a selection nightmare. Hence we just // display raw rectangles without any tooltips attached while drawing. Yuck. this.dummy = this.view.cloneNode (true); viewer.img_div.appendChild (this.dummy); if (!is_new) { // New notes get their tooltip only once the editor has saved, otherwise IE may try to // open them if the mouse moves onto the view even though there is the cover above them! this.setTooltip (); } }, setTooltip : function () { if (this.tooltip || !this.view) return; // Already set, or corrupt // Note: on IE, don't have tooltips appear automatically. IE doesn't do it right for transparent // targets and we have to show and hide them ourselves through a mousemove listener in the viewer // anyway. The occasional event that IE sends to the tooltip may then lead to ugly flickering. this.tooltip = new Tooltip ( this.view.firstChild , this.display.bind (this) , { activate  : (LAPI.DOM.is_ie ? Tooltip.NONE : Tooltip.HOVER) ,deactivate  : (LAPI.DOM.is_ie ? Tooltip.ESCAPE : Tooltip.LEAVE) ,close_button : null ,mode  : Tooltip.MOUSE ,mouse_offset : {x: -5, y: -5, dx: (IA.is_rtl ? -1 : 1), dy: 1} ,open_delay  : 0 ,hide_delay  : 0 ,onclose  : (function (tooltip, evt) { if (this.view) { try { this.view.style.border = '1px solid ' + this.viewer.outer_border; } catch (ex) { this.view.style.border = '1px solid ' + IA.outer_border; } } if (this.viewer.tip == tooltip) this.viewer.tip = null; // Hide all boxes if we're outside the image. Relies on hide checking the // coordinates! (Otherwise, we'd always hide...) if (evt) this.viewer.hide (evt); }).bind (this) ,onopen  : (function (tooltip) { if (this.view) { try { this.view.style.border = '1px solid ' + this.viewer.active_border; } catch (ex) { this.view.style.border = '1px solid ' + IA.active_border; } } this.viewer.tip = tooltip; }).bind (this) } , IA.tooltip_styles ); }, display : function (evt) { if (!this.content) { this.content = LAPI.make ('div'); var main = LAPI.make ('div'); this.content.appendChild (main); this.content.main = main; if (this.model.html) main.appendChild (this.model.html.cloneNode (true)); // Make sure that the popup encompasses all floats this.content.appendChild (LAPI.make ('div', null, {clear: 'both'})); if (this.viewer.may_edit) { this.content.button_section = LAPI.make ( 'div' ,null ,{ fontSize : 'smaller' ,textAlign: (IA.is_rtl ? 'left' : 'right') ,borderTop: IA.tooltip_styles.border } ); this.content.appendChild (this.content.button_section); this.content.button_section.appendChild (LAPI.DOM.makeLink ( '#' , ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorEdit', true) , null , LAPI.Evt.makeListener (this, this.edit) ) ); if (ImageAnnotator_config.mayDelete ()) { this.content.button_section.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('\xa0')); this.content.button_section.appendChild (LAPI.DOM.makeLink ( '#' , ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorDelete', true) , null , LAPI.Evt.makeListener (this, this.remove_event) ) ); } } } return this.content; }, edit : function (evt) { if (IA.canEdit ()) IA.editor.editNote (this); if (evt) return LAPI.Evt.kill (evt); return false; }, remove_event : function (evt) { if (IA.canEdit ()) this.remove (); return LAPI.Evt.kill (evt); }, remove : function () { if (!this.content) { // New note: just destroy it. this.destroy (); return true; } if (!ImageAnnotator_config.mayDelete()) return false; // Close and remove tooltip only if edit succeeded! Where and how to display error messages? var reason = ""; if (!ImageAnnotator_config.mayBypassDeletionPrompt() || !window.ImageAnnotator_noDeletionPrompt) { // Prompt for a removal reson reason = window.prompt (ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorDeleteReason', true), ""); if (reason === null) return false; // Cancelled reason = reason.trim(); if (reason.length == 0) { if (!ImageAnnotator_config.emptyDeletionReasonAllowed()) return false; } // Re-show tooltip (without re-positioning it, we have no mouse coordinates here) in case // it was hidden because of the alert. If possible, we want the user to see the spinner. this.tooltip.show_now (this.tooltip); } var self = this; var spinnerId = 'image_annotation_delete_' + this.model.id; LAPI.Ajax.injectSpinner (this.content.button_section.lastChild, spinnerId); if (this.tooltip) this.tooltip.size_change (); LAPI.Ajax.editPage ( mw.config.get('wgPageName') , function (doc, editForm, failureFunc, revision_id) { try { if (revision_id && revision_id != mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId')) throw new Error ('#Page version (revision ID) mismatch: edit conflict.'); var textbox = editForm.wpTextbox1; if (!textbox) throw new Error ('#Server replied with invalid edit page.'); var pagetext = textbox.value.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); // Normalize different end-of-line handling. Opera and IE may use \r\n, whereas other // browsers just use '\n'. Note that all browsers do the right thing if a '\n' is added. // We normally don't care, but here we need this to make sure we don't leave extra line // breaks when we remove the note. IA.setWikitext (pagetext); var span = IA.findNote (pagetext, self.model.id); if (!span) { // Hmmm? Doesn't seem to exist LAPI.Ajax.removeSpinner (spinnerId); if (self.tooltip) self.tooltip.size_change (); self.destroy (); return; } var char_before = 0; var char_after = 0; if (span.start > 0) char_before = pagetext.charCodeAt (span.start - 1); if (span.end < pagetext.length) char_after = pagetext.charCodeAt (span.end); if ( String.fromCharCode (char_before) == '\n' && String.fromCharCode (char_after) == '\n') span.start = span.start - 1; pagetext = pagetext.substring (0, span.start) + pagetext.substring (span.end); textbox.value = pagetext; var summary = editForm.wpSummary; if (!summary) throw new Error ('#Summary field not found. Check that edit pages have valid XHTML.'); IA.setSummary ( summary , ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorRemoveSummary', true) || '[[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Removing image note]]$1' , (reason.length > 0 ? reason + ': ' : "") + self.model.wiki ); } catch (ex) { failure (null, ex); return; } var edit_page = doc; LAPI.Ajax.submitEdit ( editForm , function (request) { if (edit_page.isFake && (typeof (edit_page.dispose) == 'function')) edit_page.dispose (); var revision_id = request.responseText.match (/mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId')\s*=\s*(\d+)[;,]/); if (revision_id) revision_id = parseInt (revision_id[1]); if (!revision_id) { failureFunc (request, new Error ('Revision ID not found. Please reload the page.')); return; } mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') = revision_id; // Bump revision id!! LAPI.Ajax.removeSpinner (spinnerId); if (self.tooltip) self.tooltip.size_change (); self.destroy (); } , function (request, ex) { if (edit_page.isFake && (typeof (edit_page.dispose) == 'function')) edit_page.dispose (); failureFunc (request, ex); } ); } , function (request, ex) { // Failure. What now? TODO: Implement some kind of user feedback. LAPI.Ajax.removeSpinner (spinnerId); if (self.tooltip) self.tooltip.size_change (); } ); return true; }, destroy : function () { if (this.view) LAPI.DOM.removeNode (this.view); if (this.dummy) LAPI.DOM.removeNode (this.dummy); if (this.tooltip) this.tooltip.hide_now (); if (this.model && this.model.id > 0 && this.viewer) this.viewer.deregister (this); this.model = null; this.view = null; this.content = null; this.tooltip = null; this.viewer = null; }, area : function () { if (!this.model || !this.model.dimension) return 0; return (this.model.dimension.w * this.model.dimension.h); }, cannotEdit : function () { if (this.content && this.content.button_section) { LAPI.DOM.removeNode (this.content.button_section); this.content.button_section = null; if (this.tooltip) this.tooltip.size_change (); } } }; // end ImageAnnotation var ImageAnnotationEditor = function () {this.initialize.apply (this, arguments);}; ImageAnnotationEditor.prototype = { initialize : function () { var editor_width = 50; // Respect potential user-defined width setting if ( window.ImageAnnotationEditor_columns && !isNaN (window.ImageAnnotationEditor_columns) && window.ImageAnnotationEditor_columns >= 30 && window.ImageAnnotationEditor_columns <= 100) { editor_width = window.ImageAnnotationEditor_columns; } this.editor = new LAPI.Edit ( "" , editor_width, 6 , { box  : ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorEditorLabel', false) ,preview  : ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorPreview', true).capitalizeFirst () ,save  : ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorSave', true).capitalizeFirst () ,revert  : ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorRevert', true).capitalizeFirst () ,cancel  : ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorCancel', true).capitalizeFirst () ,nullsave : ImageAnnotator_config.mayDelete()  ? ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorDelete', true).capitalizeFirst ()  : null ,post  : ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorCopyright', false) } , { onsave  : this.save.bind (this) ,onpreview : this.onpreview.bind (this) ,oncancel  : this.cancel.bind (this) ,ongettext : function (text) { if (text == null) return ""; text = text.trim () .replace (/\{\{(\s*ImageNote(End)?\s*\|)/g, '{{$1')  ; // Guard against people trying to break notes on purpose if (text.length > 0 && typeof (TextCleaner) != 'undefined') text = TextCleaner.sanitizeWikiText (text, true); return text; } } ); this.box = LAPI.make ('div'); this.box.appendChild (this.editor.getView ()); // Limit the width of the bounding box to the size of the textarea, taking into account the // tooltip styles. Do *not* simply append this.box or the editor view, Opera behaves strangely // if textboxes were ever hidden through a visibility setting! Use a second throw-away textbox // instead. var temp = LAPI.make ('div', null, IA.tooltip_styles); temp.appendChild (LAPI.make ('textarea', {cols : editor_width, rows : 6})); Object.merge ({position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '-10000px', visibility: 'hidden'}, temp.style); document.body.appendChild (temp); // Now we know how wide this textbox will be var box_width = temp.offsetWidth; LAPI.DOM.removeNode (temp); // Note: we need to use a tooltip with a dynamic content creator function here because // static content is cloned inside the Tooltip. Cloning on IE loses all attached handlers, // and thus the editor's controls wouldn't work anymore. (This is not a problem on FF3, // where cloning preserves the handlers.) this.tooltip = new Tooltip ( IA.get_cover () , this.get_editor.bind (this) , { activate  : Tooltip.NONE // We'll always show it explicitly ,deactivate  : Tooltip.ESCAPE ,close_button : null // We have a cancel button anyway ,mode  : Tooltip.FIXED ,anchor  : Tooltip.TOP_LEFT ,mouse_offset : {x:10, y: 10, dx:1, dy:1} // Misuse this: fixed offset from view ,max_pixels  : (box_width ? box_width + 20 : 0) // + 20 gives some slack ,z_index  : 2010 // Above the cover. ,open_delay  : 0 ,hide_delay  : 0 ,onclose  : this.close_tooltip.bind (this) } , IA.tooltip_styles ); this.note = null; this.visible = false; LAPI.Evt.listenTo (this, this.tooltip.popup, IA.mouse_in, function (evt) { Array.forEach ( IA.viewers , (function (viewer) { if (viewer != this.viewer && viewer.visible) viewer.hide (); }).bind(this) ); } ); }, get_editor : function () { return this.box; }, editNote : function (note) { var same_note = (note == this.note); this.note = note; this.viewer = this.note.viewer; var cover = IA.get_cover (); cover.style.cursor = 'auto'; IA.show_cover (); if (note.tooltip) note.tooltip.hide_now (); IA.is_editing = true; if (note.content && !IA.wiki_read) { // Existing note, and we don't have the wikitext yet: go get it var self = this; LAPI.Ajax.apiGet ( 'query' , { prop  : 'revisions' ,titles  : mw.config.get('wgPageName') ,rvlimit  : 1 ,rvstartid : mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') ,rvprop  : 'ids|content' } , function (request, json_result) { if (json_result && json_result.query && json_result.query.pages) { // Should have only one page here for (var page in json_result.query.pages) { var p = json_result.query.pages[page]; if (p && p.revisions && p.revisions.length > 0) { var rev = p.revisions[0]; if (rev.revid == mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') && rev["*"] && rev["*"].length > 0) IA.setWikitext (rev["*"]); } break; } } // TODO: What upon a failure? self.open_editor (same_note, cover); } , function (request) { // TODO: What upon a failure? self.open_editor (same_note, cover); } ); } else { this.open_editor (same_note, cover); } }, open_editor : function (same_note, cover) { this.editor.hidePreview (); if (!same_note || this.editor.textarea.readOnly) // Different note, or save error last time this.editor.setText (this.note.model.wiki); this.editor.enable (LAPI.Edit.SAVE + LAPI.Edit.PREVIEW + LAPI.Edit.REVERT + LAPI.Edit.CANCEL); this.editor.textarea.readOnly = false; this.editor.textarea.style.backgroundColor = 'white'; // Set the position relative to the note's view. var view_pos = LAPI.Pos.position (this.note.view); var origin = LAPI.Pos.position (cover); this.tooltip.options.fixed_offset.x = view_pos.x - origin.x + this.tooltip.options.mouse_offset.x; this.tooltip.options.fixed_offset.y = view_pos.y - origin.y + this.tooltip.options.mouse_offset.y; this.tooltip.options.fixed_offset.dx = 1; this.tooltip.options.fixed_offset.dy = 1; // Make sure mouse event listeners are removed, especially on IE. this.dim = { x : this.note.view.offsetLeft, y : this.note.view.offsetTop ,w : this.note.view.offsetWidth, h : this.note.view.offsetHeight }; this.viewer.setShowHideEvents (false); this.viewer.hide (); // Make sure notes are hidden this.viewer.toggle (true); // Show all note rectangles (but only the dummies) // Now show the editor this.tooltip.show_tip (null, false); var tpos = LAPI.Pos.position (this.editor.textarea); var ppos = LAPI.Pos.position (this.tooltip.popup); tpos = tpos.x - ppos.x; if (tpos + this.editor.textarea.offsetWidth > this.tooltip.popup.offsetWidth) this.editor.textarea.style.width = (this.tooltip.popup.offsetWidth - 2 * tpos) + 'px'; if (LAPI.Browser.is_ie) { // Fixate textarea width to prevent ugly flicker on each keypress in IE6... this.editor.textarea.style.width = this.editor.textarea.offsetWidth + 'px'; } this.visible = true; }, hide_editor : function (evt) { if (!this.visible) return; this.visible = false; IA.is_editing = false; this.tooltip.hide_now (evt); if (evt && evt.type == 'keydown' && !this.saving) { // ESC pressed on new note before a save attempt this.cancel (); } IA.hide_cover (); this.viewer.setDefaultMsg (); this.viewer.setShowHideEvents (true); this.viewer.hide (); this.viewer.show (); // Make sure we get the real views again. // FIXME in Version 2.1: Unfortunately, we don't have a mouse position here, so sometimes we // may show the note rectangles even though the mouse is now outside the image. (It was // somewhere inside the editor in most cases (if an editor button was clicked), but if ESC was // pressed, it may actually be anywhere.) }, save : function (editor) { var data = editor.getText (); if (!data || data.length == 0) { // Empty text if (this.note.remove ()) { this.hide_editor (); this.cancel (); this.note = null; } else { this.hide_editor(); this.cancel (); } return; } else if (data == this.note.model.wiki) { this.hide_editor (); // Text unchanged this.cancel (); return; } // Construct what to insert var dim = Object.clone (this.note.model.dimension); if (!dim) { dim = { x : Math.round (this.dim.x * this.viewer.factors.dx) ,y : Math.round (this.dim.y * this.viewer.factors.dy) ,w : Math.round (this.dim.w * this.viewer.factors.dx) ,h : Math.round (this.dim.h * this.viewer.factors.dy) }; // Make sure everything is within bounds if (dim.x + dim.w > this.viewer.full_img.width) { if (dim.w > this.dim.w * this.viewer.factors.dx) { dim.w--; if (dim.x + dim.w > this.viewer.full_img.width) { if (dim.x > 0) dim.x--; else dim.w = this.viewer.full_img.width; } } else { // Width already was rounded down if (dim.x > 0) dim.x--; } } if (dim.y + dim.h > this.viewer.full_img.height) { if (dim.h > this.dim.h * this.viewer.factors.dy) { dim.h--; if (dim.y + dim.h > this.viewer.full_img.height) { if (dim.y > 0) dim.y--; else dim.h = this.viewer.full_img.height; } } else { // Height already was rounded down if (dim.y > 0) dim.y--; } } // If still too large, adjust width and height if (dim.x + dim.w > this.viewer.full_img.width) { if (this.viewer.full_img.width > dim.x) { dim.w = this.viewer.full_img.width - dim.x; } else { dim.x = this.viewer.full_img.width - 1; dim.w = 1; } } if (dim.y + dim.h > this.viewer.full_img.height) { if (this.viewer.full_img.height > dim.y) { dim.h = this.viewer.full_img.height - dim.y; } else { dim.y = this.viewer.full_img.height - 1; dim.h = 1; } } } this.to_insert = '{{ImageNote' + '|id=' + this.note.model.id + '|x=' + dim.x + '|y=' + dim.y + '|w=' + dim.w + '|h=' + dim.h + '|dimx=' + this.viewer.full_img.width + '|dimy=' + this.viewer.full_img.height + '|style=2' + '}}\n' + data + (data.endsWith ('\n') ? "" : '\n') + '{{ImageNoteEnd|id=' + this.note.model.id + '}}'; // Now edit the page var self = this; this.editor.busy (true); this.editor.enable (0); // Disable all buttons this.saving = true; LAPI.Ajax.editPage ( mw.config.get('wgPageName') , function (doc, editForm, failureFunc, revision_id) { try { if (revision_id && revision_id != mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId')) // Page was edited since the user loaded it. throw new Error ('#Page version (revision ID) mismatch: edit conflict.'); // Modify the page var textbox = editForm.wpTextbox1; if (!textbox) throw new Error ('#Server replied with invalid edit page.'); var pagetext = textbox.value; IA.setWikitext (pagetext); var span = null; if (self.note.content) // Otherwise it's a new note! span = IA.findNote (pagetext, self.note.model.id); if (span) { // Replace pagetext = pagetext.substring (0, span.start) + self.to_insert + pagetext.substring (span.end)  ; } else { // If not found, append // Try to append right after existing notes var lastNote = pagetext.lastIndexOf ('{{ImageNoteEnd|id='); if (lastNote >= 0) { var endLastNote = pagetext.substring (lastNote).indexOf ('}}'); if (endLastNote < 0) { endLastNote = pagetext.substring (lastNote).indexOf ('\n'); if (endLastNote < 0) lastNote = -1; else lastNote += endLastNote; } else lastNote += endLastNote + 2; } if (lastNote >= 0) { pagetext = pagetext.substring (0, lastNote) + '\n' + self.to_insert + pagetext.substring (lastNote)  ; } else pagetext = pagetext.trimRight () + '\n' + self.to_insert; } textbox.value = pagetext; var summary = editForm.wpSummary; if (!summary) throw new Error ('#Summary field not found. Check that edit pages have valid XHTML.'); // If [[MediaWiki:Copyrightwarning]] is invalid XHTML, we may not have wpSummary! if (self.note.content != null) { IA.setSummary ( summary , ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorChangeSummary', true) || '[[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Changing image note]]$1' , data ); } else { IA.setSummary ( summary , ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorAddSummary', true) || '[[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Adding image note]]$1' , data ); } } catch (ex) { failureFunc (null, ex); return; } var edit_page = doc; LAPI.Ajax.submitEdit ( editForm , function (request) { // After a successful submit. if (edit_page.isFake && (typeof (edit_page.dispose) == 'function')) edit_page.dispose (); // TODO: Actually, the edit got through here, so calling failureFunc on // inconsistencies isn't quite right. Should we reload the page? var id = 'image_annotation_content_' + self.note.model.id; var doc = LAPI.Ajax.getHTML (request, failureFunc, id); if (!doc) return; var html = LAPI.$ (id, doc); if (!html) { if (doc.isFake && (typeof (doc.dispose) == 'function')) doc.dispose (); failureFunc (request, new Error ('#Note not found after saving. Please reload the page.')); return; } var revision_id = request.responseText.match (/mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId')\s*=\s*(\d+)[;,]/); if (revision_id) revision_id = parseInt (revision_id[1]); if (!revision_id) { if (doc.isFake && (typeof (doc.dispose) == 'function')) doc.dispose (); failureFunc (request, new Error ('#Version inconsistency after saving. Please reload the page.')); return; } mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') = revision_id; // Bump revision id!! self.note.model.html = LAPI.DOM.importNode (document, html, true); if (doc.isFake && (typeof (doc.dispose) == 'function')) doc.dispose (); self.note.model.dimension = dim; // record dimension self.note.model.html.style.display = ""; self.note.model.wiki = data; self.editor.busy (false); if (self.note.content) { LAPI.DOM.removeChildren (self.note.content.main); self.note.content.main.appendChild (self.note.model.html); } else { // New note. self.note.display (); // Actually a misnomer. Just creates 'content'. if (self.viewer.annotations.length > 1) { self.viewer.annotations.sort (ImageAnnotation.compare); var idxOfNote = Array.indexOf (self.viewer.annotations, self.note); if (idxOfNote+1 < self.viewer.annotations.length) LAPI.DOM.insertNode (self.note.view, self.viewer.annotations [idxOfNote+1].view); } } self.to_insert = null; self.saving = false; if (!self.note.tooltip) self.note.setTooltip (); self.hide_editor (); IA.is_editing = false; self.editor.setText (data); // In case the same note is re-opened: start new undo cycle } , function (request, ex) { if (edit_page.isFake && (typeof (edit_page.dispose) == 'function')) edit_page.dispose (); failureFunc (request, ex); } ); } , function (request, ex) { self.editor.busy (false); self.saving = false; // TODO: How and where to display error if user closed editor through ESC (or through // opening another tooltip) in the meantime? if (!self.visible) return; // Change the tooltip to show the error. self.editor.setText (self.to_insert); // Error message. Use preview field for this. var error_msg = ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorSaveError', false); var lk = getElementsByClassName (error_msg, 'span', 'wpImageAnnotatorOwnPageLink'); if (lk && lk.length > 0 && lk[0].firstChild.nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'a') { lk = lk[0].firstChild; lk.href = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace ('$1', encodeURI (mw.config.get('wgPageName'))) + '?action=edit'; } if (ex) { var ex_msg = LAPI.formatException (ex, true); if (ex_msg) { ex_msg.style.borderBottom = '1px solid red'; var tmp = LAPI.make ('div'); tmp.appendChild (ex_msg); tmp.appendChild (error_msg); error_msg = tmp; } } self.editor.setPreview (error_msg); self.editor.showPreview (); self.editor.textarea.readOnly = true; // Force a light gray background, since IE has no visual readonly indication. self.editor.textarea.style.backgroundColor = '#EEEEEE'; self.editor.enable (LAPI.Edit.CANCEL); // Disable all other buttons } ); }, onpreview : function (editor) { if (this.tooltip) this.tooltip.size_change (); }, cancel : function (editor) { if (!this.note) return; if (!this.note.content) { // No content: Cancel and remove this note! this.note.destroy (); this.note = null; } if (editor) this.hide_editor (); }, close_tooltip : function (tooltip, evt) { this.hide_editor (evt); this.cancel (); } }; var ImageNotesViewer = function () {this.initialize.apply (this, arguments); }; ImageNotesViewer.prototype = { initialize : function (descriptor, may_edit) { Object.merge (descriptor, this); this.annotations = []; this.max_id = 0; this.main_div = null; this.msg = null; this.may_edit = may_edit; this.setup_done = false; this.tip = null; this.icon = null; this.factors = { dx : this.full_img.width / this.thumb.width ,dy : this.full_img.height / this.thumb.height }; if (!this.isThumbnail && !this.isOther) { this.setup (); } else { // Normalize the namespace of the realName to 'File' to account for images possibly stored at // a foreign repository (the Commons). Otherwise a later information load might fail because // the link is local and might actually be given as "Bild:Foo.jpg". If that page doesn't exist // locally, we want to ask at the Commons about "File:Foo.jpg". The Commons doesn't understand // the localized namespace names of other wikis, but the canonical namespace name 'File' works // also locally. this.realName = 'File:' + this.realName.substring (this.realName.indexOf (':') + 1); } }, setup : function (onlyIcon) { this.setup_done = true; var name = this.realName; if (this.isThumbnail || this.scope == document || this.may_edit || !IA.haveAjax) { this.imgName = this.realName; this.realName = ""; } else { var name = getElementsByClassName (this.scope, '*', 'wpImageAnnotatorFullName'); this.realName = ((name && name.length > 0) ? LAPI.DOM.getInnerText (name[0]) : ""); this.imgName = this.realName; } var annotations = getElementsByClassName (this.scope, 'div', IA.annotation_class); if (!this.may_edit && (!annotations || annotations.length == 0)) return; // Nothing to do // A div inserted around the image. It ensures that everything we add is positioned properly // over the image, even if the browser window size changes and re-layouts occur. var isEnabledImage = LAPI.DOM.hasClass (this.scope, 'wpImageAnnotatorEnable'); if (!this.isThumbnail && !this.isOther && !isEnabledImage) { this.img_div = LAPI.make ('div', null, {position: 'relative', width: "" + this.thumb.width + 'px'}); var floater = LAPI.make ( 'div', null , { cssFloat  : (IA.is_rtl ? 'right' : 'left') ,styleFloat: (IA.is_rtl ? 'right' : 'left') // For IE... ,width  : "" + this.thumb.width + 'px' ,position  : 'relative' // Fixes IE layout bugs... } ); floater.appendChild (this.img_div); this.img.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore (floater, this.img.parentNode); this.img_div.appendChild (this.img.parentNode); // And now a clear:left to make the rest appear below the image, as usual. var breaker = LAPI.make ('div', null, {clear: (IA.is_rtl ? 'right' : 'left')}); LAPI.DOM.insertAfter (breaker, floater); // Remove spurious br tag. if (breaker.nextSibling && breaker.nextSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'br') LAPI.DOM.removeNode (breaker.nextSibling); } else if (this.isOther || isEnabledImage) { this.img_div = LAPI.make ('div', null, {position: 'relative', width: "" + this.thumb.width + 'px'}); this.img.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore (this.img_div, this.img.parentNode); this.img_div.appendChild (this.img.parentNode); // Insert one more to have a file_div, so that we can align the message text correctly this.file_div = LAPI.make ('div', null, {width: "" + this.thumb.width + 'px'}); this.img_div.parentNode.insertBefore (this.file_div, this.img_div); this.file_div.appendChild (this.img_div); } else { // Thumbnail this.img_div = LAPI.make ( 'div' , {className: 'thumbimage'} , {position: 'relative', width: "" + this.thumb.width + 'px'} ); this.img.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore (this.img_div, this.img.parentNode); this.img.style.border = 'none'; this.img_div.appendChild (this.img.parentNode); } if ( (this.isThumbnail || this.isOther) && !this.may_edit && ( onlyIcon || this.iconOnly || ImageAnnotator_config.inlineImageUsesIndicator (name, this.isLocal, this.thumb, this.full_img, annotations.length, this.isThumbnail) ) ) { // Use an onclick handler instead of a link around the image. The link may have a default white // background, but we want to be sure to have transparency. The image should be an 8-bit indexed // PNG or a GIF and have a transparent background. this.icon = ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorIndicatorIcon', false); if (this.icon) this.icon = this.icon.firstChild; // Skip the message container span or div // Guard against misconfigurations if ( this.icon && this.icon.nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'a' && this.icon.firstChild.nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'img' ) { this.icon.firstChild.title = this.icon.title; this.icon = this.icon.firstChild; } else if (!this.icon || this.icon.nodeName.toLowerCase () != 'img') { this.icon = LAPI.DOM.makeImage ( IA.indication_icon , 14, 14 , ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorHasNotesMsg', true) || "" ); } Object.merge ( {position: 'absolute', zIndex: 1000, top: '0px', cursor: 'pointer'} , this.icon.style ); this.icon.onclick = (function () {window.location = this.img.parentNode.href;}).bind (this) if (IA.is_rtl) this.icon.style.right = '0px'; else this.icon.style.left = '0px'; this.img_div.appendChild (this.icon); // And done. We just show the icon, no fancy event handling needed. return; } // Set colors var colors = IA.getRawItem ('colors', this.scope); this.outer_border = colors && IA.getItem ('outer', colors) || IA.outer_border; this.inner_border = colors && IA.getItem ('inner', colors) || IA.inner_border; this.active_border = colors && IA.getItem ('active', colors) || IA.active_border; if (annotations) { for (var i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { var id = annotations[i].id; if (id && /^image_annotation_note_(\d+)$/.test (id)) { id = parseInt (id.substring ('image_annotation_note_'.length)); } else id = null; if (id) { if (id > this.max_id) this.max_id = id; var w = IA.getIntItem ('full_width_' + id, this.scope); var h = IA.getIntItem ('full_height_' + id, this.scope); if ( w == this.full_img.width && h == this.full_img.height && !Array.exists (this.annotations, function (note) {return note.model.id == id;}) ) { try { this.register (new ImageAnnotation (annotations[i], this, id)); } catch (ex) { // Swallow. } } } } } if (this.annotations.length > 1) this.annotations.sort (ImageAnnotation.compare); // Add the rectangles of existing notes to the DOM now that they are sorted. Array.forEach (this.annotations, (function (note) {this.img_div.appendChild (note.view);}).bind (this)); if (this.isThumbnail) { this.main_div = getElementsByClassName (this.file_div, 'div', 'thumbcaption'); if (!this.main_div || this.main_div.length == 0) this.main_div = null; else this.main_div = this.main_div[0]; } if (!this.main_div) { this.main_div = LAPI.make ('div'); if (IA.is_rtl) { this.main_div.style.direction = 'rtl'; this.main_div.style.textAlign = 'right'; this.main_div.className = 'rtl'; } else { this.main_div.style.textAlign = 'left'; } if (!this.isThumbnail && !this.isOther && !isEnabledImage) { LAPI.DOM.insertAfter (this.main_div, this.file_div); } else { LAPI.DOM.insertAfter (this.main_div, this.img_div); } } if (  !(this.isThumbnail || this.isOther) || !this.noCaption && !IA.hideCaptions && ImageAnnotator_config.displayCaptionInArticles (name, this.isLocal, this.thumb, this.full_img, annotations.length, this.isThumbnail) ) { this.msg = LAPI.make ('div', null, {display: 'none'}); if (IA.is_rtl) { this.msg.style.direction = 'rtl'; this.msg.className = 'rtl'; } if (this.isThumbnail) this.msg.style.fontSize = '90%'; this.main_div.appendChild (this.msg); } // Set overflow parents, if any var simple = !!window.getComputedStyle; var checks = (simple ? ['overflow', 'overflow-x', 'overflow-y']  : ['overflow', 'overflowX', 'overflowY'] ); var curStyle = null; for (var up = this.img.parentNode.parentNode; up != document.body; up = up.parentNode) { curStyle = (simple ? window.getComputedStyle (up, null) : (up.currentStyle || up.style)); // "up.style" is actually incorrect, but a best-effort fallback. var overflow = Array.any ( checks , function (t) {var o = curStyle[t]; return (o && o != 'visible') ? o : null;} ); if (overflow) { if (!this.overflowParents) this.overflowParents = [up]; else this.overflowParents[this.overflowParents.length] = up; } } if (this.overflowParents && this.may_edit) { // Forbid editing if we have such a crazy layout. this.may_edit = false; IA.may_edit = false; } this.show_evt = LAPI.Evt.makeListener (this, this.show); if (this.overflowParents || LAPI.Browser.is_ie) { // If we have overflowParents, also use a mousemove listener to show/hide the whole // view (FF doesn't send mouseout events if the visible border is still within the image, i.e., // if not the whole image is visible). On IE, also use this handler to show/hide the notes // if we're still within the visible area of the image. IE passes through mouse_over events to // the img even if the mouse is within a note's rectangle. Apparently is doesn't handle // transparent divs correctly. As a result, the notes will pop up and disappear only when the // mouse crosses the border, and if one moves the mouse a little fast across the border, we // don't get any event at all. That's no good. this.move_evt = LAPI.Evt.makeListener (this, this.check_hide); } else this.hide_evt = LAPI.Evt.makeListener (this, this.hide); this.move_listening = false; this.setShowHideEvents (true); this.visible = false; this.setDefaultMsg (); }, cannotEdit : function () { if (!this.may_edit) return; this.may_edit = false; Array.forEach (this.annotations, function (note) { note.cannotEdit (); }); }, setShowHideEvents : function (set) { if (this.icon) return; if (set) { LAPI.Evt.attach (this.img, IA.mouse_in, this.show_evt); if (this.hide_evt) LAPI.Evt.attach (this.img, IA.mouse_out, this.hide_evt); } else { LAPI.Evt.remove(this.img, IA.mouse_in, this.show_evt); if (this.hide_evt) { LAPI.Evt.remove (this.img, IA.mouse_out, this.hide_evt); } else if (this.move_listening) this.removeMoveListener (); } }, removeMoveListener : function () { if (this.icon) return; this.move_listening = false; if (this.move_evt) { if (!LAPI.Browser.is_ie && typeof (document.captureEvents) == 'function') document.captureEvents (null); LAPI.Evt.remove (document, 'mousemove', this.move_evt, true); } }, adjustRectangleSize : function (node) { if (this.icon) return; // Make sure the note boxes don't overlap the image boundary; we might get an event // loop otherwise if the mouse was just on that overlapped boundary, resulting in flickering. var view_x = node.offsetLeft; var view_y = node.offsetTop; var view_w = node.offsetWidth; var view_h = node.offsetHeight; if (view_x == 0) view_x = 1; if (view_y == 0) view_y = 1; if (view_x + view_w >= this.thumb.width) { view_w = this.thumb.width - view_x - 1; if (view_w <= 4) { view_w = 4; view_x = this.thumb.width - view_w - 1;} } if (view_y + view_h >= this.thumb.height) { view_h = this.thumb.height - view_y - 1; if (view_h <= 4) { view_h = 4; view_y = this.thumb.height - view_h - 1;} } // Now set position and width and height, subtracting cumulated border widths if ( view_x != node.offsetLeft || view_y != node.offsetTop || view_w != node.offsetWidth || view_h != node.offsetHeight) { node.style.top = "" + view_y + 'px'; node.style.left = "" + view_x + 'px'; node.style.width = "" + (view_w - 2) + 'px'; node.style.height = "" + (view_h - 2) + 'px'; node.firstChild.style.width = "" + (view_w - 4) + 'px'; node.firstChild.style.height = "" + (view_h - 4) + 'px'; } }, toggle : function (dummies) { if (!this.annotations || this.annotations.length == 0 || this.icon) return; if (dummies) { for (var i = 0; i < this.annotations.length; i++) { this.annotations[i].view.style.display = 'none'; if (this.visible && this.annotations[i].tooltip) this.annotations[i].tooltip.hide_now (null); this.annotations[i].dummy.style.display = (this.visible ? 'none' : ""); if (!this.visible) this.adjustRectangleSize (this.annotations[i].dummy); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < this.annotations.length; i++) { this.annotations[i].dummy.style.display = 'none'; this.annotations[i].view.style.display = (this.visible ? 'none' : ""); if (!this.visible) this.adjustRectangleSize (this.annotations[i].view); if (this.visible && this.annotations[i].tooltip) this.annotations[i].tooltip.hide_now (null); } } this.visible = !this.visible; }, show : function (evt) { if (this.visible || this.icon) return; this.toggle (IA.is_adding || IA.is_editing); if (this.move_evt && !this.move_listening) { LAPI.Evt.attach (document, 'mousemove', this.move_evt, true); this.move_listening = true; if (!LAPI.Browser.is_ie && typeof (document.captureEvents) == 'function') document.captureEvents (Event.MOUSEMOVE); } }, hide : function (evt) { if (this.icon) return true; if (!this.visible) { // Huh? if (this.move_listening) this.removeMoveListener (); return true; } if (evt) { var mouse_pos = LAPI.Pos.mousePosition (evt); if (mouse_pos) { if (this.tip) { // Check whether we're within the visible note. if (LAPI.Pos.isWithin (this.tip.popup, mouse_pos.x, mouse_pos.y)) return true; } var is_within = true; var img_pos = LAPI.Pos.position (this.img); var rect = { x: img_pos.x, y: img_pos.y ,r: (img_pos.x + this.img.offsetWidth), b: (img_pos.y + this.img.offsetHeight) }; if (this.overflowParents) { // We're within some elements having overflow:hidden or overflow:auto or overflow:scroll set. // Compute the actually visible region by intersecting the rectangle given by img_pos and // this.img.offsetWidth, this.img.offsetTop with the rectangles of all overflow parents. function intersect_rectangles (a, b) { if (b.x > a.r || b.r < a.x || b.y > a.b || b.b < a.y) return {x:0, y:0, r:0, b:0}; return { x: Math.max (a.x, b.x), y: Math.max (a.y, b.y) ,r: Math.min (a.r, b.r), b: Math.min (a.b, b.b) }; } for (var i = 0; i < this.overflowParents.length && rect.x < rect.r && rect.y < rect.b; i++) { img_pos = LAPI.Pos.position (this.overflowParents[i]); img_pos.r = img_pos.x + this.overflowParents[i].clientWidth; img_pos.b = img_pos.y + this.overflowParents[i].clientHeight; rect = intersect_rectangles (rect, img_pos); } } is_within = !( rect.x >= rect.r || rect.y >= rect.b // Empty rectangle || rect.x >= mouse_pos.x || rect.r <= mouse_pos.x || rect.y >= mouse_pos.y || rect.b <= mouse_pos.y ); if (is_within) { if (LAPI.Browser.is_ie && evt.type == 'mousemove') { var display; // Loop in reverse order to properly display top rectangle's note! for (var i = this.annotations.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { display = this.annotations[i].view.style.display; if ( display != 'none' && display != null && LAPI.Pos.isWithin (this.annotations[i].view.firstChild, mouse_pos.x, mouse_pos.y) ) { if (!this.annotations[i].tooltip.visible) this.annotations[i].tooltip.show (evt); return true; } } if (this.tip) this.tip.hide_now (); // Inside the image, but not within any note rectangle } return true; } } } // Not within the image, or forced hiding (no event) if (this.move_listening) this.removeMoveListener (); this.toggle (IA.is_adding || IA.is_editing); return true; }, check_hide : function (evt) { if (this.icon) return true; if (this.visible) this.hide (evt); return true; }, register : function (new_note) { this.annotations[this.annotations.length] = new_note; if (new_note.model.id > 0) { if (new_note.model.id > this.max_id) this.max_id = new_note.model.id; } else { new_note.model.id = ++this.max_id; } }, deregister : function (note) { Array.remove (this.annotations, note); if (note.model.id == this.max_id) this.max_id--; if (this.annotations.length == 0) this.setDefaultMsg (); //If we removed the last one, clear the msg }, setDefaultMsg : function () { if (this.annotations && this.annotations.length > 0 && this.msg) { LAPI.DOM.removeChildren (this.msg); this.msg.appendChild (ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorHasNotesMsg', false)); if (this.realName && typeof (this.realName) == 'string' && this.realName.length > 0) { var otherPageMsg = ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorEditNotesMsg', false); if (otherPageMsg) { var lk = otherPageMsg.getElementsByTagName ('a'); if (lk && lk.length > 0) { lk = lk[0]; lk.parentNode.replaceChild ( LAPI.DOM.makeLink ( mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace ('$1', encodeURI (this.realName)) , this.realName , this.realName ) , lk ); this.msg.appendChild (otherPageMsg); } } } this.msg.style.display = ""; } else { if (this.msg) this.msg.style.display = 'none'; } if (IA.button_div && this.may_edit) IA.button_div.style.display = ""; } }; var IA = { // This object is responsible for setting up annotations when a page is loaded. It loads all // annotations in the page source, and adds an "Annotate this image" button plus the support // for drawing rectangles onto the image if there is only one image and editing is allowed. haveAjax  : false, button_div  : null, add_button  : null, cover  : null, border  : null, definer  : null, mouse_in  : (!!window.ActiveXObject ? 'mouseenter' : 'mouseover'), mouse_out  : (!!window.ActiveXObject ? 'mouseleave' : 'mouseout'), annotation_class : 'image_annotation', // Format of notes in Wikitext. Note: there are two formats, an old one and a new one. // We only write the newest (last) one, but we can read also the older formats. Order is // important, because the old format also used the ImageNote template, but for a different // purpose. note_delim  : [ { start  : '<div id="image_annotation_note_$1"' ,end  : '</div><!-- End of annotation $1-->' ,content_start : '<div id="image_annotation_content_$1">\n' ,content_end  : '</div>\n<span id="image_annotation_wikitext_$1"' } ,{ start  : '{{ImageNote|id=$1' ,end  : '{{ImageNoteEnd|id=$1}}' ,content_start : '}}\n' ,content_end  : '{{ImageNoteEnd|id=$1}}' } ], tooltip_styles : // The style for all our tooltips { border  : '1px solid #8888aa' , backgroundColor : '#ffffe0' , padding  : '0.3em' , fontSize  : ((skin && (skin == 'monobook' || skin == 'modern')) ? '127%' : '100%') // Scale up to default text size }, editor  : null, wiki_read  : false, is_rtl  : false, move_listening : false, is_tracking  : false, is_adding  : false, is_editing  : false, zoom_threshold : 8.0, zoom_factor  : 4.0, install_attempts  : 0, max_install_attempts : 10, // Maximum 5 seconds imgs_with_notes : [], thumbs  : [], other_images  : [], // Fallback indication_icon : '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8a/Gtk-dialog-info-14px.png', install : function (config) { if (typeof (ImageAnnotator_disable) != 'undefined' && !!ImageAnnotator_disable) return; if (!config || ImageAnnotator_config != null) return; // Double check. if (!( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') >= 0 && config.viewingEnabled () && mw.config.get('wgAction') && (mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'view' || mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'purge') && document.URL.search (/[?&]diff=/) < 0 ) ) { return; } var self = IA; ImageAnnotator_config = config; // Determine whether we have XmlHttp. We try to determine this here to be able to avoid // doing too much work. if ( window.XMLHttpRequest && typeof (LAPI) != 'undefined' && typeof (LAPI.Ajax) != 'undefined' && typeof (LAPI.Ajax.getRequest) != 'undefined' ) { self.haveAjax = (LAPI.Ajax.getRequest () != null); self.ajaxQueried = true; } else { self.haveAjax = true; // A pity. May occur on IE. We'll check again later on. self.ajaxQueried = false; } // We'll include self.haveAjax later on once more, to catch the !ajaxQueried case. self.may_edit = self.haveAjax && config.editingEnabled (); function namespaceCheck (list) { if (!list || Object.prototype.toString.call (list) !== '[object Array]') return false; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds') && typeof (list[i]) == 'string' && (list[i] == '*' || mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds')[list[i].toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '_')] == mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') ) ) return true; } return false; } self.rules = {inline: {}, thumbs: {}, shared : {}}; // Now set the default rules. Undefined means default setting (true for show, false for icon), // but overrideable by per-image rules. If set, it's not overrideable by per-image rules. // if ( !self.haveAjax || !config.generalImagesEnabled () || namespaceCheck (window.ImageAnnotator_no_images || null) ) { self.rules.inline.show = false; self.rules.thumbs.show = false; self.rules.shared.show = false; } else { if ( !self.haveAjax || !config.thumbsEnabled () || namespaceCheck (window.ImageAnnotator_no_thumbs || null) ) { self.rules.thumbs.show = false; } if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 6) self.rules.shared.show = true; else if ( !config.sharedImagesEnabled () || namespaceCheck (window.ImageAnnotator_no_shared || null) ) { self.rules.shared.show = false; } if (namespaceCheck (window.ImageAnnotator_icon_images || null)) self.rules.inline.icon = true; if (namespaceCheck (window.ImageAnnotator_icon_thumbs || null)) self.rules.thumbs.icon = true; } // User rule for displaying captions on images in articles self.hideCaptions = namespaceCheck (window.ImageAnnotator_hide_captions || null); var do_images = typeof (self.rules.inline.show) == 'undefined' || self.rules.inline.show; if (do_images) { // Per-article switching off of note display on inline images and thumbnails var rules = document.getElementById ('wpImageAnnotatorImageRules'); if (rules) { if (rules.className.indexOf ('wpImageAnnotatorNone') >= 0) { self.rules.inline.show = false; self.rules.thumbs.show = false; self.rules.shared.show = false; } if ( typeof (self.rules.inline.show) == 'undefined' && rules.className.indexOf ('wpImageAnnotatorDisplay') >= 0 ) { self.rules.inline.show = true; } if (rules.className.indexOf ('wpImageAnnotatorNoThumbDisplay') >= 0) { self.rules.thumbs.show = false; } if ( typeof (self.rules.thumbs.show) == 'undefined' && rules.className.indexOf ('wpImageAnnotatorThumbDisplay') >= 0 ) { self.rules.thumbs.show = true; } if (rules.className.indexOf ('wpImageAnnotatorInlineDisplayIcons') >= 0) { self.rules.inline.icon = true; } if (rules.className.indexOf ('wpImageAnnotatorThumbDisplayIcons') >= 0) { self.rules.thumbs.icon = true; } if (rules.className.indexOf ('wpImageAnnotatorOnlyLocal') >= 0) { self.rules.shared.show = false; } } } // Make sure the shared value is set self.rules.shared.show = typeof (self.rules.shared.show) == 'undefined' || self.rules.shared.show; do_images = typeof (self.rules.inline.show) == 'undefined' || self.rules.inline.show; var do_thumbs = typeof (self.rules.thumbs.show) == 'undefined' || self.rules.thumbs.show; if (do_images) { var bodyContent = document.getElementById ('bodyContent') // monobook, vector || document.getElementById ('mw_contentholder') // modern || document.getElementById ('article') // old skins  ; if (bodyContent) { var all_imgs = bodyContent.getElementsByTagName ('img'); for (var i = 0; i < all_imgs.length; i++) { // Exclude all that are in img_with_notes or in thumbs. Also exclude all in galleries. var up = all_imgs[i].parentNode; if (up.nodeName.toLowerCase () != 'a') continue; up = up.parentNode; if ((' ' + up.className + ' ').indexOf (' wpImageAnnotatorOff ') >= 0) continue; if ((' ' + up.className + ' ').indexOf (' thumbinner ') >= 0) { if (do_thumbs) self.thumbs[self.thumbs.length] = up; continue; } up = up.parentNode; if (!up) continue; if ((' ' + up.className + ' ').indexOf (' wpImageAnnotatorOff ') >= 0) continue; if ((' ' + up.className + ' ').indexOf (' wpImageAnnotatorEnable ') >= 0) { self.imgs_with_notes[self.imgs_with_notes.length] = up; continue; } up = up.parentNode; if (!up) continue; // Other images not in galleries if ((' ' + up.className + ' ').indexOf (' wpImageAnnotatorOff ') >= 0) continue; if ((' ' + up.className + ' ').indexOf (' gallerybox ') >= 0) continue; if ((' ' + up.className + ' ').indexOf (' wpImageAnnotatorEnable ') >= 0) { self.imgs_with_notes[self.imgs_with_notes.length] = up; continue; } up = up.parentNode; if (!up) continue; if ((' ' + up.className + ' ').indexOf (' wpImageAnnotatorOff ') >= 0) continue; if ((' ' + up.className + ' ').indexOf (' gallerybox ') >= 0) continue; if ((' ' + up.className + ' ').indexOf (' wpImageAnnotatorEnable ') >= 0) { self.imgs_with_notes[self.imgs_with_notes.length] = up; } else { // Guard against other scripts adding aribtrary numbers of divs (dshuf for instance!) var is_other = true; while (up && up.nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'div' && is_other) { up = up.parentNode; if (up) is_other = (' ' + up.className + ' ').indexOf (' gallerybox ') < 0; } if (is_other) self.other_images[self.other_images.length] = all_imgs[i]; } } // end loop } } else { self.imgs_with_notes = getElementsByClassName (document, '*', 'wpImageAnnotatorEnable'); if (do_thumbs) self.thumbs = getElementsByClassName (document, 'div', 'thumbinner'); // No galleries! } if ( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 6 || (self.imgs_with_notes.length > 0) || (self.thumbs.length > 0) || (self.other_images.length > 0) ) { // Publish parts of config. ImageAnnotator.UI = config.UI; self.outer_border = config.outer_border; self.inner_border = config.inner_border; self.active_border = config.active_border; self.new_border = config.new_border; self.wait_for_required_libraries (); } }, wait_for_required_libraries : function () { if (typeof (Tooltip) == 'undefined' || typeof (LAPI) == 'undefined') { if (IA.install_attempts++ < IA.max_install_attempts) { window.setTimeout (IA.wait_for_required_libraries, 500); // 0.5 sec. } return; } if (LAPI.Browser.is_opera && !LAPI.Browser.is_opera_ge_9) return; // Opera 8 has severe problems // Get the UI. We're likely to need it if we made it to here. IA.setup_ui (); IA.setup(); }, setup: function () { var self = IA; self.imgs = []; // Catch both native RTL and "faked" RTL through [[MediaWiki:Rtl.js]] self.is_rtl = LAPI.DOM.hasClass (document.body, 'rtl') || ( LAPI.DOM.currentStyle // Paranoia: added recently, not everyone might have it && LAPI.DOM.currentStyle (document.body, 'direction') == 'rtl' )  ; var stylepath = window.stylepath || '/skin'; function img_check (img, is_other) { var w = img.clientWidth; // Don't use offsetWidth, thumbnails may have a boundary... var h = img.clientHeight; // Don't do anything on extremely small previews. We need some minimum extent to be able to place // rectangles after all... if (w < 20 || h < 20) return null; // For non-thumbnail images, the size limit is larger. if (is_other && (w < 60 || h < 60)) return null; // Quit if the image wasn't loaded properly for some reason: if ( w != parseInt (img.getAttribute ('width'), 10) || h != parseInt (img.getAttribute ('height'), 10)) return null; // Exclude system images if (img.src.contains (stylepath)) return null; // Only if within a link if (img.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase () != 'a') return null; if (is_other) { // Only if the img-within-link construction is within some element that may contain a div! if (/^(p|span)$/i.test(img.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName)) { // Special case: a paragraph may contain only inline elements, but we want to be able to handle // files in single paragraphs. Maybe we need to properly split the paragraph and wrap the image // in a div, but for now we assume that all browsers can handle a div within a paragraph or // a span in a meaningful way, even if that is not really allowed. } else if (!/^(object|applet|map|fieldset|noscript|iframe|body|div|li|dd|blockquote|center|ins|del|button|th|td|form)$/i.test (img.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName)) return null; } // Exclude any that are within an image note! var up = img.parentNode.parentNode; while (up != document.body) { if (LAPI.DOM.hasClass (up, IA.annotation_class)) return null; up = up.parentNode; } return img; } function setup_one (scope) { var file_div = scope; var is_thumb = scope != document && scope.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'div' && LAPI.DOM.hasClass (scope, 'thumbinner')  ; var is_other = scope.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'img'; if (is_other && self.imgs.length > 0 && scope == self.imgs[0]) return null; if (scope == document) { file_div = LAPI.$ ('file'); } else if (!is_thumb && !is_other) { file_div = getElementsByClassName (scope, 'div', 'wpImageAnnotatorFile'); if (!file_div || file_div.length != 1) return null; file_div = file_div[0]; } if (!file_div) return null; var img = null; if (scope == document) { img = LAPI.WP.getPreviewImage (mw.config.get('wgTitle')); } else if (is_other) { img = scope; } else { img = file_div.getElementsByTagName ('img'); if (!img || img.length == 0) return null; img = img[0]; } if (!img) return null; img = img_check (img, is_other); if (!img) return null; // Conditionally exclude shared images. if ( scope != document && !self.rules.shared.show && ImageAnnotator_config.imageIsFromSharedRepository (img.src) ) return null; var name = null; if (scope == document) { name = mw.config.get('wgPageName'); } else { name = LAPI.WP.pageFromLink (img.parentNode); if (!name) return null; name = name.replace (/ /g, '_'); if (is_thumb || is_other) { var img_src = img.getAttribute ('src', 2); img_src = decodeURIComponent (img_src.substring (img_src.lastIndexOf ('/') + 1)) .replace (/ /g, '_') .replace (/(\.svg)\.png$/i, '$1')  ; var colon = name.indexOf (':'); if (colon <= 0) return null; var img_name = name.substring (colon + 1); if ( img_name != img_src && !(img_src.endsWith (img_name) && /^\d+px-$/.test (img_src.substring (0, img_src.length - img_name.length)) ) ) return null; // If the link is not going to file namespace, we won't find the full size later on and // thus we won't do anything with it. } } if (name.search (/\.(jpe?g|png|gif|svg)$/i) < 0) return null; // Only PNG, JPE?G, GIF, SVG // Finally check for wpImageAnnotatorControl var icon_only = false; var no_caption = false; if (is_thumb || is_other) { var up = img.parentNode.parentNode; // Three levels is sufficient: thumbinner-thumb-control, or floatnone-center-control, or direct for (var i = 0; ++i <= 3 && up; up = up.parentNode) { if (LAPI.DOM.hasClass (up, 'wpImageAnnotatorControl')) { if (LAPI.DOM.hasClass (up, 'wpImageAnnotatorOff')) return null; if (LAPI.DOM.hasClass (up, 'wpImageAnnotatorIconOnly')) icon_only = true; if (LAPI.DOM.hasClass (up, 'wpImageAnnotatorCaptionOff')) no_caption = true; break; } } } return { scope  : scope ,file_div  : file_div ,img  : img ,realName  : name ,isThumbnail: is_thumb ,isOther  : is_other ,thumb  : {width: img.clientWidth, height: img.clientHeight} ,iconOnly  : icon_only ,noCaption  : no_caption }; } function setup_images (list) { Array.forEach (list, function (elem) { var desc = setup_one (elem); if (desc) self.imgs[self.imgs.length] = desc; } ); } if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 6) { setup_images ([document]); self.may_edit = self.may_edit && (self.imgs.length == 1); setup_images (self.imgs_with_notes); } else { setup_images (self.imgs_with_notes); self.may_edit = self.may_edit && (self.imgs.length == 1); } self.may_edit = self.may_edit && document.URL.search (/[?&]oldid=/) < 0; if (self.haveAjax) { setup_images (self.thumbs); setup_images (self.other_images); } if (self.imgs.length == 0) return; // We get the UI texts in parallel, but wait for them at the beginning of complete_setup, where we // need them. This has in particular a benefit if we do have to query for the file sizes below. if (self.imgs.length == 1 && self.imgs[0].scope == document && !self.haveAjax) { // Try to get the full size without Ajax. self.imgs[0].full_img = LAPI.WP.fullImageSizeFromPage (); if (self.imgs[0].full_img.width > 0 && self.imgs[0].full_img.height > 0) { self.setup_step_two (); return; } } // Get the full sizes of all the images. If more than 50, make several calls. (The API has limits.) // Also avoid using Ajax on IE6... var cache = {}; var names = []; Array.forEach ( self.imgs , function (img, idx) { if (cache[img.realName]) { cache[img.realName][cache[img.realName].length] = idx; } else { cache[img.realName] = [idx]; names[names.length] = img.realName; } } ); var to_do = names.length; var done = 0; function check_done (length) { done += length; if (done >= names.length) { if (typeof (ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks) != 'undefined') ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks = null; self.setup_step_two (); } } function make_calls (execute_call, url_limit) { function build_titles (from, length, url_limit) { var done = 0; var text = ""; for (var i = from; i < from + length; i++) { var new_text = names[i]; if (url_limit) { new_text = encodeURIComponent (new_text); if (text.length > 0 && (text.length + new_text.length + 1 > url_limit)) break; } text += (text.length > 0 ? '|' : "") + new_text; done++; } return {text: text, n: done}; } var start = 0, chunk = 0, params; while (to_do > 0) { params = build_titles (start, Math.min (50, to_do), url_limit); execute_call (params.n, params.text); to_do -= params.n; start += params.n; } } function set_info (json) { try { if (json && json.query && json.query.pages) { function get_size (info) { if (!info.imageinfo || info.imageinfo.length == 0) return; var title = info.title.replace (/ /g, '_'); var indices = cache[title]; if (!indices) return; Array.forEach ( indices , function (i) { self.imgs[i].full_img = { width : info.imageinfo[0].width ,height: info.imageinfo[0].height}; self.imgs[i].has_page = (typeof (info.missing) == 'undefined'); self.imgs[i].isLocal = !info.imagerepository || info.imagerepository == 'local'; if (i != 0 || !self.may_edit || !info.protection) return; // Care about the protection settings var protection = Array.any (info.protection, function (e) { return (e.type == 'edit' ? e : null); }); self.may_edit = !protection || (mw.config.get('wgUserGroups') && mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').join (' ').contains (protection.level))  ; } ); } for (var page in json.query.pages) { get_size (json.query.pages[page]); } } // end if } catch (ex) { } } if ((!window.XMLHttpRequest && !!window.ActiveXObject) || !self.haveAjax) { // IE has a stupid security setting asking whether ActiveX should be allowed. We avoid that // prompt by using getScript instead of parseWikitext in this case. ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks = []; var template = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?action=query&format=json' + '&prop=info|imageinfo&inprop=protection&iiprop=size' + '&titles=&callback=ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks[].callback'; make_calls ( function (length, titles) { var idx = ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks.length; ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks[idx] = { callback : function (json) { set_info (json); ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks[idx].done = true; if (ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks[idx].script) { LAPI.DOM.removeNode (ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks[idx].script); ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks[idx].script = null; } check_done (length); } ,done  : false }; ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks[idx].script = IA.getScript ( template.replace ('info_callbacks[].callback', 'info_callbacks[' + idx + '].callback') .replace ('&titles=&', '&titles=' + titles + '&') , true // No local caching! ); // We do bypass the local JavaScript cache of importScriptURI, but on IE, we still may // get the script from the browser's cache, and if that happens, IE may execute the // script (and call the callback) synchronously before the assignment is done. Clean // up in that case. if ( ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks && ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks[idx] && ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks[idx].done && ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks[idx].script) { LAPI.DOM.removeNode (ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks[idx].script); ImageAnnotator.info_callbacks[idx].script = null; } } , (LAPI.Browser.is_ie ? 1950 : 4000) - template.length // Some slack for caching parameters ); } else { make_calls ( function (length, titles) { LAPI.Ajax.apiGet ( 'query' , { titles : titles ,prop  : 'info|imageinfo' ,inprop : 'protection' ,iiprop : 'size' } , function (request, json_result) { set_info (json_result); check_done (length); } , function () {check_done (length);} ); } ); } // end if can use Ajax }, setup_ui : function () { // Complete the UI object we've gotten from config. ImageAnnotator.UI.ready = false; ImageAnnotator.UI.repo = null; ImageAnnotator.UI.needs_plea = false; var readyEvent = []; ImageAnnotator.UI.fireReadyEvent = function () { if (ImageAnnotator.UI.ready) return; // Already fired, nothing to do. ImageAnnotator.UI.ready = true; // Call all registered handlers, and clear the array. Array.forEach ( readyEvent , function (f, idx) { try {f ();} catch (ex) {} readyEvent[idx] = null; } ); readyEvent = null; } ImageAnnotator.UI.addReadyEventHandler = function (f) { if (ImageAnnotator.UI.ready) { f (); // Already fired: call directly } else { readyEvent[readyEvent.length] = f; } } ImageAnnotator.UI.setup = function () { if (ImageAnnotator.UI.repo) return; var self = ImageAnnotator.UI; var node = LAPI.make ('div', null, {display: 'none'}); document.body.appendChild (node); if (typeof (UIElements) == 'undefined') { self.basic = true; self.repo = {}; for (var item in self.defaults) { node.innerHTML = self.defaults[item]; self.repo[item] = node.firstChild; LAPI.DOM.removeChildren (node); } } else { self.basic = false; self.repo = UIElements.emptyRepository (self.defaultLanguage); for (var item in self.defaults) { node.innerHTML = self.defaults[item]; UIElements.setEntry (item, self.repo, node.firstChild); LAPI.DOM.removeChildren (node); } UIElements.load ('wpImageAnnotatorTexts', null, null, self.repo); } LAPI.DOM.removeNode (node); }; ImageAnnotator.UI.get = function (id, basic, no_plea) { var self = ImageAnnotator.UI; if (!self.repo) self.setup (); var result = null; var add_plea = false; if (self.basic) { result = self.repo[id]; } else { result = UIElements.getEntry (id, self.repo, mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage'), null); add_plea = !result; if (!result) result = UIElements.getEntry (id, self.repo); } self.needs_plea = add_plea; if (!result) return null; // Hmmm... what happened here? We normally have defaults... if (basic) return LAPI.DOM.getInnerText (result).trim (); result = result.cloneNode (true); if (mw.config.get('wgServer').contains ('/commons') && add_plea && !no_plea) { // Add a translation plea. if (result.nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'div') { result.appendChild (self.get_plea ()); } else { var span = LAPI.make ('span'); span.appendChild (result); span.appendChild (self.get_plea ()); result = span; } } return result; }; ImageAnnotator.UI.get_plea = function () { var self = ImageAnnotator.UI; var translate = self.get ('wpTranslate', false, true) || 'translate'; var span = LAPI.make ('small'); span.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('\xa0(')); span.appendChild ( LAPI.DOM.makeLink ( mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?title=MediaWiki_talk:ImageAnnotatorTexts' + '&action=edit&section=new&withJS=MediaWiki:ImageAnnotatorTranslator.js' + '&language=' + mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage') , translate , (typeof (translate) == 'string' ? translate : LAPI.DOM.getInnerText (translate).trim ()) ) ); span.appendChild (document.createTextNode (')')); return span; }; ImageAnnotator.UI.init = function (html_text_or_json) { var text; if (typeof (html_text_or_json) == 'string') text = html_text_or_json; else if ( typeof (html_text_or_json) != 'undefined' && typeof (html_text_or_json.parse) != 'undefined' && typeof (html_text_or_json.parse.text) != 'undefined' && typeof (html_text_or_json.parse.text['*']) != 'undefined' ) text = html_text_or_json.parse.text['*']; else text = null; if (!text) { ImageAnnotator.UI.fireReadyEvent (); return; } var node = LAPI.make ('div', null, {display: 'none'}); document.body.appendChild (node); try { node.innerHTML = text; } catch (ex) { LAPI.DOM.removeNode (node); node = null; // Swallow. We'll just work with the default UI } if (node && !ImageAnnotator.UI.repo) ImageAnnotator.UI.setup (); ImageAnnotator.UI.fireReadyEvent (); }; var ui_page = '{{MediaWiki:ImageAnnotatorTexts' + (mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage') != mw.config.get('wgContentLanguage') ? '|lang=' + mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage') : "") + '|live=1}}'; function get_ui_no_ajax () { var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?action=parse&pst&text=' + encodeURIComponent (ui_page) + '&title=API&prop=text&format=json' + '&callback=ImageAnnotator.UI.init&maxage=14400&smaxage=14400'  ; // Result cached for 4 hours. How to properly handle an error? It appears there's no way to catch // that on IE. (On FF, we could use an onerror handler on the script tag, but on FF, we use Ajax // anyway.) IA.getScript (url, true); // No local caching! } function get_ui () { IA.haveAjax = (LAPI.Ajax.getRequest () != null); IA.ajaxQueried = true; // Works only with Ajax (but then, most of this script doesn't work without). // Check what this does to load times... If lots of people used this, it might be better to // have the UI texts included in some footer as we did on Special:Upload. True, everybody // would get the texts, even people not using this, but the texts are small anyway... if (!IA.haveAjax) { get_ui_no_ajax (); // Fallback. return; } LAPI.Ajax.parseWikitext ( ui_page , ImageAnnotator.UI.init , ImageAnnotator.UI.fireReadyEvent , false , null , "API" // A fixed string to enable caching at all. , 14400 // 4 hour caching. ); } // end get_ui if (!window.XMLHttpRequest && !!window.ActiveXObject) { // IE has a stupid security setting asking whether ActiveX should be allowed. We avoid that // prompt by using getScript instead of parseWikitext in this case. The disadvantage // is that we don't do anything if this fails for some reason. get_ui_no_ajax (); } else { get_ui (); } }, setup_step_two : function () { var self = IA; // Throw out any images for which we miss either the thumbnail or the full image size. // Also throws out thumbnails that are larger than the full image. self.imgs = Array.select ( self.imgs , function (elem, idx) { var result = elem.thumb.width > 0 && elem.thumb.height > 0 && typeof (elem.full_img) != 'undefined' && elem.full_img.width > 0 && elem.full_img.height > 0 && elem.full_img.width >= elem.thumb.width && elem.full_img.height >= elem.thumb.height  ; if (self.may_edit && idx == 0 && !result) self.may_edit = false; return result; } ); if (self.imgs.length == 0) return; ImageAnnotator.UI.addReadyEventHandler (IA.complete_setup); }, complete_setup : function () { // We can be sure to have the UI here because this is called only when the ready event of the // UI object is fired. var self = IA; // Check edit permissions if (self.may_edit) { self.may_edit = ( (mw.config.get('wgRestrictionEdit').length == 0 || mw.config.get('wgUserGroups') && mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').join (' ').contains ('sysop')) || ( mw.config.get('wgRestrictionEdit').length == 1 && mw.config.get('wgRestrictionEdit')[0] == 'autoconfirmed' && mw.config.get('wgUserGroups') && mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').join (' ').contains ('autoconfirmed') ) ); } if (self.may_edit) { // Check whether the image is local. Don't allow editing if the file is remote. var sharedUpload = getElementsByClassName (document, 'div', 'sharedUploadNotice'); self.may_edit = (!sharedUpload || sharedUpload.length == 0); } if (self.may_edit && mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') != 6) { // Only allow edits if the stored page name matches the current one. var img_page_name = getElementsByClassName (self.imgs[0].scope, '*', 'wpImageAnnotatorPageName'); if (img_page_name && img_page_name.length > 0) img_page_name = LAPI.DOM.getInnerText (img_page_name[0]); else img_page_name = ""; self.may_edit = (img_page_name.replace (/ /g, '_') == mw.config.get('wgTitle').replace (/ /g, '_')); } if (self.may_edit && self.ajaxQueried) self.may_edit = self.haveAjax; // Now create viewers for all images self.viewers = new Array (self.imgs.length); for (var i = 0; i < self.imgs.length; i++) { self.viewers[i] = new ImageNotesViewer (self.imgs[i], i == 0 && self.may_edit); }; if (self.may_edit) { // Respect user override for zoom, if any self.zoom_threshold = ImageAnnotator_config.zoom_threshold; if ( typeof (window.ImageAnnotator_zoom_threshold) != 'undefined' && !isNaN (window.ImageAnnotator_zoom_threshold) && window.ImageAnnotator_zoom_threshold >= 0.0 ) { // If somebody sets it to a nonsensical high value, that's his or her problem: there won't be any // zooming. self.zoom_threshold = window.ImageAnnotator_zoom_threshold; } // Adapt zoom threshold for small thumbnails or images with a very lopsided width/height ratio, // but only if we *can* zoom at least twice if ( self.viewers[0].full_img.width > 300 && Math.min (self.viewers[0].factors.dx, self.viewers[0].factors.dy) >= 2.0 ) { if ( self.viewers[0].thumb.width < 400 || self.viewers[0].thumb.width / self.viewers[0].thumb.height > 2.0 || self.viewers[0].thumb.height / self.viewers[0].thumb.width > 2.0 ) { self.zoom_threshold = 0; // Force zooming } } self.editor = new ImageAnnotationEditor (); function track (evt) { evt = evt || window.event; if (self.is_adding) self.update_zoom (evt); if (!self.is_tracking) return LAPI.Evt.kill (evt); var mouse_pos = LAPI.Pos.mousePosition (evt); if (!LAPI.Pos.isWithin (self.cover, mouse_pos.x, mouse_pos.y)) return; var origin = LAPI.Pos.position (self.cover); // Make mouse pos relative to cover mouse_pos.x = mouse_pos.x - origin.x; mouse_pos.y = mouse_pos.y - origin.y; if (mouse_pos.x >= self.base_x) { self.definer.style.width = "" + (mouse_pos.x - self.base_x) + 'px'; self.definer.style.left = "" + self.base_x + 'px'; } else { self.definer.style.width = "" + (self.base_x - mouse_pos.x) + 'px'; self.definer.style.left = "" + mouse_pos.x + 'px'; } if (mouse_pos.y >= self.base_y) { self.definer.style.height = "" + (mouse_pos.y - self.base_y) + 'px'; self.definer.style.top = "" + self.base_y + 'px'; } else { self.definer.style.height = "" + (self.base_y - mouse_pos.y) + 'px'; self.definer.style.top = "" + mouse_pos.y + 'px'; } return LAPI.Evt.kill (evt); }; function pause (evt) { LAPI.Evt.remove (document, 'mousemove', track, true); if (!LAPI.Browser.is_ie && typeof (document.captureEvents) == 'function') document.captureEvents (null); self.move_listening = false; }; function resume (evt) { // captureEvents is actually deprecated, but I haven't succeeded to make this work with // addEventListener only. if ((self.is_tracking || self.is_adding) && !self.move_listening) { if (!LAPI.Browser.is_ie && typeof (document.captureEvents) == 'function') document.captureEvents (Event.MOUSEMOVE); LAPI.Evt.attach (document, 'mousemove', track, true); self.move_listening = true; } }; function stop_tracking (evt) { evt = evt || window.event; // Check that we're within the image. Note: this check can fail only on IE >= 7, on other // browsers, we attach the handler on self.cover and thus we don't even get events outside // that range. var mouse_pos = LAPI.Pos.mousePosition (evt); if (!LAPI.Pos.isWithin (self.cover, mouse_pos.x, mouse_pos.y)) return; if (self.is_tracking) { self.is_tracking = false; self.is_adding = false; // Done. pause (); if (LAPI.Browser.is_ie) { //Trust Microsoft to get everything wrong! LAPI.Evt.remove (document, 'mouseup', stop_tracking); } else { LAPI.Evt.remove (self.cover, 'mouseup', stop_tracking); } LAPI.Evt.remove (window, 'blur', pause); LAPI.Evt.remove (window, 'focus', resume); self.cover.style.cursor = 'auto'; LAPI.DOM.removeNode (self.border); LAPI.Evt.remove (self.cover, self.mouse_in, self.update_zoom_evt); LAPI.Evt.remove (self.cover, self.mouse_out, self.hide_zoom_evt); self.hide_zoom (); self.viewers[0].hide (); // Hide all existing boxes if (!self.definer || self.definer.offsetWidth <= 0 || self.definer.offsetHeight <= 0) { // Nothing: just remove the definer: if (self.definer) LAPI.DOM.removeNode (self.definer); // Re-attach event handlers self.viewers[0].setShowHideEvents (true); self.hide_cover (); self.viewers[0].setDefaultMsg (); // And make sure we get the real view again self.viewers[0].show (); } else { // We have a div with some extent: remove event capturing and create a new annotation var new_note = new ImageAnnotation (self.definer, self.viewers[0], -1); self.viewers[0].register (new_note); self.editor.editNote (new_note); } self.definer = null; } if (evt) return LAPI.Evt.kill (evt); return false; }; function start_tracking (evt) { if (!self.is_tracking) { self.is_tracking = true; evt = evt || window.event; // Set the position, size 1 var mouse_pos = LAPI.Pos.mousePosition (evt); var origin = LAPI.Pos.position (self.cover); self.base_x = mouse_pos.x - origin.x; self.base_y = mouse_pos.y - origin.y Object.merge ( { left  : "" + self.base_x + 'px' ,top  : "" + self.base_y + 'px' ,width  : '0px' ,height : '0px' ,display: "" } , self.definer.style ); // Set mouse handlers LAPI.Evt.remove (self.cover, 'mousedown', start_tracking); if (LAPI.Browser.is_ie) { LAPI.Evt.attach (document, 'mouseup', stop_tracking); // Doesn't work properly on self.cover... } else { LAPI.Evt.attach (self.cover, 'mouseup', stop_tracking); } resume (); LAPI.Evt.attach (window, 'blur', pause); LAPI.Evt.attach (window, 'focus', resume); } if (evt) return LAPI.Evt.kill (evt); return false; }; function add_new (evt) { if (!self.canEdit ()) return; self.editor.hide_editor (); Tooltips.close (); var cover = self.get_cover (); cover.style.cursor = 'crosshair'; self.definer = LAPI.make ( 'div', null ,{ border  : '1px solid ' + IA.new_border ,display  : 'none' ,position  : 'absolute' ,top  : '0px' ,left  : '0px' ,width  : '0px' ,height  : '0px' ,padding  : '0' ,lineHeight : '0px' // IE needs this, even though there are no lines within ,fontSize  : '0px' // IE ,zIndex  : cover.style.zIndex - 2 // Below the mouse capture div } ); self.viewers[0].img_div.appendChild (self.definer); // Enter mouse-tracking mode to define extent of view. Mouse cursor is outside of image, // hence none of our tooltips are visible. self.viewers[0].img_div.appendChild (self.border); self.show_cover (); self.is_tracking = false; self.is_adding = true; LAPI.Evt.attach (cover, 'mousedown', start_tracking); resume (); self.button_div.style.display = 'none'; // Remove the event listeners on the image: IE sometimes invokes them even when the image is covered self.viewers[0].setShowHideEvents (false); self.viewers[0].hide (); // Make sure notes are hidden self.viewers[0].toggle (true); // Show all note rectangles (but only the dummies) self.update_zoom_evt = LAPI.Evt.makeListener (self, self.update_zoom); self.hide_zoom_evt = LAPI.Evt.makeListener (self, self.hide_zoom); self.show_zoom (); LAPI.Evt.attach (cover, self.mouse_in, self.update_zoom_evt); LAPI.Evt.attach (cover, self.mouse_out, self.hide_zoom_evt); LAPI.DOM.removeChildren (self.viewers[0].msg); self.viewers[0].msg.appendChild (ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorDrawRectMsg', false)); self.viewers[0].msg.style.display = ""; }; self.button_div = LAPI.make ('div'); self.viewers[0].main_div.appendChild (self.button_div); self.add_button = LAPI.DOM.makeButton ( 'ImageAnnotationAddButton' , ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorAddButtonText', true) , add_new ); var add_plea = ImageAnnotator.UI.needs_plea; self.button_div.appendChild (self.add_button); self.help_link = self.createHelpLink (); if (self.help_link) { self.button_div.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('\xa0')); self.button_div.appendChild (self.help_link); } if (add_plea && mw.config.get('wgServer').contains ('/commons')) self.button_div.appendChild (ImageAnnotator.UI.get_plea ()); } // end if may_edit // Get the file description pages of thumbnails. Figure out for which viewers we need to do this. var cache = {}; var get_local = []; var get_foreign = []; Array.forEach ( self.viewers , function (viewer, idx) { if (viewer.setup_done || viewer.isLocal && !viewer.has_page) return; // Handle only images that either are foreign or local and do have a page. if (cache[viewer.realName]) { cache[viewer.realName][cache[viewer.realName].length] = idx; } else { cache[viewer.realName] = [idx]; if (!viewer.has_page) { get_foreign[get_foreign.length] = viewer.realName; } else { get_local[get_local.length] = viewer.realName; } } } ); if (get_local.length == 0 && get_foreign.length == 0) return; // Now we have unique page names in the cache and in to_get. Go get the corresponding file // description pages. We make a series of simultaneous asynchronous calls to avoid hitting // API limits and to keep the URL length below the limit for the foreign_repo calls. function make_calls (list, execute_call, url_limit) { function composer (list, from, length, url_limit) { function compose (list, from, length, url_limit) { var text = ""; var done = 0; for (var i = from; i < from + length; i++) { var new_text = '<div class="wpImageAnnotatorInlineImageWrapper" style="display:none;">' + '<span class="image_annotation_inline_name">' + list[i] + '</span>' + '{{:' + list[i] + '}}' // Leading dot to avoid getting links to the full images if we hit a parser limit + '</div>'  ; if (url_limit) { new_text = encodeURIComponent (new_text); if (text.length > 0 && (text.length + new_text.length > url_limit)) break; } text = text + new_text; done++; // Additionally, limit the number of image pages to get: these can be large, and the server // may refuse to actually do the transclusions but may in that case include the full images // in the result, which would make us load the full images, which is desastrous if there are // many thumbs to large images on the page. if (done == 5) break; } return {text: text, n: done}; } var param = compose (list, from, length, url_limit); execute_call (param.text); return param.n; } var start = 0, chunk = 0, to_do = list.length; while (to_do > 0) { chunk = composer (list, start, Math.min (50, to_do), url_limit); to_do -= chunk; start += chunk; } } var divRE = /(<\s*div\b)|(<\/\s*div\s*>)/ig; var blockStart = '<div class="wpImageAnnotatorInlineImageWrapper"'; var inlineNameEnd = '</span>'; var noteStart = '<div id="image_annotation_note_'; // Our parse request returns the full html of the description pages' contents, including any // license or information or other templates that we don't care about, and which may contain // additional images we'd rather not load when we add this (X)HTML to the DOM. Therefore, we // strip out everything but the notes. function strip_noise (html) { var result = ""; // First, get rid of HTML comments and scripts html = html.replace(/<\!--(.|\s)*?--\>/g, "").replace(/<script(.|\s)*?\/script>/g, ""); var i = 0, idx = 0, l = html.length; // Now collect pages while (idx < l) { i = html.indexOf (blockStart, idx); if (i < idx) break; var j = html.indexOf (inlineNameEnd, i+blockStart.length); if (j < 0) break; result += html.substring (i, j+inlineNameEnd.length); idx = j+inlineNameEnd.length; // Now collect all image image notes for that page var note_begin = 0, next_block = 0; for (;;) { note_begin = html.indexOf (noteStart, idx); next_block = html.indexOf (blockStart, idx); // Check whether next wrapper comes first if (note_begin < idx || (next_block >= idx && note_begin > next_block)) break; // Start parsing nested <div> and </div>, from note_begin on. Just ignore any other tags. var level = 1, k = note_begin + noteStart.length; while (level > 0 && k < l) { divRE.lastIndex = k; var m = divRE.exec (html); if (!m || m.length < 2) { k = l; // Nothing found at all? } else { if (m[1]) { level++; k = m.index + m[1].length; // divStart found first } else if (m.length > 2 && m[2]) { level--; k = m.index + m[2].length; // divEnd found first } else { k = l; // Huh? } } } // end loop for nested divs result += html.substring (note_begin, k); while (level-- > 0) result += '</div>'; // Missing ends. idx = k; } // end loop collecting notes result += '</div>'; // Close the wrapper } // end loop collecting pages return result; } function setup_thumb_viewers (html_text) { var node = LAPI.make ('div', null, {display: 'none'}); document.body.appendChild (node); try { node.innerHTML = strip_noise (html_text); var pages = getElementsByClassName (node, 'div', 'wpImageAnnotatorInlineImageWrapper'); for (var i = 0; pages && i < pages.length; i++) { var notes = getElementsByClassName (pages[i], 'div', self.annotation_class); if (!notes || notes.length == 0) continue; var page = self.getItem ('inline_name', pages[i]); if (!page) continue; page = page.replace (/ /g, '_'); var viewers = cache[page] || cache['File:' + page.substring (page.indexOf (':') + 1)]; if (!viewers || viewers.length == 0) continue; // Update rules. var rules = getElementsByClassName (pages[i], 'div', 'wpImageAnnotatorInlinedRules'); var local_rules = { inline: Object.clone (IA.rules.inline) ,thumbs: Object.clone (IA.rules.thumbs) }; if (rules && rules.length > 0) { rules = rules[0]; if ( typeof (local_rules.inline.show) == 'undefined' && LAPI.DOM.hasClass (rules, 'wpImageAnnotatorNoInlineDisplay') ) { local_rules.inline.show = false; } if ( typeof (local_rules.inline.icon) == 'undefined' && LAPI.DOM.hasClass (rules, 'wpImageAnnotatorInlineDisplayIcon') ) { local_rules.inline.icon = true; } if ( typeof (local_rules.thumbs.show) == 'undefined' && LAPI.DOM.hasClass (rules, 'wpImageAnnotatorNoThumbs') ) { local_rules.thumbs.show = false; } if ( typeof (local_rules.thumbs.icon) == 'undefined' && LAPI.DOM.hasClass (rules, 'wpImageAnnotatorThumbDisplayIcon') ) { local_rules.thumbs.icon = true; } } // Make sure all are set local_rules.inline.show = typeof (local_rules.inline.show) == 'undefined' || local_rules.inline.show; local_rules.thumbs.show = typeof (local_rules.thumbs.show) == 'undefined' || local_rules.thumbs.show; local_rules.inline.icon = typeof (local_rules.inline.icon) != 'undefined' && local_rules.inline.icon; local_rules.thumbs.icon = typeof (local_rules.thumbs.icon) != 'undefined' && local_rules.thumbs.icon; if (!local_rules.inline.show) continue; // Now use pages[i] as a scope shared by all the viewers using it. Since we clone note // contents for note display, this works. Otherwise, we'd have to copy the notes into // each viewer's scope. document.body.appendChild (pages[i]); // Move it out of 'node' // Set viewers' scopes and finish their setup. Array.forEach ( viewers , function (v) { if (!self.viewers[v].isThumbnail || local_rules.thumbs.show) { self.viewers[v].scope = pages[i]; self.viewers[v].setup ( self.viewers[v].isThumbnail && local_rules.thumbs.icon || self.viewers[v].isOther && local_rules.inline.icon); } } ); } } catch (ex) {} LAPI.DOM.removeNode (node); } ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks = []; function make_script_calls (list, api) { var template = api + '?action=parse&pst&text=&prop=text&format=json' + '&maxage=1800&smaxage=1800&uselang=' + mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage') //see bugzilla 22764 + '&callback=ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks[].callback'; make_calls ( list , function (text) { var idx = ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks.length; ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks[idx] = { callback : function (json) { if (json && json.parse && json.parse.text && json.parse.text['*']) { setup_thumb_viewers (json.parse.text['*']); } ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks[idx].done = true; if (ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks[idx].script) { LAPI.DOM.removeNode (ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks[idx].script); ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks[idx].script = null; } } ,done  : false }; ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks[idx].script = IA.getScript ( template.replace ('script_callbacks[].callback', 'script_callbacks[' + idx + '].callback') .replace ('&text=&', '&text=' + text + '&') , true // No local caching! ); if ( ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks && ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks[idx] && ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks[idx].done && ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks[idx].script) { LAPI.DOM.removeNode (ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks[idx].script); ImageAnnotator.script_callbacks[idx].script = null; } } , (LAPI.DOM.is_ie ? 1950 : 4000) - template.length // Some slack for caching parameters ); } if ((!window.XMLHttpRequest && !!window.ActiveXObject) || !self.haveAjax) { make_script_calls (get_local, mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php'); } else { make_calls ( get_local , function (text) { LAPI.Ajax.parseWikitext ( text , function (html_text) {if (html_text) setup_thumb_viewers (html_text);} , function () {} , false , null , 'API' // Fixed string to enable caching at all , 1800 // 30 minutes caching. ); } ); } // Can't use Ajax for foreign repo, might violate single-origin policy (e.g. from wikisource.org // to wikimedia.org). Attention, here we must care about the URL length! IE has a limit of 2083 // character (2048 in the path part), and servers also may impose limits (on the WMF servers, // the limit appears to be 8kB). make_script_calls (get_foreign, ImageAnnotator_config.sharedRepositoryAPI ()); }, show_zoom : function () { var self = IA; if ( ( self.viewers[0].factors.dx < self.zoom_threshold && self.viewers[0].factors.dy < self.zoom_threshold ) || Math.max (self.viewers[0].factors.dx, self.viewers[0].factors.dy) < 2.0 ) { // Below zoom threshold, or full image not even twice the size of the preview return; } if (!self.zoom) { self.zoom = LAPI.make ( 'div' , {id : 'image_annotator_zoom'} , { overflow  : 'hidden' ,width  : '200px' ,height  : '200px' ,position  : 'absolute' ,display  : 'none' ,top  : '0px' ,left  : '0px' ,border  : '2px solid #666666' ,backgroundColor : 'white' ,zIndex  : 2050 // On top of everything } ); var src = self.viewers[0].img.getAttribute ('src', 2); // Adjust zoom_factor if (self.zoom_factor > self.viewers[0].factors.dx || self.zoom_factor > self.viewers[0].factors.dy) self.zoom_factor = Math.min (self.viewers[0].factors.dx, self.viewers[0].factors.dy); self.zoom.appendChild (LAPI.make ('div', null, {position : 'relative'})); // Calculate zoom size and source link var zoom_width = Math.floor (self.viewers[0].thumb.width * self.zoom_factor); var zoom_height = Math.floor (self.viewers[0].thumb.height * self.zoom_factor); var zoom_src = null; // For SVGs, always use a scaled PNG for the zoom. if (zoom_width > 0.9 * self.viewers[0].full_img.width && src.search (/\.svg\.png$/i) < 0) { // If the thumb we'd be loading was within about 80% of the full image size, we may just as // well get the full image instead of a scaled version. self.zoom_factor = Math.min (self.viewers[0].factors.dx, self.viewers[0].factors.dy); zoom_width = self.viewers[0].full_img.width; zoom_height = self.viewers[0].full_img.height; } // Construct the initial zoomed image. We need to clone; if we create a completely // new DOM node ourselves, it may not work on IE6... var zoomed = self.viewers[0].img.cloneNode (true); zoomed.width = "" + zoom_width; zoomed.height = "" + zoom_height; Object.merge ({position: 'absolute', top: '0px',left: '0px'}, zoomed.style); self.zoom.firstChild.appendChild (zoomed); // Crosshair self.zoom.firstChild.appendChild ( LAPI.make ( 'div', null , { width  : '1px' ,height  : '200px' ,borderLeft : '1px solid red' ,position  : 'absolute' ,top  : '0px' ,left  : '100px' } ) ); self.zoom.firstChild.appendChild ( LAPI.make ( 'div', null , { width  : '200px' ,height  : '1px' ,borderTop : '1px solid red' ,position  : 'absolute' ,top  : '100px' ,left  : '0px' } ) ); document.body.appendChild (self.zoom); LAPI.DOM.loadImage ( self.viewers[0].imgName , src , zoom_width , zoom_height , ImageAnnotator_config.thumbnailsGeneratedAutomatically () , function (img) { // Replace the image in self.zoom by self.zoom_loader, making sure we keep the offsets img.style.position = 'absolute'; img.style.top = self.zoom.firstChild.firstChild.style.top; img.style.left = self.zoom.firstChild.firstChild.style.left; img.style.display = ""; self.zoom.firstChild.replaceChild (img, self.zoom.firstChild.firstChild); } ); } self.zoom.style.display = 'none'; // Will be shown in update }, update_zoom : function (evt) { if (!evt) return; // We need an event to calculate positions! var self = IA; if (!self.zoom) return; var mouse_pos = LAPI.Pos.mousePosition (evt); var origin = LAPI.Pos.position (self.cover); if (!LAPI.Pos.isWithin (self.cover, mouse_pos.x, mouse_pos.y)) { IA.hide_zoom (); return; } var dx = mouse_pos.x - origin.x; var dy = mouse_pos.y - origin.y; // dx, dy is the offset within the preview image. Align the zoom image accordingly. var top = - dy * self.zoom_factor + 100; var left = - dx * self.zoom_factor + 100; self.zoom.firstChild.firstChild.style.top = "" + top + 'px'; self.zoom.firstChild.firstChild.style.left = "" + left + 'px'; self.zoom.style.top = mouse_pos.y + 10 + 'px'; // Right below the mouse pointer // Horizontally keep it in view. var x = (self.is_rtl ? mouse_pos.x - 10 : mouse_pos.x + 10); if (x < 0) x = 0; self.zoom.style.left = x + 'px'; self.zoom.style.display = ""; // Now that we have offsetWidth, correct the position. if (self.is_rtl) { x = mouse_pos.x - 10 - self.zoom.offsetWidth; if (x < 0) x = 0; } else { var off = LAPI.Pos.scrollOffset (); var view = LAPI.Pos.viewport (); if (x + self.zoom.offsetWidth > off.x + view.x) x = off.x + view.x - self.zoom.offsetWidth; if (x < 0) x = 0; } self.zoom.style.left = x + 'px'; }, hide_zoom : function (evt) { if (!IA.zoom) return; if (evt) { var mouse_pos = LAPI.Pos.mousePosition (evt); if (LAPI.Pos.isWithin (IA.cover, mouse_pos.x, mouse_pos.y)) return; } IA.zoom.style.display = 'none'; }, createHelpLink : function () { var msg = ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorHelp', false, true); if (!msg || !msg.lastChild) return null; if ( msg.childNodes.length == 1 && msg.firstChild.nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'a' && !LAPI.DOM.hasClass (msg.firstChild, 'image') ) { msg.firstChild.id = 'ImageAnnotationHelpButton'; return msg.firstChild; // Single link } // Otherwise, it's either a sequence of up to three images, or a span, followed by a // link. var tgt = msg.lastChild; if (tgt.nodeName.toLowerCase () != 'a') tgt = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace ('$1', 'Help:Gadget-ImageAnnotator'); else tgt = tgt.href; function make_handler (tgt) { var target = tgt; return function (evt) { var e = evt || window.event; window.location = target; if (e) return LAPI.Evt.kill (e); return false; }; } var imgs = msg.getElementsByTagName ('img'); if (!imgs || imgs.length == 0) { // We're supposed to have a spans giving the button text var text = msg.firstChild; if (text.nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'span') text = LAPI.DOM.getInnerText (text); else text = 'Help'; return LAPI.DOM.makeButton ( 'ImageAnnotationHelpButton' , text , make_handler (tgt) ); } else { return Buttons.makeButton (imgs, 'ImageAnnotationHelpButton', make_handler (tgt)); } }, get_cover : function () { var self = IA; if (!self.cover) { var pos = { position : 'absolute' ,left  : '0px' ,top  : '0px' ,width  : self.viewers[0].thumb.width + 'px' ,height  : self.viewers[0].thumb.height + 'px' }; self.cover = LAPI.make ('div', null, pos); self.border = self.cover.cloneNode (false); Object.merge ( {border: '3px solid green', top: '-3px', left: '-3px'}, self.border.style); self.cover.style.zIndex = 2000; // Above the tooltips if (LAPI.Browser.is_ie) { var shim = LAPI.make ('iframe', {frameBorder: 0, tabIndex: -1}, pos); shim.style.filter = 'alpha(Opacity=0)'; // Ensure transparency // Unfortunately, IE6/SP2 has a "security setting" called "Binary and script // behaviors". If that is disabled, filters don't work, and our iframe would // appear as a white rectangle. Fix this by first placing the iframe just above // image (to block that windowed control) and then placing *another div* just // above that shim having the image as its background image. var imgZ = self.viewers[0].img.style.zIndex; if (isNaN (imgZ)) imgZ = 10; // Arbitrary, positive, > 1, < 500 shim.style.zIndex = imgZ + 1; self.ieFix = shim; // And now the bgImage div... shim = LAPI.make ('div', null, pos); Object.merge ( { top  : '0px' ,backgroundImage: 'url(' + self.viewers[0].img.src + ')' ,zIndex  : imgZ + 2 } , shim.style ); self.ieFix2 = shim; } if (LAPI.Browser.is_opera) { // It appears that events just pass through completely transparent divs on Opera. // Hence we have to ensure that these events are killed even if our cover doesn't // handle them. var shim = LAPI.make ('div', null, pos); shim.style.zIndex = self.cover.style.zIndex - 1; LAPI.Evt.attach (shim, 'mousemove', function (evt) {return LAPI.Evt.kill (evt || window.event);}); LAPI.Evt.attach (shim, 'mousedown', function (evt) {return LAPI.Evt.kill (evt || window.event);}); LAPI.Evt.attach (shim, 'mouseup', function (evt) {return LAPI.Evt.kill (evt || window.event);}); shim.style.cursor = 'default'; self.eventFix = shim; } self.cover_visible = false; } return self.cover; }, show_cover : function () { var self = IA; if (self.cover && !self.cover_visible) { if (self.ieFix) { self.viewers[0].img_div.appendChild (self.ieFix); self.viewers[0].img_div.appendChild (self.ieFix2); } if (self.eventFix) self.viewers[0].img_div.appendChild (self.eventFix); self.viewers[0].img_div.appendChild (self.cover); self.cover_visible = true; } }, hide_cover : function () { var self = IA; if (self.cover && self.cover_visible) { if (self.ieFix) { LAPI.DOM.removeNode (self.ieFix); LAPI.DOM.removeNode (self.ieFix2); } if (self.eventFix) LAPI.DOM.removeNode (self.eventFix); LAPI.DOM.removeNode (self.cover); self.cover_visible = false; } }, getRawItem : function (what, scope) { var node = null; if (!scope || scope == document) { node = LAPI.$ ('image_annotation_' + what); } else { node = getElementsByClassName (scope, '*', 'image_annotation_' + what); if (node && node.length > 0) node = node[0]; else node = null; } return node; }, getItem : function (what, scope) { var node = IA.getRawItem (what, scope); if (!node) return null; return LAPI.DOM.getInnerText (node).trim(); }, getIntItem : function (what, scope) { var x = IA.getItem (what, scope); if (x !== null) x = parseInt (x, 10); return x; }, findNote : function (text, id) { function find (text, id, delim) { var start = delim.start.replace ('$1', id); var start_match = text.indexOf (start); if (start_match < 0) return null; var end = delim.end.replace ('$1', id); var end_match = text.indexOf (end); if (end_match < start_match + start.length) return null; return {start: start_match, end: end_match + end.length}; } var result = null; for (var i=0; i < IA.note_delim.length && !result; i++) { result = find (text, id, IA.note_delim[i]); } return result; }, setWikitext : function (pagetext) { var self = IA; if (self.wiki_read) return; Array.forEach (self.viewers[0].annotations, function (note) { if (note.model.id >= 0) { var span = self.findNote (pagetext, note.model.id) if (!span) return; // Now extract the wikitext var code = pagetext.substring (span.start, span.end); for (var i = 0; i < self.note_delim.length; i++) { var start = self.note_delim[i].content_start.replace ('$1', note.model.id); var end = self.note_delim[i].content_end.replace ('$1', note.model.id); var j = code.indexOf (start); var k = code.indexOf (end); if (j >= 0 && k >= 0 && k >= j + start.length) { note.model.wiki = code.substring (j + start.length, k).trim(); return; } } } } ); self.wiki_read = true; }, setSummary : function (summary, initial_text, note_text) { if (initial_text.contains ('$1')) { var max = (summary.maxlength || 200) - initial_text.length; if (note_text) initial_text = initial_text.replace ('$1', ': ' + note_text.replace ('\n', ' ').substring (0, max)); else initial_text = initial_text.replace ('$1', ""); } summary.value = initial_text; }, getScript : function (url, bypass_local_cache, bypass_caches) { // Don't use LAPI here, it may not yet be available if (bypass_caches) { url += ((url.indexOf ('?') >= 0) ? '&' : '?') + 'dummyTimestamp=' + (new Date()).getTime (); } if (bypass_local_cache) { var s = document.createElement ('script'); s.setAttribute ('src', url); s.setAttribute ('type', 'text/javascript'); document.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0].appendChild (s); return s; } else { return importScriptURI (url); } }, canEdit : function () { var self = IA; if (self.may_edit) { if (!self.ajaxQueried) { self.haveAjax = (LAPI.Ajax.getRequest () != null); self.ajaxQueried = true; self.may_edit = self.haveAjax; if (!self.may_edit && self.button_div) { LAPI.DOM.removeChildren (self.button_div); self.button_div.appendChild (ImageAnnotator.UI.get ('wpImageAnnotatorCannotEditMsg', false)); self.viewers[0].msg.style.display = ""; self.viewers[0].cannotEdit (); } } } return self.may_edit; } }; // end IA window.ImageAnnotator = { install: function (config) { IA.install (config); } }; if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') != -1 && mw.config.get('wgAction') && (mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'view' || mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'purge')) { // Start it. Bypass caches; but allow for 4 hours client-side caching. Small file. IA.getScript ( mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?title=MediaWiki:ImageAnnotatorConfig.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' + '&dummy=' + Math.floor ((new Date()).getTime () / (14400 * 1000)) // 4 hours , true // No local caching! ); } // end if we may run at all })(); // end local scope } // end if (guard against double inclusions) // // <source lang="javascript">


 Site-wide configurations and start of the ImageAnnotator gagdet. Split into a
 separate file for three reasons:
 1. It separates the configuration from the core code, while still
 2. making it impossible for someone else (e.g. a malicious user) to override these
    defaults, and
 3. makes configuration changes available quickly: clients cache this file for four hours.

 Author: User:Lupo, September 2009
 License: Quadruple licensed GFDL, GPL, LGPL and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY-3.0)

 Choose whichever license of these you like best :-)

 See //commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Gadget-ImageAnnotator for documentation.
  • /

(function () {

 var wgUserGroups = window.wgUserGroups;
 // Global settings. Edit these to configure ImageAnnotator for your Wiki. Note: these configurations
 // are here to prevent them to be overwritten by a user in his or her user scripts. BE EXTRA CAREFUL
 // may break ImageAnnotator for everyone!
 var config = {
   // By default, ImageAnnotator is enabled in all namespaces (except "Special", -1) for everyone,
   // except on the project's main page.
   // Here, you can define a list of namespaces where it is additionally disabled.
   viewingEnabled : function ()
     return !mw.config.get('wgIsMainPage'); // Disable on the main page
   // For instance, to disable ImageAnnotator on all talk pages, replace the function body above by
   //     return (wgNamespaceNumber & 1) == 0;
   // Or, to disable it in the category namespace and on article talk pages, you could use
   //     return (wgNamespaceNumber != 14) && (wgNamespaceNumber != 1);
   // To enable viewing only on file description pages and on pages in the project namespace:
   //     return (wgNamespaceNumber == 6) || (wgNamespaceNumber == 4);
   // To enable viewing only for logged-in users, use
   //     return wgUserGroups !== null;
   // To switch off viewing of notes on the project's main page, use
   //     return !mw.config.get('wgIsMainPage')
   // By default, editing is enabled for anyone on the file description page or the page that contains
   // the substitution of template ImageWithNotes. Here, you can restrict editing even more, for
   // instance by allowing only autoconfirmed users to edit notes through ImageAnnotator. Note that
   // editing is only allowed if viewing is also allowed.
   editingEnabled : function ()
     if (   (mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) == 2 || mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) == 3)
         && mw.config.get('wgUserName') &&  mw.config.get('wgTitle').replace (/ /g, '_').indexOf (mw.config.get('wgUserName').replace (/ /g, '_')) == 0
        ) {
       // Allow anyone to edit notes in their own user space (sandboxes!)
       return true;
     // Otherwise restrict editing of notes to autoconfirmed users.
     return    wgUserGroups
            && (' ' + wgUserGroups.join (' ') + ' ').indexOf (' autoconfirmed ') >= 0;
   // To allow only autoconfirmed users to edit, use
   //     return wgUserGroups &&
   //            (' ' + wgUserGroups.join (' ') + ' ').indexOf (' autoconfirmed ') >= 0;
   // The following example restricts editing on file description pages to autoconfirmed users,
   // and otherwise allows edits only on subpages in the project namespace (for instance, featured
   // image nominations...), but allows editing there for anyone.
   //     return (   (   wgNamespaceNumber == 6
   //                 && wgUserGroups
   //                 && (' ' + wgUserGroups.join (' ') + ' ').indexOf (' autoconfirmed ') >= 0
   //                )
   //             || (wgNamespaceNumber == 4 && mw.config.get('wgPageName').indexOf ('/') > 0)
   //            );
   // Note that wgUserGroups is null for IPs.
   // If editing is allowed at all, may the user remove notes through the ImageAnnotator interface?
   // (Note that notes can be removed anyway using a normal edit to the page.)
   mayDelete : function ()
     return true;
   // If the user may delete notes, may he or she delete with an empty deletion reason?
   emptyDeletionReasonAllowed : function ()
     if (!wgUserGroups) return false;
     var groups = ' ' + wgUserGroups.join (' ') + ' ';
     return groups.indexOf (' sysop ') >= 0 || groups.indexOf (' rollbacker ') >= 0;
   // If the user may delete, may he or she bypass the prompt for a deletion reason by setting
   // var ImageAnnotator_noDeletionPrompt = true;
   // in his or her user scripts?
   mayBypassDeletionPrompt : function ()
     if (!wgUserGroups) return false;
     return (' ' + wgUserGroups.join (' ') + ' ').indexOf (' sysop ') >= 0;
   // If viewing is enabled at all, you can specify here whether viewing notes on thumbnails (e.g.,
   // in articles) is switched on. Logged-in users can augment this by disabling viewing notes on
   // thumbnails on a per-namespace basis using the global variable ImageAnnotator_no_thumbs.
   thumbsEnabled : function ()
     return true;
   // For instance, to switch off viewing of notes on thumbnails for IPs in article space, you'd use
   //     return !(namespaceNumber == 0 && wgUserGroups === null);
   // If viewing is enabled at all, you can define whether viewing notes on non-thumbnail images is
   // switched on. Logged-in users can augment this by disabling viewing notes on non-thumbnails
   // on a per-namespace basis using the global variable ImageAnnotator_no_images.
   generalImagesEnabled : function ()
     return true;
   // If thumbs or general images are enabled, you can define whether this shall apply only to local
   // images (return false) or also to images that reside at the shared repository (the Commons). In
   // the 'File:' namespace, displaying notes on shared images is always enabled. (Provided viewing
   // notes is enabled at all there. If you've disabled viewing notes in all namespaces including
   // the 'File:' namespace for non-logged-in users, they won't see notes on images from the Commons
   // either, even if you enable it here.)
   sharedImagesEnabled : function ()
     return true;
   // If thumbs or general images are enabled, you can define here whether you want to allow the
   // script to  display the notes or just a little indicator (an icon in the upper left--or right
   // on rtl wikis--corner of the image). The parameters given are
   //   name         string
   //     the name of the image, starting with "File:"
   //   is_local     boolean
   //     true if the image is local, false if it is from the shared repository
   //   thumb        object {width: integer, height: integer}
   //     Size of the displayed image in the article, in pixels
   //   full_img     object {width: integer, height: integer}
   //     Size of the full image as uploaded, in pixels
   //   nof_notes    integer 
   //     Number of notes on the image
   //   is_thumbnail boolean
   //     true if the image is a thumbnail, false otherwise
   inlineImageUsesIndicator : function (name, is_local, thumb, full_img, nof_notes, is_thumbnail)
     // Of course you could also use wgNamespace or any other of the wg-globals here.
     return    (is_thumbnail && !is_local)
            || ((   thumb.width < 250 && thumb.height < 250
                 && (thumb.width < full_img.width || thumb.height < full_img.height)
                  ? nof_notes > 10 : false
     // This default displays only an indicator icon for non-local thumbnails,
     // and for small images that are scaled down, but have many notes
   // If notes are displayed on an image included in an article, ImageAnnotator normally adds a
   // caption indicating the presence of notes. If you want to suppress this for all images included
   // in articles, return false. To suppress the caption only for thumbnails, but not for otherwise
   // included images, return !is_thumbnail. To suppress the caption for all images but thumbnails,
   // return is_thumbnail. The parameters are the same as for the function inlineImageUsesIndicator
   // above.
   displayCaptionInArticles : function (name, is_local, thumb, full_img, nof_notes, is_thumbnail)
     return true;
   // Different wikis may have different image setups. For the Wikimedia projects, the image
   // servers are set up to generate missing thumbnails on the fly, so we can just construct
   // a valid thumbnail url to get a thumbnail, even if there isn't one of that size yet.
   // Return true if your wiki has a similar setup. Otherwise, return false.
   thumbnailsGeneratedAutomatically : function ()
     return true;
   // Determine whether an image is locally stored or comes from a central repository. For wikis
   // using the Commons as their central repository, this should not need changing.
   imageIsFromSharedRepository : function (img_url)
     return mw.config.get('wgServer').indexOf ('/commons') < 0 && img_url.indexOf ('/commons') >= 0;
   // Return the URL of the API at the shared file repository. Again, for wikis using the Commons
   // as their central repository, this should not need changing. If your wiki is accessible through
   // https, it's a good idea to also make the shared repository accessible through https and return
   // that secure URL here to avoid warnings about accessing a non-secure site from a secure site.
   sharedRepositoryAPI : function ()
     return '//commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php';
   // Default coloring. Each note's rectangle has an outer and an inner border.
   outer_border  : '#666666', // Gray
   inner_border  : 'yellow',
   active_border : '#FFA500', // Orange, for highlighting the rectangle of the active note
   new_border    : 'red',     // For drawing rectangles
   // Default threshold for activating the zoom (can be overridden by users).
   zoom_threshold : 8.0,
   UI : {
     defaultLanguage : mw.config.get('wgContentLanguage'), // Don't change this!
     // Translate the texts below into the wgContentLanguage of your wiki. These are used as
     // fallbacks if the localized UI cannot be loaded from the server.
     defaults: {
        wpImageAnnotatorDelete        : 'Delete'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorEdit          : 'Edit'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorSave          : 'Save'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorCancel        : 'Cancel'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorPreview       : 'Preview'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorRevert        : 'Revert'
       ,wpTranslate                   : 'translate'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorAddButtonText : 'Add a note'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorAddSummary    :
         'Adding image note$1'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorChangeSummary :
         'Changing image note$1'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorRemoveSummary :
         'Removing image note$1'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorHasNotesShort : 'This file has annotations.'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorHasNotesMsg   :
          'This file has annotations. Move the mouse pointer over the image to see them.'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorEditNotesMsg  :
          '\xa0To edit the notes, visit page <a href="#">x</a>.'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorDrawRectMsg   :
          'Draw a rectangle onto the image above (mouse click, then drag and release)'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorEditorLabel   :
          'Text of the note (may include '
        + '<a href="//meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Reference_card">Wiki markup</a>)'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorSaveError  :
        + 'Could not save your note (edit conflict or other problem).'
        + ' '
        + 'Please copy the text in the edit box below and insert it manually by '
        + '<a href="'
        + mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace ('$1', encodeURI (mw.config.get('wgPageName')))
        + '?action=edit">editing this page</a>.'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorCopyright :
          'The note will be published multi-licensed as '
        + '<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">CC-BY-SA-3.0</a> and '
        + '<a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html">GFDL</a>, versions 1.2 and 1.3. '
        + 'Please read our <a href="//wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Terms_of_Use">terms '
        + 'of use</a> for more details.'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorDeleteReason :
          'Why do you want to remove this note?'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorDeleteConfirm :
          'Do you really want to delete this note?'
       ,wpImageAnnotatorHelp          : 
          '<a href="//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Gadget-ImageAnnotator" '
        + 'title="Help">Help</a>'
       // The following image should be a GIF or an 8bit indexed PNG with transparent background,
       // to make sure that even IE6 displays the transparency correctly. A normal 32bit PNG might
       // display a transparent background as white on IE6.
       ,wpImageAnnotatorIndicatorIcon :
        + '<img src="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8a/Gtk-dialog-info-14px.png" '
        + 'width="14" height="14" title="This file has annotations" />'
        + ''
       ,wpImageAnnotatorCannotEditMsg :
          'To modify annotations, your browser needs to have the '
        + '<a href="//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMLHttpRequest">XMLHttpRequest</a> '
        + 'object. Your browser does not have this object or does not allow it to be used '
        + '(in Internet Explorer, it may be in a switched off ActiveX component), and '
        + 'thus you cannot modify annotations. We\'re sorry for the inconvenience.'
 }; // End site-wide config.

 // Start of ImageAnnotator
 if (   mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) >= 0 && config.viewingEnabled ()
     && mw.config.get('wgAction') && (mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'view' || mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'purge')
     && document.URL.search (/[?&]diff=/) < 0
   $(function () {ImageAnnotator.install (config);});



  Small JS library containing stuff I use often.
  Author: [[User:Lupo]], June 2009
  License: Quadruple licensed GFDL, GPL, LGPL and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY-3.0)
  Choose whichever license of these you like best :-)

  Includes the following components:
   - Object enhancements (clone, merge)
   - String enhancements (trim, ...)
   - Array enhancements (JS 1.6)
   - Function enhancements (bind)
   - LAPI            Most basic DOM functions: $ (getElementById), make
   -   LAPI.Ajax     Ajax request implementation, tailored for MediaWiki/WMF sites
   -   LAPI.Browser  Browser detection (general)
   -   LAPI.DOM      DOM helpers, including a cross-browser DOM parser
   -   LAPI.WP       MediaWiki/WMF-specific DOM routines
   -   LAPI.Edit     Simple editor implementation with save, cancel, preview (for WMF sites)
   -   LAPI.Evt      Event handler routines (general)
   -   LAPI.Pos      Position calculations (general)

// Global: importScript (from wiki.js, for MediaWiki:AjaxSubmit.js)

// Configuration: set this to the URL of your image server. The value is a string representation
// of a regular expression. For instance, for Wikia, use "http://images\\d\\.wikia\\.nocookie\\.net".
// Remember to double-escape the backslash.
if (typeof (LAPI_file_store) == 'undefined')
  var LAPI_file_store = "(https?:)?//upload\\.wikimedia\\.org/";

// Some basic routines, mainly enhancements of the String, Array, and Function objects.
// Some taken from Javascript 1.6, some own.

/** Object enhancements ************/

// Note: adding these to the prototype may break other code that assumes that
// {} has no properties at all.
Object.clone = function (source, includeInherited)
  if (!source) return null;
  var result = {};
  for (var key in source) {
    if (includeInherited || source.hasOwnProperty (key)) result[key] = source[key];
  return result;

Object.merge = function (from, into, includeInherited)
  if (!from) return into;
  for (var key in from) {
    if (includeInherited || from.hasOwnProperty (key)) into[key] = from[key];
  return into;

Object.mergeSome = function (from, into, includeInherited, predicate)
  if (!from) return into;
  if (typeof (predicate) == 'undefined')
    return Object.merge (from, into, includeInherited);
  for (var key in from) {
    if ((includeInherited || from.hasOwnProperty (key)) && predicate (from, into, key))
      into[key] = from[key];
  return into;

Object.mergeSet = function (from, into, includeInherited)
  return Object.mergeSome
           (from, into, includeInherited, function (src, tgt, key) {return src[key] != null;});

/** String enhancements (Javascript 1.6) ************/

// Removes given characters from both ends of the string.
// If no characters are given, defaults to removing whitespace.
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
  String.prototype.trim = function (chars) {
    if (!chars) return this.replace (/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
    return this.trimRight (chars).trimLeft (chars);

// Removes given characters from the beginning of the string.
// If no characters are given, defaults to removing whitespace.
if (!String.prototype.trimLeft) {
  String.prototype.trimLeft = function (chars) {
    if (!chars) return this.replace (/^\s\s*/, "");
    return this.replace (new RegExp ('^[' + chars.escapeRE () + ']+'), "");
String.prototype.trimFront = String.prototype.trimLeft; // Synonym

// Removes given characters from the end of the string.
// If no characters are given, defaults to removing whitespace.
if (!String.prototype.trimRight) {
  String.prototype.trimRight = function (chars) {
    if (!chars) return this.replace (/\s\s*$/, "");
    return this.replace (new RegExp ('[' + chars.escapeRE () + ']+$'), "");
String.prototype.trimEnd = String.prototype.trimRight; // Synonym

/** Further String enhancements ************/

// Returns true if the string begins with prefix.
String.prototype.startsWith = function (prefix) {
  return this.indexOf (prefix) == 0;

// Returns true if the string ends in suffix
String.prototype.endsWith = function (suffix) {
  return this.lastIndexOf (suffix) + suffix.length == this.length;

// Returns true if the string contains s.
String.prototype.contains = function (s) {
  return this.indexOf (s) >= 0;

// Replace all occurrences of a string pattern by replacement.
String.prototype.replaceAll = function (pattern, replacement) {
  return this.split (pattern).join (replacement);

// Escape all backslashes and single or double quotes such that the result can
// be used in Javascript inside quotes or double quotes.
String.prototype.stringifyJS = function () {
  return this.replace (/([\\\'\"]|%5C|%27|%22)/g, '\\$1') // ' // Fix syntax coloring
             .replace (/\n/g, '\\n');

// Escape all RegExp special characters such that the result can be safely used
// in a RegExp as a literal.
String.prototype.escapeRE = function () {
  return this.replace (/([\\{}()|.?*+^$\[\]])/g, "\\$1");

String.prototype.escapeXML = function (quot, apos) {
  var s    = this.replace (/&/g,    '&amp;')
                 .replace (/\xa0/g, '&nbsp;')
                 .replace (/</g,    '&lt;')
                 .replace (/>/g,    '&gt;');
  if (quot) s = s.replace (/\"/g,   '&quot;'); // " // Fix syntax coloring
  if (apos) s = s.replace (/\'/g,   '&apos;'); // ' // Fix syntax coloring
  return s;

String.prototype.decodeXML = function () {
  return this.replace(/&quot;/g, '"')
             .replace(/&apos;/g, "'")
             .replace(/&gt;/g,   '>')
             .replace(/&lt;/g,   '<')
             .replace(/&nbsp;/g, '\xa0')
             .replace(/&amp;/g,  '&');

String.prototype.capitalizeFirst = function () {
  return this.substring (0, 1).toUpperCase() + this.substring (1);

String.prototype.lowercaseFirst = function () {
  return this.substring (0, 1).toLowerCase() + this.substring (1);

// This is actually a function on URLs, but since URLs typically are strings in
// Javascript, let's include this one here, too.
String.prototype.getParamValue = function (param) {
  var re = new RegExp ('[&?]' + param.escapeRE () + '=([^&#]*)');
  var m  = re.exec (this);
  if (m && m.length >= 2) return decodeURIComponent (m[1]);
  return null;

String.getParamValue = function (param, url)
  if (typeof (url) == 'undefined' || url === null) url = document.location.href;
  try {
    return url.getParamValue (param);
  } catch (e) { 
    return null;

/** Function enhancements ************/

if (!Function.prototype.bind) {
  // Return a function that calls the function with 'this' bound to 'thisObject'
  Function.prototype.bind = function (thisObject) {
    var f = this, obj = thisObject, slice = Array.prototype.slice, prefixedArgs = slice.call (arguments, 1);
    return function () { return f.apply (obj, prefixedArgs.concat (slice.call (arguments))); };

/** Array enhancements (Javascript 1.6) ************/

// Note that contrary to JS 1.6, we treat the thisObject as optional.
// Don't add to the prototype, that would break for (var key in array) loops!

// Returns a new array containing only those elements for which predicate
// is true.
if (!Array.filter) {
  Array.filter = function (target, predicate, thisObject)
    if (target === null) return null;
    if (typeof (target.filter) == 'function') return target.filter (predicate, thisObject);
    if (typeof (predicate) != 'function')
      throw new Error ('Array.filter: predicate must be a function');
    var l = target.length;
    var result = [];
    if (thisObject) predicate = predicate.bind (thisObject);
    for (var i=0; l && i < l; i++) {
      if (i in target) {
        var curr = target[i];
        if (predicate (curr, i, target)) result[result.length] = curr;
    return result;
Array.select = Array.filter; // Synonym

// Calls iterator on all elements of the array
if (!Array.forEach) {
  Array.forEach = function (target, iterator, thisObject)
    if (target === null) return;
    if (typeof (target.forEach) == 'function') {
      target.forEach (iterator, thisObject);
    if (typeof (iterator) != 'function')
      throw new Error ('Array.forEach: iterator must be a function');
    var l = target.length;
    if (thisObject) iterator = iterator.bind (thisObject);
    for (var i=0; l && i < l; i++) {
      if (i in target) iterator (target[i], i, target);

// Returns true if predicate is true for every element of the array, false otherwise
if (!Array.every) {
  Array.every = function (target, predicate, thisObject)
    if (target === null) return true;
    if (typeof (target.every) == 'function') return target.every (predicate, thisObject);
    if (typeof (predicate) != 'function')
      throw new Error ('Array.every: predicate must be a function');
    var l = target.length;
    if (thisObject) predicate = predicate.bind (thisObject);
    for (var i=0; l && i < l; i++) {
      if (i in target && !predicate (target[i], i, target)) return false;
    return true;
Array.forAll = Array.every; // Synonym

// Returns true if predicate is true for at least one element of the array, false otherwise.
if (!Array.some) {
  Array.some = function (target, predicate, thisObject)
    if (target === null) return false;
    if (typeof (target.some) == 'function') return target.some (predicate, thisObject);
    if (typeof (predicate) != 'function')
      throw new Error ('Array.some: predicate must be a function');
    var l = target.length;
    if (thisObject) predicate = predicate.bind (thisObject);
    for (var i=0; l && i < l; i++) {
      if (i in target && predicate (target[i], i, target)) return true;
    return false;
Array.exists = Array.some; // Synonym

// Returns a new array built by applying mapper to all elements.
if (!Array.map) {
  Array.map = function (target, mapper, thisObject)
    if (target === null) return null;
    if (typeof (target.map) == 'function') return target.map (mapper, thisObject);
    if (typeof (mapper) != 'function')
      throw new Error ('Array.map: mapper must be a function');
    var l = target.length;
    var result = [];
    if (thisObject) mapper = mapper.bind (thisObject);
    for (var i=0; l && i < l; i++) {
      if (i in target) result[i] = mapper (target[i], i, target);
    return result;

if (!Array.indexOf) {
  Array.indexOf = function (target, elem, from)
    if (target === null) return -1;
    if (typeof (target.indexOf) == 'function') return target.indexOf (elem, from);
    if (typeof (target.length) == 'undefined') return -1;
    var l = target.length;    
    if (isNaN (from)) from = 0; else from = from || 0;
    from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil (from) : Math.floor (from);
    if (from < 0) from += l;
    if (from < 0) from = 0;
    while (from < l) {
      if (from in target && target[from] === elem) return from;
      from += 1;
    return -1;

if (!Array.lastIndexOf) {
  Array.lastIndexOf = function (target, elem, from)
    if (target === null) return -1;
    if (typeof (target.lastIndexOf) == 'function') return target.lastIndexOf (elem, from);
    if (typeof (target.length) == 'undefined') return -1;
    var l = target.length;
    if (isNaN (from)) from = l-1; else from = from || (l-1);
    from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil (from) : Math.floor (from);
    if (from < 0) from += l; else if (from >= l) from = l-1;
    while (from >= 0) {
      if (from in target && target[from] === elem) return from;
      from -= 1;
    return -1;

/** Additional Array enhancements ************/

Array.remove = function (target, elem) {
  var i = Array.indexOf (target, elem);
  if (i >= 0) target.splice (i, 1);

Array.contains = function (target, elem) {
  return Array.indexOf (target, elem) >= 0;

Array.flatten = function (target) {
  var result = [];
  Array.forEach (target, function (elem) {result = result.concat (elem);});
  return result;

// Calls selector on the array elements until it returns a non-null object
// and then returns that object. If selector always returns null, any also
// returns null. See also Array.map.
Array.any = function (target, selector, thisObject)
  if (target === null) return null;
  if (typeof (selector) != 'function')
    throw new Error ('Array.any: selector must be a function');
  var l = target.length;
  var result = null;
  if (thisObject) selector = selector.bind (thisObject);
  for (var i=0; l && i < l; i++) {
    if (i in target) {
      result = selector (target[i], i, target);
      if (result != null) return result;
  return null;

// Return a contiguous array of the contents of source, which may be an array or pseudo-array,
// basically anything that has a length and can be indexed. (E.g. live HTMLCollections, but also
// Strings, or objects, or the arguments "variable".
Array.make = function (source)
  if (!source || typeof (source.length) == 'undefined') return null;
  var result = [];
  var l      = source.length;
  for (var i=0; i < l; i++) {
    if (i in source) result[result.length] = source[i];
  return result;

if (typeof (window.LAPI) == 'undefined') {

window.LAPI = {
  Ajax :
    getRequest : function ()
      var request = null;
      try {
        request = new XMLHttpRequest();
      } catch (anything) {
        request = null;
        if (!!window.ActiveXObject) {
          if (typeof (LAPI.Ajax.getRequest.msXMLHttpID) == 'undefined') {
            var XHR_ids = [  'MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0', 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0'
                           , 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP'
            for (var i=0; i < XHR_ids.length && !request; i++) {
              try {
                request = new ActiveXObject (XHR_ids[i]);
                if (request) LAPI.Ajax.getRequest.msXMLHttpID = XHR_ids[i];
              } catch (ex) {
                request = null;
            if (!request) LAPI.Ajax.getRequest.msXMLHttpID = null;
          } else if (LAPI.Ajax.getRequest.msXMLHttpID) {
            request = new ActiveXObject (LAPI.Ajax.getRequest.msXMLHttpID);
        } // end if IE
      } // end try-catch
      return request;

  $ : function (selector, doc, multi)
    if (!selector || selector.length == 0) return null;
    doc = doc || document;
    if (typeof (selector) == 'string') {
      if (selector.charAt (0) == '#') selector = selector.substring (1);
      if (selector.length > 0) return doc.getElementById (selector);
      return null;
    } else {
      if (multi) return Array.map (selector, function (id) {return LAPI.$ (id, doc);});
      return Array.any (selector, function (id) {return LAPI.$ (id, doc);});

  make : function (tag, attribs, css, doc)
    doc = doc || document;
    if (!tag || tag.length == 0) throw new Error ('No tag for LAPI.make');
    var result = doc.createElement (tag);
    Object.mergeSet (attribs, result);
    Object.mergeSet (css, result.style);
    if (/^(form|input|button|select|textarea)$/.test (tag) &&
        result.id && result.id.length > 0 && !result.name
      result.name = result.id;
    return result;

  formatException : function (ex, asDOM)
    var name = ex.name || "";
    var msg  = ex.message || "";
    var file = null;
    var line = null;
    if (msg && msg.length > 0 && msg.charAt (0) == '#') {
      // User msg: don't confuse users with error locations. (Note: could also use
      // custom exception types, but that doesn't work right on IE6.)
      msg = msg.substring (1);
    } else {
      file = ex.fileName || ex.sourceURL || null; // Gecko, Webkit, others
      line = ex.lineNumber || ex.line || null;    // Gecko, Webkit, others
    if (name || msg) {
      if (!asDOM) {
          'Exception ' + name + ': ' + msg
          + (file ? '\nFile ' + file + (line ? ' (' + line + ')' : "") : "")
      } else {
        var ex_msg = LAPI.make ('div');
        ex_msg.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('Exception ' + name + ': ' + msg));
        if (file) {
          ex_msg.appendChild (LAPI.make ('br'));
            (document.createTextNode ('File ' + file + (line ? ' (' + line + ')' : "")));
        return ex_msg;
    } else {
      return null;


} // end if (guard)

if (typeof (LAPI.Browser) == 'undefined') {
// Yes, usually it's better to test for available features. But sometimes there's no
// way around testing for specific browsers (differences in dimensions, layout errors,
// etc.)
LAPI.Browser =
(function (agent) {
  var result = {};
  result.client = agent;
  var m = agent.match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/);
  result.is_webkit = (m != null);
  result.is_safari = result.is_webkit && !agent.contains ('spoofer');
  result.webkit_version = (m ? parseInt (m[1]) : 0);
  result.is_khtml =
       navigator.vendor == 'KDE'
    || (document.childNodes && !document.all && !navigator.taintEnabled && navigator.accentColorName);
  result.is_gecko =
       agent.contains ('gecko')
    && !/khtml|spoofer|netscape\/7\.0/.test (agent);
  result.is_ff_1    = agent.contains ('firefox/1');
  result.is_ff_2    = agent.contains ('firefox/2');
  result.is_ff_ge_2 = /firefox\/[2-9]|minefield\/3/.test (agent);
  result.is_ie      = agent.contains ('msie') || !!window.ActiveXObject;
  result.is_ie_lt_7 = false;
  if (result.is_ie) {
    var version = /msie ((\d|\.)+)/.exec (agent);
    result.is_ie_lt_7  = (version != null && (parseFloat(version[1]) < 7));
  result.is_opera      = agent.contains ('opera');
  result.is_opera_ge_9 = false;
  result.is_opera_95   = false;
  if (result.is_opera) {
    m = /opera\/((\d|\.)+)/.exec (agent);
    result.is_opera_95   = m && (parseFloat (m[1]) >= 9.5);
    result.is_opera_ge_9 = m && (parseFloat (m[1]) >= 9.0);
  result.is_mac = agent.contains ('mac');
  return result;
})(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase ());

} // end if (guard)

if (typeof (LAPI.DOM) == 'undefined') {
  // IE6 doesn't have these Node constants in Node, so put them here
  ELEMENT_NODE                :  1,
  ATTRIBUTE_NODE              :  2,
  TEXT_NODE                   :  3,
  CDATA_SECTION_NODE          :  4,
  ENTITY_NODE                 :  6,
  COMMENT_NODE                :  8,
  DOCUMENT_NODE               :  9,
  DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE          : 10,
  NOTATION_NODE               : 12,

  cleanAttributeName : function (attr_name)
    if (!LAPI.Browser.is_ie) return attr_name;
    if (!LAPI.DOM.cleanAttributeName._names) {
      LAPI.DOM.cleanAttributeName._names = {
         'class'       : 'className'
        ,'cellspacing' : 'cellSpacing'
        ,'cellpadding' : 'cellPadding'
        ,'colspan'     : 'colSpan'
        ,'maxlength'   : 'maxLength'
        ,'readonly'    : 'readOnly'
        ,'rowspan'     : 'rowSpan'
        ,'tabindex'    : 'tabIndex'
        ,'valign'      : 'vAlign'
    var cleaned = attr_name.toLowerCase ();
    return LAPI.DOM.cleanAttributeName._names[cleaned] || cleaned;

  importNode : function (into, node, deep)
    if (!node) return null;
    if (into.importNode) return into.importNode (node, deep);
    if (node.ownerDocument == into) return node.cloneNode (deep);
    var new_node = null;
    switch (node.nodeType) {
        new_node = into.createElement (node.nodeName);
        Array.forEach (
          , function (attr) {
              if (attr && attr.nodeValue && attr.nodeValue.length > 0)
                new_node.setAttribute (LAPI.DOM.cleanAttributeName (attr.name), attr.nodeValue);
        new_node.style.cssText = node.style.cssText;
        if (deep) {
          Array.forEach (
            , function (child) {
                var copy = LAPI.DOM.importNode (into, child, true);
                if (copy) new_node.appendChild (copy);
        return new_node;
      case LAPI.DOM.TEXT_NODE :
        return into.createTextNode (node.nodeValue);
        return (into.createCDATASection
                  ? into.createCDATASection (node.nodeValue)
                  : into.createTextNode (node.nodeValue)
        return into.createComment (node.nodeValue);
      default :
        return null;
    } // end switch

  parse : function (str, content_type)
    function getDocument (str, content_type)
      if (typeof (DOMParser) != 'undefined') {
        var parser = new DOMParser ();
        if (parser && parser.parseFromString)
          return parser.parseFromString (str, content_type);
      // We don't have DOMParser
      if (LAPI.Browser.is_ie) {
        var doc = null;
        // Apparently, these can be installed side-by-side. Try to get the newest one available.
        // Unfortunately, one finds a variety of version strings on the net. I have no idea which
        // ones are correct.
        if (typeof (LAPI.DOM.parse.msDOMDocumentID) == 'undefined') {
          // If we find a parser, we cache it. If we cannot find one, we also remember that.
          var parsers =
            [ 'MSXML6.DOMDocument','MSXML5.DOMDocument','MSXML4.DOMDocument','MSXML3.DOMDocument'
          for (var i=0; i < parsers.length && !doc; i++) {
            try {
              doc = new ActiveXObject (parsers[i]);
              if (doc) LAPI.DOM.parse.msDOMDocumentID = parsers[i];
            } catch (ex) {
              doc = null;
          if (!doc) LAPI.DOM.parse.msDOMDocumentID = null;
        } else if (LAPI.DOM.parse.msDOMDocumentID) {
          doc = new ActiveXObject (LAPI.DOM.parse.msDOMDocumentID);
        if (doc) {
          doc.async = false;
          doc.loadXML (str);
          return doc;
      // Try using a "data" URI (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2397). Reported to work on
      // older Safaris.
      content_type  = content_type || 'application/xml';
      var req = LAPI.Ajax.getRequest ();
      if (req) {
        // Synchronous is OK, since "data" URIs are local
          ('GET', 'data:' + content_type + ';charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent (str), false);
        if (req.overrideMimeType) req.overrideMimeType (content_type);
        req.send (null);
        return req.responseXML;
      return null;
    } // end getDocument

    var doc = null;

    try {
      doc = getDocument (str, content_type);
    } catch (ex) {
      doc = null;
    if (   (    (!doc || !doc.documentElement)
             && (   str.search (/^\s*(<xml[^>]*>\s*)?<!doctype\s+html/i) >= 0
                 || str.search (/^\s*<html/i) >= 0
           (doc && (   LAPI.Browser.is_ie
                    && (!doc.documentElement
                        && doc.parseError && doc.parseError.errorCode != 0
                        && doc.parseError.reason.contains ('Error processing resource')
                        && doc.parseError.reason.contains
      // Either the text specified an (X)HTML document, but we failed to get a Document, or we
      // hit the walls of the single-origin policy on IE which tries to get the DTD from the
      // URI specified... Let's fake a document:
      doc = LAPI.DOM.fakeHTMLDocument (str);
    return doc;

  parseHTML : function (str, sanity_check)
    // Always use a faked document; parsing as XML and then treating the result as HTML doesn't work right with HTML5.
    return LAPI.DOM.fakeHTMLDocument (str);

  fakeHTMLDocument : function (str)
    var body_tag = /<body.*?>/.exec (str);
    if (!body_tag || body_tag.length == 0) return null;
    body_tag = body_tag.index + body_tag[0].length; // Index after the opening body tag
    var body_end = str.lastIndexOf ('</body>');
    if (body_end < 0) return null;
    var content = str.substring (body_tag, body_end); // Anything in between          
    content = content.replace(/<script(.|\s)*?\/script>/g, ""); // Sanitize: strip scripts
    return new LAPI.DOM.DocumentFacade (content);

  isValid : function (doc)
    if (!doc) return doc;
    if (typeof (doc.parseError) != 'undefined') { // IE
      if (doc.parseError.errorCode != 0) {
        throw new Error (  'XML parse error: ' + doc.parseError.reason
                         + ' line ' + doc.parseError.line
                         + ' col ' + doc.parseError.linepos
                         + '\nsrc = ' + doc.parseError.srcText);
    } else {
      // FF... others?
      var root = doc.documentElement;
      if (/^parsererror$/i.test (root.tagName)) {
        throw new Error ('XML parse error: ' + root.getInnerText ());
    return doc;

  hasClass : function (node, className)
    if (!node) return false;
    return (' ' + node.className + ' ').contains (' ' + className + ' ');
  setContent : function (node, content)
    if (content == null) return node;
    LAPI.DOM.removeChildren (node);
    if (content.nodeName) { // presumably a DOM tree, like a span or a document fragment
      node.appendChild (content);
    } else if (typeof (node.innerHTML) != 'undefined') {
      node.innerHTML = content.toString ();
    } else {
      node.appendChild (document.createTextNode (content.toString ()));
    return node;

  makeImage : function (src, width, height, title, doc)
    return LAPI.make (
             , {src : src, width: "" + width, height : "" + height, title : title}
             , doc

  makeButton : function (id, text, f, submit, doc)
    return LAPI.make (
             , {id : id || "", type: (submit ? 'submit' : 'button'), value: text, onclick: f}
             , doc
  makeLabel : function (id, text, for_elem, doc)
    var label = LAPI.make ('label', {id: id || "", htmlFor: for_elem}, null, doc);
    return LAPI.DOM.setContent (label, text);
  makeLink : function (url, text, tooltip, onclick, doc)
    var lk = LAPI.make ('a', {href: url, title: tooltip, onclick: onclick}, null, doc);
    return LAPI.DOM.setContent (lk, text || url);
  // Unfortunately, extending Node.prototype may not work on some browsers,
  // most notably (you've guessed it) IE...
  getInnerText : function (node)
    if (node.textContent) return node.textContent;
    if (node.innerText)   return node.innerText;
    var result = "";
    if (node.nodeType == LAPI.DOM.TEXT_NODE) {
      result = node.nodeValue;
    } else {
      Array.forEach (node.childNodes,
        function (elem) {
          switch (elem.nodeType) {
            case LAPI.DOM.ELEMENT_NODE:
              result += LAPI.DOM.getInnerText (elem);
            case LAPI.DOM.TEXT_NODE:
              result += elem.nodeValue;
    return result;
  removeNode : function (node)
    if (node.parentNode) node.parentNode.removeChild (node);
    return node;

  removeChildren : function (node)
    // if (typeof (node.innerHTML) != 'undefined') node.innerHTML = "";
    // Not a good idea. On IE this destroys all contained nodes, even if they're still referenced
    // from JavaScript! Can't have that...
    while (node.firstChild) node.removeChild (node.firstChild);
    return node;

  insertNode : function (node, before)
    before.parentNode.insertBefore (node, before);
    return node;

  insertAfter : function (node, after)
    var next = after.nextSibling;
    after.parentNode.insertBefore (node, next);
    return node;
  replaceNode : function (node, newNode)
    node.parentNode.replaceChild (node, newNode);
    return newNode;
  isParentOf : function (parent, child)
    while (child && child != parent && child.parentNode) child = child.parentNode;
    return child == parent;

  // Property is to be in CSS style, e.g. 'background-color', not in JS style ('backgroundColor')!
  // Use standard 'cssFloat' for float property.
  currentStyle : function (element, property)
    function normalize (prop) {
      // Don't use a regexp with a lambda function (available only in JS 1.3)... and I once had a
      // case where IE6 goofed grossly with a lambda function. Since then I try to avoid those
      // (though they're neat).
      if (prop == 'cssFloat') return 'styleFloat'; // We'll try both variants below, standard first...
      var result = prop.split ('-');
      result =
        Array.map (result, function (s) { if (s) return s.capitalizeFirst (); else return s;});
      result = result.join ("");
      return result.lowercaseFirst ();

    if (element.ownerDocument.defaultView
        && element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle)
    { // Gecko etc.
      if (property == 'cssFloat') property = 'float';
        element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle (element, null).getPropertyValue (property);
    } else {
      var result;
      if (element.currentStyle) { // IE, has subtle differences to getComputedStyle
        result = element.currentStyle[property] || element.currentStyle[normalize (property)];
      } else // Not exactly right, but best effort
        result = element.style[property] || element.style[normalize (property)];
      // Convert em etc. to pixels. Kudos to Dean Edwards; see
      // http://erik.eae.net/archives/2007/07/27/18.54.15/#comment-102291
      if (!/^\d+(px)?$/i.test (result) && /^\d/.test (result) && element.runtimeStyle) {
        var style                 = element.style.left;
        var runtimeStyle          = element.runtimeStyle.left;
        element.runtimeStyle.left = element.currentStyle.left;
        element.style.left        = result || 0;
        result = elem.style.pixelLeft + "px";
        element.style.left        = style;
        element.runtimeStyle.left = runtimeStyle;

  // Load a given image in a given size. Parameters:
  //   title
  //     Full title of the image, including the "File:" namespace
  //   url
  //     If != null, URL of an existing thumb for that image. If width is null, may contain the url
  //     of the full image.
  //   width
  //     If != null, desired width of the image, otherwise load the full image
  //   height
  //     If width != null, height should also be set.
  //   auto_thumbs
  //     True if missing thumbnails are generated automatically.
  //   success
  //     Function to be called once the image is loaded. Takes one parameter: the IMG-tag of
  //     the loaded image
  //   failure
  //     Function to be called if the image cannot be loaded. Takes one parameter: a string
  //     containing an error message.
  loadImage : function (title, url, width, height, auto_thumbs, success, failure)
    if (auto_thumbs && url) {
      // MediaWiki-style with 404 handler. Set condition to false if your wiki does not have such a
      // setup.
      var img_src = null;
      if (width) {
        var i = url.lastIndexOf ('/');
        if (i >= 0) {
          img_src = url.substring (0, i)
                  + url.substring (i).replace (/^\/\d+px-/, '/' + width + 'px-');
      } else if (url) {
        img_src = url;
      if (!img_src) {
        failure ("Cannot load image from url " + url);
      var img_loader =
        LAPI.make (
          , {src: img_src}
          , {position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '0px', display: 'none'}
      if (width) img_loader.width = "" + width;
      if (height) img_loader.height = "" + height;
      LAPI.Evt.attach (img_loader, 'load', function () {success (img_loader);});
      document.body.appendChild (img_loader); // Now the browser goes loading the image
    } else {
      // No url to work with. Use parseWikitext to have a thumb generated an to get its URL.
      LAPI.Ajax.parseWikitext (
          '[[' + title + (width ? '|' + width + 'px' : "") + ']]'
        , function (html, failureFunc) {
            var dummy =
              LAPI.make (
                , null
                , {position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '0px', display: 'none'}
            document.body.appendChild (dummy); // Now start loading the image
            dummy.innerHTML = html;
            var imgs = dummy.getElementsByTagName ('img');
            LAPI.Evt.attach (
                imgs[0], 'load'
              , function () {
                  success (imgs[0]);
                  LAPI.DOM.removeNode (dummy);
        , function (request, json_result)
            failure ("Image loading failed: " + request.status + ' ' + request.statusText);
        , false // Not as preview
        , null  // user language: don't care
        , null  // on page: don't care
        , 3600  // Cache for an hour

}; // end LAPI.DOM

LAPI.DOM.DocumentFacade = function () {this.initialize.apply (this, arguments);};

LAPI.DOM.DocumentFacade.prototype =
  initialize : function (text)
    // It's not a real document, but it will behave like one for our purposes.
    this.documentElement = LAPI.make ('div', null, {display: 'none', position: 'absolute'});
    this.body = LAPI.make ('div', null, {position: 'relative'});
    this.documentElement.appendChild (this.body);
    document.body.appendChild (this.documentElement);
    this.body.innerHTML = text;
    // Find all forms
    var forms = document.getElementsByTagName ('form');
    var self = this;
    this.forms = Array.select (forms, function (f) {return LAPI.DOM.isParentOf (self.body, f);});
    // Konqueror 4.2.3/4.2.4 clears form.elements when the containing div is removed from the
    // parent document?!
    if (!LAPI.Browser.is_khtml) {
      LAPI.DOM.removeNode (this.documentElement);
    } else {
      this.dispose = function () {LAPI.DOM.removeNode (this.documentElement);};
      // Since we must leave the stuff *in* the original document on Konqueror, we'll also need a
      // dispose routine... what an ugly hack.
    this.allIDs = {};
    this.isFake = true;

  createElement : function (tag) { return document.createElement (tag); },
  createDocumentFragment : function () { return document.createDocumentFragment (); },
  createTextNode : function (text) { return document.createTextNode (text); },
  createComment : function (text) { return document.createComment (text); },
  createCDATASection : function (text) { return document.createCDATASection (text); },
  createAttribute : function (name) { return document.createAttribute (name); },
  createEntityReference : function (name) { return document.createEntityReference (name); },
  createProcessingInstruction : function (target, data) { return document.createProcessingInstruction (target, data); },
  getElementsByTagName : function (tag)
    // Grossly inefficient, but deprecated anyway
    var res = [];
    function traverse (node, tag)
      if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase () == tag) res[res.length] = node;
      var curr = node.firstChild;
      while (curr) { traverse (curr, tag); curr = curr.nextSibling; }
    traverse (this.body, tag.toLowerCase ());
    return res;

  getElementById : function (id)
    function traverse (elem, id)
      if (elem.id == id) return elem;
      var res  = null;
      var curr = elem.firstChild;
      while (curr && !res) {
        res = traverse (curr, id);
        curr = curr.nextSibling;
      return res;
    if (!this.allIDs[id]) this.allIDs[id] = traverse (this.body, id);
    return this.allIDs[id];

  // ...NS operations omitted

}; // end DocumentFacade

if (document.importNode) {
  LAPI.DOM.DocumentFacade.prototype.importNode =
    function (node, deep) { document.importNode (node, deep); };

} // end if (guard)

if (typeof (LAPI.WP) == 'undefined') {


  getContentDiv : function (doc)
    // Monobook, modern, classic skins
    return LAPI.$ (['bodyContent', 'mw_contentholder', 'article'], doc);

  fullImageSizeFromPage : function (doc)
    // Get the full img size. This is screenscraping :-( but there are times where you don't
    // want to get this info from the server using an Ajax call.
    // Note: we get the size from the file history table because the text just below the image
    // is all scrambled on RTL wikis. For instance, on ar-WP, it is
    // "‏ (1,806 × 1,341 بكسل، حجم الملف: 996 كيلوبايت، نوع الملف: image/jpeg) and with uselang=en, 
    // it is at ar-WP "‏ (1,806 × 1,341 pixels, file size: 996 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg)"
    // However, in the file history table, it looks good no matter the language and writing
    // direction.
    // Update: this fails on e.g. ar-WP because someone had the great idea to use localized
    // numerals, but the digit transform table is empty!
    var result = {width : 0, height : 0};
    var file_hist = LAPI.$ ('mw-imagepage-section-filehistory', doc);
    if (!file_hist) return result;
    try {
      var $file_curr = window.jQuery ? $(file_hist).find('td.filehistory-selected') : file_hist.querySelectorAll('td.filehistory-selected');
      // Did they change the column order here? It once was nextSibling.nextSibling... but somehow
      // the thumbnails seem to be gone... Right:
      // http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/phase3/includes/ImagePage.php?r1=52385&r2=53130
      file_hist = LAPI.DOM.getInnerText ($file_curr[0].nextSibling);
      if (!file_hist.contains ('×')) {
        file_hist = LAPI.DOM.getInnerText ($file_curr[0].nextSibling.nextSibling);
        if (!file_hist.contains ('×')) file_hist = null;
    } catch (ex) {
      return result;
    // Now we have "number×number" followed by something arbitrary 
    if (file_hist) {
      file_hist = file_hist.split ('×', 2);
      result.width  = parseInt (file_hist.shift ().replace (/[^0-9]/g, ""), 10);
      // Height is a bit more difficult because e.g. uselang=eo uses a space as the thousands
      // separator. Hence we have to extract this more carefully
      file_hist = file_hist.pop(); // Everything after the "×"
      // Remove any white space embedded between digits
      file_hist = file_hist.replace (/(\d)\s*(\d)/g, '$1$2');
      file_hist = file_hist.split (" ",2).shift ().replace (/[^0-9]/g, "");
      result.height = parseInt (file_hist, 10);
      if (isNaN (result.width) || isNaN (result.height)) result = {width : 0, height : 0};
    return result;

  getPreviewImage : function (title, doc)
    var file_div = LAPI.$ ('file', doc);
    if (!file_div) return null; // Catch page without file...
    var imgs     = file_div.getElementsByTagName ('img');
    title = title || mw.config.get('wgTitle');
    for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) {
      var src = decodeURIComponent (imgs[i].getAttribute ('src', 2)).replace ('%26', '&');
      if (src.search (new RegExp ('^' + LAPI_file_store + '.*/' + title.replace (/ /g, '_').escapeRE () + '(/.*)?$')) == 0)
        return imgs[i];
    return null;

  pageFromLink : function (lk)
    if (!lk) return null;
    var href = lk.getAttribute ('href', 2);
    if (!href) return null;
    // This is a bit tricky to get right, because wgScript can be a substring prefix of
    // wgArticlePath, or vice versa.
    var script = mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?';
    if (href.startsWith (script) || href.startsWith (mw.config.get('wgServer') + script) || mw.config.get('wgServer').startsWith('//') && href.startsWith (document.location.protocol + mw.config.get('wgServer') + script)) {
      // href="/w/index.php?title=..."
      return href.getParamValue ('title');
    // Now try wgArticlePath: href="/wiki/..."
    var prefix = mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace ('$1', "");
    if (!href.startsWith (prefix)) prefix = mw.config.get('wgServer') + prefix; // Fully expanded URL?
    if (!href.startsWith (prefix) && prefix.startsWith ('//')) prefix = document.location.protocol + prefix; // Protocol-relative wgServer?
    if (href.startsWith (prefix))
      return decodeURIComponent (href.substring (prefix.length));
    // Do we have variants?
    var variants = mw.config.get('wgVariantArticlePath');
    if (variants && variants.length > 0)
      var re =
        new RegExp (variants.escapeRE().replace ('\\$2', "[^\\/]*").replace ('\\$1', "(.*)"));
      var m  = re.exec (href);
      if (m && m.length > 1) return decodeURIComponent (m[m.length-1]);
    // Finally alternative action paths
    var actions = mw.config.get('wgActionPaths');
    if (actions) {
      for (var i=0; i < actions.length; i++) {
        var p = actions[i];
        if (p && p.length > 0) {
          p = p.replace('$1', "");
          if (!href.startsWith (p)) p = mw.config.get('wgServer') + p;
          if (!href.startsWith (p) && p.startsWith('//')) p = document.location.protocol + p;
          if (href.startsWith (p))
            return decodeURIComponent (href.substring (p.length));
    return null;

  revisionFromHtml : function (htmlOfPage)
    var revision_id = null;
    if (window.mediaWiki) { // MW 1.17+
      revision_id = htmlOfPage.match (/(mediaWiki|mw).config.set\(\{.*"wgCurRevisionId"\s*:\s*(\d+),/);
      if (revision_id) revision_id = parseInt (revision_id[2], 10);
    } else { // MW < 1.17
      revision_id = htmlOfPage.match (/wgCurRevisionId\s*=\s*(\d+)[;,]/);
      if (revision_id) revision_id = parseInt (revision_id[1], 10);
    return revision_id;

}; // end LAPI.WP

} // end if (guard)

if (typeof (LAPI.Ajax.doAction) == 'undefined') {

mw.loader.load('/wiki/MediaWiki:AjaxSubmit.js?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); // Legacy code: ajaxSubmit

LAPI.Ajax.getXML = function (request, failureFunc)
  var doc = null;
  if (request.responseXML && request.responseXML.documentElement) {
    doc = request.responseXML;
  } else {
    try {
      doc = LAPI.DOM.parse (request.responseText, 'text/xml');
    } catch (ex) {
      if (typeof (failureFunc) == 'function') failureFunc (request, ex);
      doc = null;
  if (doc) {
    try {
      doc = LAPI.DOM.isValid (doc);
    } catch (ex) {
      if (typeof (failureFunc) == 'function') failureFunc (request, ex);
      doc = null;
  return doc;

LAPI.Ajax.getHTML = function (request, failureFunc, sanity_check)
  // Konqueror sometimes has severe problems with responseXML. It does set it, but getElementById
  // may fail to find elements known to exist.
  var doc = null;
  // Always use our own parser instead of responseXML; that doesn't work right with HTML5. (It did work with XHTML, though.)
//  if (   request.responseXML && request.responseXML.documentElement
//      && request.responseXML.documentElement.tagName == 'HTML'
//      && (!sanity_check || request.responseXML.getElementById (sanity_check) != null)
//     )
//  {
//    doc = request.responseXML;
//  } else {
    try {
      doc = LAPI.DOM.parseHTML (request.responseText, sanity_check);
      if (!doc) throw new Error ('#Could not understand request result');
    } catch (ex) {
      if (typeof (failureFunc) == 'function') failureFunc (request, ex);
      doc = null;
//  }
  if (doc) {
    try {
      doc = LAPI.DOM.isValid (doc);
    } catch (ex) {
      if (typeof (failureFunc) == 'function') failureFunc (request, ex);
      doc = null;
  if (doc === null) return doc;
  // We've gotten XML. There is a subtle difference between XML and (X)HTML concerning leading newlines in textareas:
  // XML is required to pass through any whitespace (http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204/#sec-white-space), whereas
  // HTML may or must not (e.g. http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/appendix/notes.html#h-B.3.1, though it is unclear whether that
  // really applies to the content of a textarea, but the draft HTML 5 spec explicitly says that the first newline in a
  // <textarea> is swallowed in HTML:
  // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/syntax.html#element-restrictions).
  //   Because of the latter MW1.18+ adds a newline after the <textarea> start tag if the value starts with a newline. That
  // solves bug 12130 (leading newlines swallowed), but since XML passes us this extra newline, we might end up adding a
  // leading newline upon each edit.
  //   Let's try to make sure that all textarea's values are as they should be in HTML.
  // Note: since the above change to always use our own parser, which always returns a faked HTML document, this should be
  // unnecessary since doc.isFake should always be true.
  if (typeof (LAPI.Ajax.getHTML.extraNewlineRE) == 'undefined') {
    // Feature detection. Compare value after parsing with value after .innerHTML.
    LAPI.Ajax.getHTML.extraNewlineRE = null; // Don't know; hence do nothing
    try {
      var testTA = '<textarea id="test">\nTest</textarea>';
      var testString = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">\n'
                     + '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" dir="ltr">\n'
                     + '<head><title>Test</title></head><body><form>' + testTA + '</form></body>\n'
                     + '</html>';
      var testDoc = LAPI.DOM.parseHTML (testString, 'test');
      var testVal = "" + testDoc.getElementById ('test').value;
      if (testDoc.dispose) testDoc.dispose();
      var testDiv = LAPI.make ('div', null, {display: 'none'});
      document.body.appendChild (testDiv);
      testDiv.innerHTML = testTA;
      if (testDiv.firstChild.value != testVal) {
        LAPI.Ajax.getHTML.extraNewlineRE = /^\r?\n/;
        if (testDiv.firstChild.value != testVal.replace(LAPI.Ajax.getHTML.extraNewlineRE, "")) {
          // Huh? Not the expected difference: go back to "don't know" mode
          LAPI.Ajax.getHTML.extraNewlineRE = null;
      LAPI.DOM.removeNode (testDiv);
    } catch (any) {
      LAPI.Ajax.getHTML.extraNewlineRE = null;
  if (!doc.isFake && LAPI.Ajax.getHTML.extraNewlineRE !== null) {
    // If have a "fake" doc, then we did parse through .innerHTML anyway. No need to fix anything.
    // (Hm. Maybe we should just always use a fake doc?)
    var tas = doc.getElementsByTagName ('textarea');
    for (var i = 0, l = tas.length; i < l; i++) {
      tas[i].value = tas[i].value.replace(LAPI.Ajax.getHTML.extraNewlineRE, "");
  return doc;

LAPI.Ajax.get = function (uri, params, success, failure, config)
  var original_failure = failure;
  if (!failure || typeof (failure) != 'function') failure = function () {};
  if (!success || typeof (success) != 'function')
    throw new Error ('No success function supplied for LAPI.Ajax.get '
                     + uri + ' with arguments ' + params.toString ());
  var request = LAPI.Ajax.getRequest ();
  if (!request) {
    failure (request);
  var args = "";
  var question_mark = uri.indexOf ('?');
  if (question_mark) {
    args = uri.substring (question_mark + 1);
    uri  = uri.substring (0, question_mark);
  if (params != null) {
    if (typeof (params) == 'string' && params.length > 0) {
      args += (args.length > 0 ? '&' : "")
            + ((params.charAt (0) == '&' || params.charAt (0) == '?')
                ? params.substring (1)
                : params
              ); // Must already be encoded!
    } else {
      for (var param in params) {
        args += (args.length > 0 ? '&' : "") + param;
        if (params[param] != null) args += '=' + encodeURIComponent (params[param]);
  var method;
  if (uri.startsWith ('//')) uri = document.location.protocol + uri; // Avoid protocol-relative URIs (IE7 bug)
  if (uri.length + args.length + 1 < (LAPI.Browser.is_ie ? 2040 : 4080)) {
    // Both browsers and web servers may have limits on URL length. IE has a limit of 2083 characters
    // (2048 in the path part), and the WMF servers seem to impose a limit of 4kB.
    method = 'GET'; uri += '?' + args; args = null;
  } else {
    method = 'POST'; // We'll lose caching, but at least we can make the request.
  request.open (method, uri, true);
  request.setRequestHeader ('Pragma', 'cache=yes');
  request.setRequestHeader (
    , 'no-transform'
      + (params && params.maxage ? ', max-age=' + params.maxage : "")
      + (params && params.smaxage ? ', s-maxage=' + params.smaxage : "")
  if (config) {
    for (var conf in config) {
      if (conf == 'overrideMimeType') {
        if (config[conf] && config[conf].length > 0 && request.overrideMimeType)
          request.overrideMimeType (config[conf]);
      } else {
        request.setRequestHeader (conf, config[conf]);
  if (args) request.setRequestHeader ('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
  request.onreadystatechange =
    function ()
      if (request.readyState != 4) return; // Wait until the request has completed.
      try {
        if (request.status != 200)
          throw new Error
            ('#Request to server failed. Status: ' + request.status + ' ' + request.statusText
             + ' URI: ' + uri);
        if (!request.responseText)
          throw new Error ('#Empty response from server for request ' + uri);
      } catch (ex) {
        failure (request, ex);
      success (request, original_failure);
  request.send (args);

LAPI.Ajax.getPage = function (page, action, params, success, failure)
  var uri = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?title=' + encodeURIComponent (page)
        + (action ? '&action=' + action : "");
  LAPI.Ajax.get (uri, params, success, failure, {overrideMimeType : 'application/xml'});

// modify is supposed to save the changes at the end, e.g. using LAPI.Ajax.submit.
// modify is called with three parameters: the document, possibly the form, and the optional
// failure function. The failure function is called with the request as the first parameter,
// and possibly an exception as the second parameter.
LAPI.Ajax.doAction = function (page, action, form, modify, failure)
  if (!page || !action || !modify || typeof (modify) != 'function')
    throw new Error ('Parameter inconsistency in LAPI.Ajax.doAction.');
  var original_failure = failure;
  if (!failure || typeof (failure) != 'function') failure = function () {};
  LAPI.Ajax.getPage (
      page, action, null // No additional parameters
    , function (request, failureFunc) {
        var doc         = null;
        var the_form    = null;
        var revision_id = null;
        try {
          // Convert responseText into DOM tree.
          doc = LAPI.Ajax.getHTML (request, failureFunc, form);      
          if (!doc) return;
          var err_msg = LAPI.$ ('permissions-errors', doc);
          if (err_msg) throw new Error ('#' + LAPI.DOM.getInnerText (err_msg));
          if (form) {
            the_form = LAPI.$ (form, doc);
            if (!the_form) throw new Error ('#Server reply does not contain mandatory form.');
          revision_id = LAPI.WP.revisionFromHtml (request.responseText);
        } catch (ex) {
          failureFunc (request, ex);
        modify (doc, the_form, original_failure, revision_id)
    , failure
}; // end LAPI.Ajax.doAction
LAPI.Ajax.submit = function (form, after_submit)
  try {
    ajaxSubmit (form, null, after_submit, true); // Legacy code from MediaWiki:AjaxSubmit
  } catch (ex) {
    after_submit (null, ex);
}; // end LAPI.Ajax.submit

LAPI.Ajax.editPage = function (page, modify, failure)
  LAPI.Ajax.doAction (page, 'edit', 'editform', modify, failure);
}; // end LAPI.Ajax.editPage
LAPI.Ajax.checkEdit = function (request)
  if (!request) return true;
  // Check for previews (session token lost?) or edit forms (edit conflict). 
  try {
    var doc = LAPI.Ajax.getHTML (request, function () {throw new Error ('Cannot check HTML');});
    if (!doc) return false;
    return LAPI.$ (['wikiPreview', 'editform'], doc) == null;
  } catch (anything) {
    return false;
}; // end LAPI.Ajax.checkEdit
LAPI.Ajax.submitEdit = function (form, success, failure)
  if (!success || typeof (success) != 'function') success = function () {};
  if (!failure || typeof (failure) != 'function') failure = function () {};
  LAPI.Ajax.submit (
    , function (request, ex)
        if (ex) {
          failure (request, ex);
        } else {
          var successful = false;
          try {
            successful = request && request.status == 200 && LAPI.Ajax.checkEdit (request);
          } catch (some_error) {
            failure (request, some_error);
          if (successful)
            success (request);
            failure (request);
}; // end LAPI.Ajax.submitEdit

LAPI.Ajax.apiGet = function (action, params, success, failure)
  var original_failure = failure;
  if (!failure || typeof (failure) != 'function') failure = function () {};
  if (!success || typeof (success) != 'function')
    throw new Error ('No success function supplied for LAPI.Ajax.apiGet '
                     + action + ' with arguments ' + params.toString ());
  var is_json = false;
  if (params != null) {
    if (typeof (params) == 'string') {
      if (!/format=[^&]+/.test (params)) params += '&format=json';
      is_json = /format=json(&|$)/.test (params); // Exclude jsonfm, which actually serves XHTML
    } else {
      if (typeof (params['format']) != 'string' || params.format.length == 0) params.format = 'json';
      is_json = params.format == 'json';
  var uri = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php' + (action ? '?action=' + action : "");
  LAPI.Ajax.get (
      uri, params
    , function (request, failureFunc) {
        if (is_json && request.responseText.trimLeft().charAt (0) != '{') {
          failureFunc (request);
        } else {
          success (
            , (is_json ? eval ('(' + request.responseText.trimLeft() + ')') : null)
            , original_failure
    , failure
}; // end LAPI.Ajax.apiGet

LAPI.Ajax.parseWikitext = function (wikitext, success, failure, as_preview, user_language, on_page, cache)
  if (!failure || typeof (failure) != 'function') failure = function () {};
  if (!success || typeof (success) != 'function')
    throw new Error ('No success function supplied for parseWikitext');
  if (!wikitext && !on_page)
    throw new Error ('No wikitext or page supplied for parseWikitext');
  var params = null;
  if (!wikitext) {
    params = {pst: null, page: on_page};
  } else {
    params =
      { pst  : null // Do the pre-save-transform: Pipe magic, tilde expansion, etc.
       ,text :
          (as_preview ? '\<div style="border:1px solid red; padding:0.5em;"\>'
                        + '\<div class="previewnote"\>'
                        + '\{\{MediaWiki:Previewnote/' + (user_language || mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage')) +'\}\}'
                        + '\<\/div>\<div\>\n'
                      : "")
          + wikitext
          + (as_preview ? '\<\/div\>\<div style="clear:both;"\>\<\/div\>\<\/div\>' : "")
        ,title: on_page || mw.config.get('wgPageName') || "API"
  params.prop    = 'text';
  params.uselang = user_language || mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage'); // see bugzilla 22764
  if (cache && /^\d+$/.test(cache=cache.toString())) {
    params.maxage = cache;
    params.smaxage = cache;
  LAPI.Ajax.apiGet (
    , params
    , function (req, json_result, failureFunc)
        // Success.
        if (!json_result || !json_result.parse || !json_result.parse.text) {
          failureFunc (req, json_result);
        success (json_result.parse.text['*'], failureFunc);
    , failure
}; // end LAPI.Ajax.parseWikitext

// Throbber backward-compatibility

LAPI.Ajax.injectSpinner = function (elementBefore, id) {}; // No-op, replaced as appropriate below.
LAPI.Ajax.removeSpinner = function (id) {}; // No-op, replaced as appropriate below.

if (typeof window.jQuery == 'undefined' || typeof window.mediaWiki == 'undefined' || typeof window.mediaWiki.loader == 'undefined') {
    // Assume old-stlye
	if (typeof window.injectSpinner != 'undefined') {
		LAPI.Ajax.injectSpinner = window.injectSpinner;
	if (typeof window.removeSpinner != 'undefined') {
		LAPI.Ajax.removeSpinner = window.removeSpinner;
} else {
	window.mediaWiki.loader.using('jquery.spinner', function () {
		LAPI.Ajax.injectSpinner = function (elementBefore, id) {
		LAPI.Ajax.removeSpinner = function (id) {

} // end if (guard)

if (typeof (LAPI.Pos) == 'undefined') {
LAPI.Pos =
  // Returns the global coordinates of the mouse pointer within the document.
  mousePosition : function (evt)
    if (!evt || (typeof (evt.pageX) == 'undefined' && typeof (evt.clientX) == 'undefined'))
      // No way to calculate a mouse pointer position
      return null;
    if (typeof (evt.pageX) != 'undefined')
      return { x : evt.pageX, y : evt.pageY };
    var offset      = LAPI.Pos.scrollOffset ();
    var mouse_delta = LAPI.Pos.mouse_offset ();
    var coor_x = evt.clientX + offset.x - mouse_delta.x;
    var coor_y = evt.clientY + offset.y - mouse_delta.y;
    return { x : coor_x, y : coor_y };
  // Operations on document level:
  // Returns the scroll offset of the whole document (in other words, the coordinates
  // of the top left corner of the viewport).
  scrollOffset : function ()
    return {x : LAPI.Pos.getScroll ('Left'), y : LAPI.Pos.getScroll ('Top') };
  getScroll : function (what)
    var s = 'scroll' + what;
    return (document.documentElement ? document.documentElement[s] : 0)
           || document.body[s] || 0;
  // Returns the size of the viewport (result.x is the width, result.y the height).
  viewport : function ()
    return {x : LAPI.Pos.getViewport ('Width'), y : LAPI.Pos.getViewport ('Height') };
  getViewport : function (what)
    if (   LAPI.Browser.is_opera_95 && what == 'Height'
        || LAPI.Browser.is_safari && !document.evaluate)
      return window['inner' + what];
    var s = 'client' + what;
    if (LAPI.Browser.is_opera) return document.body[s];
    return (document.documentElement ? document.documentElement[s] : 0)
           || document.body[s] || 0;
  // Operations on DOM nodes
  position : (function ()
    // The following is the jQuery.offset implementation. We cannot use jQuery yet in globally
    // activated scripts (it has strange side effects for Opera 8 users who can't log in anymore,
    // and it breaks the search box for some users). Note that jQuery does not support Opera 8.
    // Until the WMF servers serve jQuery by default, this copy from the jQuery 1.3.2 sources is
    // needed here. If and when we have jQuery available officially, the whole thing here can be
    // replaced by "var tmp = jQuery (node).offset(); return {x:tmp.left, y:tmp.top};"
    // Kudos to the jQuery development team. Any errors in this adaptation are my own. (Lupo,
    // 2009-08-24).

    var data = null;

    function jQuery_init ()
      data = {};
      // Capability check from jQuery.
      var body = document.body;
      var container = document.createElement('div');
      var html =
          '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;'
        + 'padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;"><div></div></div><table style="position:absolute;'
        + 'top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;" '
        + 'cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td></td></tr></table>';
      var rules = { position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden'
                   ,top: 0, left: 0
                   ,margin: 0, border: 0
                   ,width: '1px', height: '1px'
      Object.merge (rules, container.style);

      container.innerHTML = html;
      body.insertBefore(container, body.firstChild);
      var innerDiv = container.firstChild;
      var checkDiv = innerDiv.firstChild;
      var td = innerDiv.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild;

      data.doesNotAddBorder = (checkDiv.offsetTop !== 5);
      data.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells = (td.offsetTop === 5);

      innerDiv.style.overflow = 'hidden', innerDiv.style.position = 'relative';
      data.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible = (checkDiv.offsetTop === -5);

      var bodyMarginTop    = body.style.marginTop;
      body.style.marginTop = '1px';
      data.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = (body.offsetTop === 0);
      body.style.marginTop = bodyMarginTop;


    function jQuery_offset (node)
      if (node === node.ownerDocument.body) return jQuery_bodyOffset (node);
      if (node.getBoundingClientRect) {
        var box    = node.getBoundingClientRect ();
        var scroll = LAPI.Pos.scrollOffset ();
        return {x : (box.left + scroll.x), y : (box.top + scroll.y)};
      if (!data) jQuery_init ();
      var elem              = node;
      var offsetParent      = elem.offsetParent;
      var prevOffsetParent  = elem;
      var doc               = elem.ownerDocument;
      var prevComputedStyle = doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null);
      var computedStyle;

      var top  = elem.offsetTop;
      var left = elem.offsetLeft;

      while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem !== doc.body && elem !== doc.documentElement ) {
        computedStyle = doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null);
        top -= elem.scrollTop, left -= elem.scrollLeft;
        if ( elem === offsetParent ) {
          top += elem.offsetTop, left += elem.offsetLeft;
          if (   data.doesNotAddBorder
              && !(data.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells && /^t(able|d|h)$/i.test(elem.tagName))
            top  += parseInt (computedStyle.borderTopWidth,  10) || 0;
            left += parseInt (computedStyle.borderLeftWidth, 10) || 0;
          prevOffsetParent = offsetParent; offsetParent = elem.offsetParent;
        if (data.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible && computedStyle.overflow !== 'visible')
          top  += parseInt (computedStyle.borderTopWidth,  10) || 0;
          left += parseInt (computedStyle.borderLeftWidth, 10) || 0;
        prevComputedStyle = computedStyle;

      if (prevComputedStyle.position === 'relative' || prevComputedStyle.position === 'static') {
        top  += doc.body.offsetTop;
        left += doc.body.offsetLeft;
      if (prevComputedStyle.position === 'fixed') {
        top  += Math.max (doc.documentElement.scrollTop, doc.body.scrollTop);
        left += Math.max (doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft);
      return {x: left, y: top};            

    function jQuery_bodyOffset (body)
      if (!data) jQuery_init();
      var top = body.offsetTop, left = body.offsetLeft;
      if (data.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset) {
        top  += parseInt (LAPI.DOM.currentStyle (body, 'margin-top'), 10) || 0;
        left += parseInt (LAPI.DOM.currentStyle (body, 'margin-left'), 10) || 0;
      return {x: left, y: top};

    return jQuery_offset;

  isWithin : function (node, x, y)
    if (!node || !node.parentNode) return false;
    var pos = LAPI.Pos.position (node);
    return    (x == null || x > pos.x && x < pos.x + node.offsetWidth)
           && (y == null || y > pos.y && y < pos.y + node.offsetHeight);
  // Private:
  // IE has some strange offset...
  mouse_offset : function ()
    if (LAPI.Browser.is_ie) {
      var doc_elem = document.documentElement;
      if (doc_elem) {
        if (typeof (doc_elem.getBoundingClientRect) == 'function') {
          var tmp = doc_elem.getBoundingClientRect ();
          return {x : tmp.left, y : tmp.top};
        } else {
          return {x : doc_elem.clientLeft, y : doc_elem.clientTop};
    return {x: 0, y : 0};

}; // end LAPI.Pos

} // end if (guard)

if (typeof (LAPI.Evt) == 'undefined') {
LAPI.Evt =
  listenTo : function (object, node, evt, f, capture)
    var listener = LAPI.Evt.makeListener (object, f);
    LAPI.Evt.attach (node, evt, listener, capture);
  attach : function (node, evt, f, capture)
    if (node.attachEvent) node.attachEvent ('on' + evt, f);
    else if (node.addEventListener) node.addEventListener (evt, f, capture);
    else node['on' + evt] = f;
  remove : function (node, evt, f, capture)
    if (node.detachEvent) node.detachEvent ('on' + evt, f);
    else if (node.removeEventListener) node.removeEventListener (evt, f, capture);
    else node['on' + evt] = null;
  makeListener : function (obj, listener)
    // Some hacking around to make sure 'this' is set correctly
    var object = obj, f = listener;
    return function (evt) { return f.apply (object, [evt || window.event]); }
    // Alternative implementation:
    // var f = listener.bind (obj);
    // return function (evt) { return f (evt || window.event); };

  kill : function (evt)
    if (typeof (evt.preventDefault) == 'function') {
      evt.stopPropagation ();
      evt.preventDefault (); // Don't follow the link
    } else if (typeof (evt.cancelBubble) != 'undefined') { // IE...
      evt.cancelBubble = true;
    return false; // Don't follow the link (IE)

}; // end LAPI.Evt

} // end if (guard)

if (typeof (LAPI.Edit) == 'undefined') {

LAPI.Edit = function () {this.initialize.apply (this, arguments);};

LAPI.Edit.SAVE    = 1;
LAPI.Edit.REVERT  = 4;
LAPI.Edit.CANCEL  = 8;

LAPI.Edit.prototype =
  initialize : function (initial_text, columns, rows, labels, handlers)
    var my_labels =
      {box : null, preview : null, save : 'Save', cancel : 'Cancel', nullsave : null, revert : null, post: null};
    if (labels) my_labels = Object.merge (labels, my_labels);
    this.labels = my_labels;
    this.timestamp = (new Date ()).getTime ();
    this.id = 'simpleedit_' + this.timestamp;
    this.view = LAPI.make ('div', {id : this.id}, {marginRight: '1em'});
    // Somehow, the textbox extends beyond the bounding box of the view. Don't know why, but
    // adding a small margin fixes the layout more or less.
    this.form =
      LAPI.make (
        , { id      : this.id + '_form'
           ,action  : ""
           ,onsubmit: (function () {})
    if (my_labels.box) {
      var label = LAPI.make ('div');
      label.appendChild (LAPI.DOM.makeLabel (this.id + '_label', my_labels.box, this.id + '_text'));
      this.form.appendChild (label);
    this.textarea =
      LAPI.make (
        , { id   : this.id + '_text'
           ,cols : columns
           ,rows : rows
           ,value: (initial_text ? initial_text.toString () : "")
    LAPI.Evt.attach (this.textarea, 'keyup', LAPI.Evt.makeListener (this, this.text_changed));
    // Catch cut/copy/paste through the context menu. Some browsers support oncut, oncopy,
    // onpaste events for this, but since that's only IE, FF 3, Safari 3, and Chrome, we
    // cannot rely on this. Instead, we check again as soon as we leave the textarea. Only
    // minor catch is that on FF 3, the next focus target is determined before the blur event
    // fires. Since in practice save will always be enabled, this shouldn't be a problem.
    LAPI.Evt.attach (this.textarea, 'mouseout', LAPI.Evt.makeListener (this, this.text_changed));
    LAPI.Evt.attach (this.textarea, 'blur', LAPI.Evt.makeListener (this, this.text_changed));
    this.form.appendChild (this.textarea);
    this.form.appendChild (LAPI.make ('br'));
    this.preview_section =
      LAPI.make ('div', null, {borderBottom: '1px solid #8888aa', display: 'none'});
    this.view.insertBefore (this.preview_section, this.view.firstChild);
    this.save =
        (this.id + '_save', my_labels.save, LAPI.Evt.makeListener (this, this.do_save));
    this.form.appendChild (this.save);
    if (my_labels.preview) {
      this.preview =
          (this.id + '_preview', my_labels.preview, LAPI.Evt.makeListener (this, this.do_preview));
      this.form.appendChild (this.preview);
    this.cancel =
        (this.id + '_cancel', my_labels.cancel, LAPI.Evt.makeListener (this, this.do_cancel));
    this.form.appendChild (this.cancel);
    this.view.appendChild (this.form);
    if (my_labels.post) {
      this.post_text = LAPI.DOM.setContent (LAPI.make ('div'), my_labels.post);
      this.view.appendChild (this.post_text);
    if (handlers) Object.merge (handlers, this);
    if (typeof (this.ongettext) != 'function')
      this.ongettext = function (text) { return text;}; // Default: no modifications
    this.current_mask = LAPI.Edit.SAVE + LAPI.Edit.PREVIEW + LAPI.Edit.REVERT + LAPI.Edit.CANCEL;
    if ((!initial_text || initial_text.trim ().length == 0) && this.preview)
      this.preview.disabled = true;
    if (my_labels.revert) {
      this.revert = 
          (this.id + '_revert', my_labels.revert, LAPI.Evt.makeListener (this, this.do_revert));
      this.form.insertBefore (this.revert, this.cancel);
    this.original_text = "";
  getView : function ()
    return this.view;
  getText : function ()
    return this.ongettext (this.textarea.value);
  setText : function (text)
    this.textarea.value = text;
    this.original_text  = text;
    this.text_changed ();
  changeText : function (text)
    this.textarea.value = text;
    this.text_changed ();

  hidePreview : function ()
    this.preview_section.style.display = 'none';
    if (this.onpreview) this.onpreview (this);

  showPreview : function ()
    this.preview_section.style.display = "";
    if (this.onpreview) this.onpreview (this);

  setPreview : function (html)
    if (html.nodeName) {
      LAPI.DOM.removeChildren (this.preview_section);
      this.preview_section.appendChild (html);
    } else {
      this.preview_section.innerHTML = html;
  busy : function (show)
    if (show)
      LAPI.Ajax.injectSpinner (this.cancel, this.id + '_spinner');
      LAPI.Ajax.removeSpinner (this.id + '_spinner');
  do_save : function (evt)
    if (this.onsave) this.onsave (this);
    return true;
  do_revert : function (evt)
    this.changeText (this.original_text);
    return true;

  do_cancel : function (evt)
    if (this.oncancel) this.oncancel (this);
    return true;
  do_preview : function (evt)
    var self = this;
    this.busy (true);
    LAPI.Ajax.parseWikitext (
        this.getText ()
      , function (text, failureFunc)
          self.busy (false);
          self.setPreview (text);
          self.showPreview ();
      , function (req, json_result)
          // Error. TODO: user feedback?
          self.busy (false);
      , true
      , mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage') || null
      , mw.config.get('wgPageName') || null
    return true;

  enable : function (bit_set)
    var call_text_changed = false;
    this.current_mask = bit_set;
    this.save.disabled = ((bit_set & LAPI.Edit.SAVE) == 0);
    this.cancel.disabled = ((bit_set & LAPI.Edit.CANCEL) == 0);
    if (this.preview) {
      if ((bit_set & LAPI.Edit.PREVIEW) == 0)
        this.preview.disabled = true;
        call_text_changed = true;
    if (this.revert) {
      if ((bit_set & LAPI.Edit.REVERT) == 0)
        this.revert.disabled = true;
        call_text_changed = true;
    if (call_text_changed) this.text_changed ();

  text_changed : function (evt)
    var text = this.textarea.value;
    text = text.trim ();
    var length = text.length;   
    if (this.preview && (this.current_mask & LAPI.Edit.PREVIEW) != 0) {
      // Preview is basically enabled
      this.preview.disabled = (length <= 0);
    if (this.labels.nullsave) {
      if (length > 0) {
        this.save.value = this.labels.save;
      } else {
        this.save.value = this.labels.nullsave;
    if (this.revert) {
      this.revert.disabled =
        (text == this.original_text || this.textarea.value == this.original_text);
    return true;

}; // end LAPI.Edit

} // end if (guard)



  Wikitext sanitation for MediaWiki
  Author: [[User:Lupo]], January 2008
  License: Quadruple licensed GFDL, GPL, LGPL and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY-3.0)
  Choose whichever license of these you like best :-)

var TextCleaner =
  imgNamespaceNames : null,

  // This function attempts to construct well-formed wikitext from input that may contain
  // possibly broken wikitext.
  // Note: even just a half-baked sanitation of wikitext is hyper-complex due to the presence
  // of templates, and due to the fact that image thumbnail captions may themselves contain
  // links. This implementation catches the most common errors (such as forgetting to close a
  // template or a link), and even some more elaborate ones. With enough malice, this sanitation
  // can still be broken by user input such that the result is not well-formed wikitext as the
  // parser at the servers would like to have it. (It's still possible that the result is broken
  // wikitext, if the input was broken wikitext. But it never transforms well-formed wikitext
  // into broken wikitext.)
  // If 'only_thumbs' is true, all [[Image: links are changed to [[:Image:, unless the original
  // image link was a thumbnail or had a width smaller than 300px specified.
  // WARNING: do *not* attempt to use this to process large texts (e.g., a whole article). It is
  // probably rather inefficient due to the many substrings that are generated. This function is
  // primarily intended to be used to clean up user input in forms, which are typically rather
  // short.
  sanitizeWikiText : function (input, only_thumbs)
    if (input.search (/[\][}{]|<nowiki(\s[^>]*)?>|<\!--/) < 0) return input;
    // No critical characters
    if (!TextCleaner.imgNamespaceNames) {
      TextCleaner.imgNamespaceNames = [];
      if (mw.config.get("wgNamespaceIds")) {
        for (name in mw.config.get("wgNamespaceIds")) {
          if (mw.config.get("wgNamespaceIds")[name] == 6) // Image namespace
            TextCleaner.imgNamespaceNames[TextCleaner.imgNamespaceNames.length] = name;
      // Make sure that we have the two canonical names
      TextCleaner.imgNamespaceNames[TextCleaner.imgNamespaceNames.length] = 'Image';
      TextCleaner.imgNamespaceNames[TextCleaner.imgNamespaceNames.length] = 'File';
      // If your Wiki does not have wgNamespaceIds, add aliases or localized namespace names here!

    var consumed       = new Array (0, 0);
    // For image captions. Image caption may contain links, and may even contain images.
    // The current MediaWiki parser actually allows this only once. For deeper recursions,
    // it fails. But here, it's actually easier to implement no limit.
    var base_regexp    =
      new RegExp
            (   "[\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04[\\]\\|\\x05\\x06\\x07\\x08]"
              + "|\<nowiki(\\s[^>]*)?\>|\<\!--"
            , "i"); // Ignore case
    var nowiki_regexp  = new RegExp ("\<\\/nowiki(\\s[^>]*)?\>|\<\!--", "i");
    var allow_only_thumbs = only_thumbs;

    function sanitize
      (s, with_links, caption_level, allow_thumbs, break_at_pipe, with_tables, with_galleries)
      if (!s || s.length == 0) {
        if (caption_level > 0) {
          if (consumed.length < caption_level)
            consumed.push (0);
            consumed[caption_level-1] = 0;
        return s;
      var result         = "";
      var initial_length = s.length;
      var get_out        = false;
      var in_nowiki      = false;
      var endings        = null;
      // Stack recording template and table nesting
      var next;
      function push_end (val)
        if (endings == null) {
          endings = new Array (1);
          endings[0] = val;
        } else {
          endings[endings.length] = val;

      function pop_end ()
        if (endings == null) return null; // Shouldn't happen
        var result;
        if (endings.length == 1) {
          result = endings[0];
          endings = null;
        } else {
          result = endings[endings.length -1];
          endings.length = endings.length - 1;
        return result;
      regexp = base_regexp;
      while (s.length > 0 && !get_out) {
        next = s.search (regexp);
        if (next < 0) {
          result = result + s;
        var ch = s.charAt (next);
        var i  = -1;
        var j  = -1;
        var k  = -1;
        switch (ch) {
          case '<':
            // Nowiki or HTML comment. Must be closed.
            if (s.charAt (next+1) == '!') {
              // HTML comment. Cannot be nested.
              i = s.indexOf ('--\>', next+3);
              if (i < 0) {
                result = result + s + '--\>';
                s = "";
              } else {
                result = result + s.substring (0, i + 3);
                s = s.substring (i+3);
            } else if (s.charAt (next+1) == 'n') {
              // Nowiki may contain HTML comments!
              in_nowiki = true;
              regexp = nowiki_regexp;
              result = result + s.substring (0, next + 7);
              s = s.substring (next + 7);
            } else {
              // End of nowiki. Searched for and found only if in_nowiki == true
              in_nowiki = false;
              regexp = base_regexp;
              i = s.indexOf ('>', next+1); // End of tag
              result = result + s.substring (0, i+1);
              s = s.substring (i+1);
          case '\x05':
            // Table start
            if (!with_tables) {
              result  = result + s.substring (0, next);
              get_out = true;
            // Fall through
          case '\x07':
            if (ch == '\x07' && !with_galleries) {
              result = result + s.substring (0, next);
              get_out = true;
          case '\x01':
            // Start of template, table, or gallery
            result = result + s.substring (0, next+1);
            push_end (String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt (0)+1).charAt (0));
            s = s.substring (next+1);
          case '\x06':
            // Table end
            if (break_at_pipe && endings == null) {
              result = result + s.substring (0, next);
              get_out = true;
            // Fall through
          case '\x02':
            // End of a template or table
            result = result + s.substring (0, next);
            if (endings == null || endings[endings.length - 1] != ch) {
              // Spurious template or table end
              if (ch == '\x02')
                result = result + '&#x7D;&#x7D;';
                result = result + '&#x7C;&#x7D;';
            } else {            
              result = result + pop_end ();
            s = s.substring (next+1);
          case '\x08':
            // End of gallery
            result = result + s.substring (0, next+1);
            if (endings != null && endings[endings.length - 1] == ch) pop_end (); 
            s = s.substring (next+1);
          case '\x03':
          case '[':
              if (!with_links && endings == null) {
                get_out = true;
              // Image links must be treated specially, since they may contain nested links
              // in the caption!
              var initial = null;  // If set, it's 'image:' or 'file:' and we have an image link
              i = next;
              while (i < s.length && s.charAt (i) == ch) i++;
              if (ch == '\x03' && i < s.length && s.charAt (i) == '[') i++;
              function get_initial (i, s)
                for (var j = 0; j < TextCleaner.imgNamespaceNames.length; j++) {
                  if (s.length >= i + TextCleaner.imgNamespaceNames[j].length + 1) {
                    var t = s.substr (i, TextCleaner.imgNamespaceNames[j].length + 1);
                    if (t.toLowerCase() == (TextCleaner.imgNamespaceNames[j].toLowerCase () + ':'))
                      return t;
                return null;
              initial = get_initial (i, s);

              // Scan ahead. We'll break at the next top-level | or ] or ]] or [ or [[ or {| or |}
              var lk_text = sanitize (s.substring (i),
                                      false,           // No links at top-level allowed
                                      caption_level + 1,
                                      false,           // No thumbs
                                      true,            // Break at pipe
                                      false,           // No tables
                                      false);          // No galleries
              var lk_text_length = consumed[caption_level];
              j = i + lk_text_length;
              if (j >= s.length) {
                // Used up the whole text: [[Foo or [bar
                if (initial != null && allow_only_thumbs)
                  // Should in any case have started with [[, not [
                  result = result + s.substring (0, i-1) + '\x03:' + initial
                         + lk_text.substring (initial.length) + '\x04';
                  result = result + s.substring (0, i) + lk_text
                         + ((s.charAt (i-1) == '[') ? ']' : '\x04');
                s = "";
              if (s.charAt (j) == '|') k = j; else k = -1;
              if (k < 0) {
                // No pipe found: we should be on the closing ]] or ] or [[Foo]] or [bar]
                if (initial != null && allow_only_thumbs)
                  // Should in any case have started with [[, not [
                  result = result + s.substring (0, i-1) + '\x03:' + initial
                         + lk_text.substring (initial.length) + '\x04';
                  result = result + s.substring (0, i) + lk_text
                         + ((s.charAt (i-1) == '[') ? ']' : '\x04');
                if (s.charAt (j) == ']' || s.charAt (j) == '\x04') {
                  // Indeed closing the link
                  s = s.substring (j+1);
                } else {
                  s = s.substring (j);
              } else {
                var caption = null;
                var used    = 0;
                // Pipe found.
                if (initial == null) {
                  // Not an image link. Must be something like [[Foo|Bar]].
                  caption = sanitize
                              ( s.substring (k+1)
                               , false             // No links, please
                               , caption_level + 1
                               , false             // No thumbs either
                               , false             // Don't care about pipes
                               , true              // Allow tables (yes, parser allows that!)
                               , true);            // Allow galleries (?)
                  // Now we're at [[, [, ]], or ]
                  used = consumed[caption_level];
                  result = result + s.substring (0, i) + lk_text + '|' + caption
                         + ((s.charAt (i-1) == '[') ? ']' : '\x04');
                } else {
                  var q = s.substring (k);
                  // We assume that there are no templates, nowikis, and other nasty things
                  // in the parameters. Search forward until the next [, {, ], }
                  l = q.search(/[\x01\x02\x03[\x04\]\{\}\x05\x06\x07\x08]/);
                  if (l < 0) l = q.length;
                  if (l+1 < q.length) q = q.substring (0, l+1);
                  var is_thumb = q.search (/\|\s*thumb(nail)?\s*[\|\x04]/) >= 0;
                  var img_width = /\|\s*(\d+)px\s*[\|\x04]/.exec (q);
                  if (img_width && img_width.length > 1) {
                    img_width = parseInt (img_width[1], 10);
                    if (isNaN (img_width)) img_width = null;
                  } else
                    img_width = null;
                  if (img_width === null && is_thumb) img_width = 180;
                  var is_small = img_width < 300;
                  // Caption starts at the last pipe before l. If that is a parameter,
                  // it doesn't hurt.
                  var m = k + q.lastIndexOf ('|', l);
                  caption = sanitize
                              (  s.substring (m+1)
                               , is_thumb                  // Allow links only if it's a thumb
                               , caption_level + 1
                               , allow_thumbs && is_thumb
                               , false                     // Don't break at pipe
                               , is_thumb                  // Tables only if it's a thumb
                               , is_thumb);                // Allow galleries for thumbs (?)
                  used = consumed[caption_level];
                  // caption used 'used' chars from m+1, s.charAt (m+1+used) == '\x04'
                  is_thumb = allow_thumbs && is_small;
                  if (is_thumb || !allow_only_thumbs)
                    result = result + s.substring (0, i-1) + '\x03' + lk_text ;
                    result = result + s.substring (0, i-1) + '\x03:' + initial
                           + lk_text.substring (initial.length);
                  result = result + s.substring (k, m+1) + caption + '\x04';
                  k = m;
                next = k+1+used;
                if (next < s.length) {
                  if (s.charAt (next) != '\x04')
                    s = s.substring (next);
                    s = s.substring (next+1);
                } else
                  s = "";
          case '\x04':
          case ']':
            // Extra bracket.
            result = result + s.substring (0, next);
            if (caption_level == 0 && !break_at_pipe) {
              result = result + (ch == ']' ? '&#x5D;' : '&#x5D;&#x5D;');
              s = s.substring (next+1);
            } else
              get_out = true;
          case '|':
            result = result + s.substring (0, next);
            if (break_at_pipe && endings == null) {
              // Pipe character at top level
              get_out = true;
            } else {
              if (caption_level == 0 && !break_at_pipe && endings == null)
                result = result + '&#x7C;'; // Top-level pipe character
                result = result + '|';
              s = s.substring (next+1);
        } // end switch
      } // end while
      if (in_nowiki) result = result + "\<\/nowiki>"; // Make sure this nowiki is closed.
      // Close open templates and tables
      while (endings != null) {
        ch = pop_end ();
        result = result + (ch == '\x06' ? '\n' : "") + ch;
      if (caption_level > 0) {
        var used_up = initial_length - (get_out ? (s.length - next) : 0);
        if (consumed.length < caption_level)
          consumed[consumed.length] = used_up;
          consumed[caption_level-1] = used_up;
      return result;      
    // Replace multi-character tokens by one-character placeholders, simplifying the
    // subsequent processing.
    var s = input.replace (/\{\{/g, '\x01')
                 .replace (/\n\s*\|\}\}\}/g, '\n\x06\x02') // Table end + template end
                 .replace (/\}\}/g, '\x02')
                 .replace (/\[\[/g, '\x03')
                 .replace (/\]\]/g, '\x04')
                 .replace (/\n\s*\{\|/g, '\n\x05')       // Table start and end must be on own line
                 .replace (/^\s*\{\|/, '\x05')           // Table start at the very beginning
                 .replace (/\n\s*\|\}/g, '\n\x06')       // (we strip leading whitespace)
                 .replace (/\<\s*gallery\s*\>/g, '\x07')
                 .replace (/\<\/\s*gallery\s*\>/g, '\x08');

    s = sanitize (s, true, 0, true, false, true, true);
    // with links, allow thumbs, don't break at pipe, allow tables, allow galleries
    return s.replace (/\x01/g, '\{\{')
            .replace (/\x02/g, '\}\}')
            .replace (/\x03/g, '\[\[')
            .replace (/\x04/g, '\]\]')
            .replace (/\x05/g, '\{\|')
            .replace (/\x06/g, '\|\}')
            .replace (/\x07/g, '<gallery>')
            .replace (/\x08/g, '</gallery>');


// /* Cross-browser tooltip support for MediaWiki. Author: [[User:Lupo]], March 2008 License: Quadruple licensed GFDL, GPL, LGPL and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY-3.0) Choose whichever license of these you like best :-) Based on ideas gleaned from prototype.js and prototip.js. http://www.prototypejs.org/ http://www.nickstakenburg.com/projects/prototip/ However, since prototype is pretty large, and prototip had some problems in my tests, this stand-alone version was written. Note: The fancy effects from scriptaculous have not been rebuilt. http://script.aculo.us/ See http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_talk:Tooltips.js for more information including documentation and examples. */ var is_IE = !!window.ActiveXObject; var is_IE_pre_7 = is_IE && (function(agent) { var version = new RegExp('MSIE ([\\d.]+)').exec(agent); return version ? (parseFloat(version[1]) < 7) : false; })(navigator.userAgent); var EvtHandler = { listen_to : function (object, node, evt, f) { var listener = EvtHandler.make_listener (object, f); EvtHandler.attach (node, evt, listener); }, attach : function (node, evt, f) { if (node.attachEvent) node.attachEvent ('on' + evt, f); else if (node.addEventListener) node.addEventListener (evt, f, false); else node['on' + evt] = f; }, remove : function (node, evt, f) { if (node.detachEvent) node.detachEvent ('on' + evt, f); else if (node.removeEventListener) node.removeEventListener (evt, f, false); else node['on' + evt] = null; }, make_listener : function (obj, listener) { // Some hacking around to make sure 'this' is set correctly var object = obj, f = listener; return function (evt) { return f.apply (object, [evt || window.event]); } }, mouse_offset : function () { // IE does some strange things... // This is adapted from dojo 0.9.0, see http://dojotoolkit.org if (is_IE) { var doc_elem = document.documentElement; if (doc_elem) { if (typeof (doc_elem.getBoundingClientRect) == 'function') { var tmp = doc_elem.getBoundingClientRect (); return {x : tmp.left, y : tmp.top}; } else { return {x : doc_elem.clientLeft, y : doc_elem.clientTop}; } } } return null; }, killEvt : function (evt) { if (typeof (evt.preventDefault) == 'function') { evt.stopPropagation (); evt.preventDefault (); // Don't follow the link } else if (typeof (evt.cancelBubble) != 'undefined') { // IE... evt.cancelBubble = true; } return false; // Don't follow the link (IE) } } // end EvtHandler var Buttons = { buttonClasses : {}, createCSS : function (imgs, sep, id) { var width = imgs[0].getAttribute ('width'); var height = imgs[0].getAttribute ('height'); try { // The only way to set the :hover and :active properties through Javascript is by // injecting a piece of CSS. There is no direct access within JS to these properties. var sel1 = "a" + sep + id; var prop1 = "border:0; text-decoration:none; background-color:transparent; " + "width:" + width + "px; height:" + height + "px; " + "display:inline-block; " + "background-position:left; background-repeat:no-repeat; " + "background-image:url(" + imgs[0].src + ");"; var sel2 = null, prop2 = null, sel3 = null, prop3 = null; // For IE... var css = sel1 + ' {' + prop1 + '}\n'; // For real browsers if (imgs.length > 1 && imgs[1]) { sel2 = "a" + sep + id + ":hover"; prop2 = "background-image:url(" + imgs[1].src + ");"; css = css + sel2 + ' {' + prop2 + '}\n'; } if (imgs.length > 2 && imgs[2]) { sel3 = "a" + sep + id + ":active" prop3 = "background-image:url(" + imgs[2].src + ");"; css = css + sel3 + ' {' + prop3 + '}\n'; } // Now insert a style sheet with these properties into the document (or rather, its head). var styleElem = document.createElement( 'style' ); styleElem.setAttribute ('type', 'text/css'); try { styleElem.appendChild (document.createTextNode (css)); document.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0].appendChild (styleElem); } catch (ie_bug) { // Oh boy, IE has a big problem here document.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0].appendChild (styleElem); // try { styleElem.styleSheet.cssText = css; /* } catch (anything) { if (document.styleSheets) { var lastSheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; if (lastSheet && typeof (lastSheet.addRule) != 'undefined') { lastSheet.addRule (sel1, prop1); if (sel2) lastSheet.addRule (sel2, prop2); if (sel3) lastSheet.addRule (sel3, prop3); } } } */ } } catch (ex) { return null; } if (sep == '.') { // It's a class: remember the first image Buttons.buttonClasses[id] = imgs[0]; } return id; }, // end createCSS createClass : function (imgs, id) { return Buttons.createCSS (imgs, '.', id); }, makeButton : function (imgs, id, handler, title) { var success = false; var buttonClass = null; var content = null; if (typeof (imgs) == 'string') { buttonClass = imgs; content = Buttons.buttonClasses[imgs]; success = (content != null); } else { success = (Buttons.createCSS (imgs, '#', id) != null); content = imgs[0]; } if (success) { var lk = document.createElement ('a'); lk.setAttribute ('title', title || content.getAttribute ('alt') || content.getAttribute ('title') || ""); lk.id = id; if (buttonClass) lk.className = buttonClass; if (typeof (handler) == 'string') { lk.href = handler; } else { lk.href = '#'; // Dummy, overridden by the onclick handler below. lk.onclick = function (evt) { var e = evt || window.event; // W3C, IE try {handler (e);} catch (ex) {}; return EvtHandler.killEvt (e); }; } content = content.cloneNode (true); content.style.visibility = 'hidden'; lk.appendChild (content); return lk; } else { return null; } } // end makeButton } // end Button var Tooltips = { // Helper object to force quick closure of a tooltip if another one shows up. debug  : false, top_tip  : null, nof_tips : 0, new_id : function () { Tooltips.nof_tips++; return 'tooltip_' + Tooltips.nof_tips; }, register : function (new_tip) { if (Tooltips.top_tip && Tooltips.top_tip != new_tip) Tooltips.top_tip.hide_now (); Tooltips.top_tip = new_tip; }, deregister : function (tip) { if (Tooltips.top_tip == tip) Tooltips.top_tip = null; }, close : function () { if (Tooltips.top_tip) { Tooltips.top_tip.hide_now (); Tooltips.top_tip = null; } } } var Tooltip = function () {this.initialize.apply (this, arguments);} // This is the Javascript way of creating a class. Methods are added below to Tooltip.prototype; // one such method is 'initialize', and that will be called when a new instance is created. // To create instances of this class, use var t = new Tooltip (...); // Location constants Tooltip.MOUSE = 0; // Near the mouse pointer Tooltip.TRACK = 1; // Move tooltip when mouse pointer moves Tooltip.FIXED = 2; // Always use a fixed poition (anchor) relative to an element // Anchors Tooltip.TOP_LEFT = 1; Tooltip.TOP_RIGHT = 2; Tooltip.BOTTOM_LEFT = 3; Tooltip.BOTTOM_RIGHT = 4; // Activation constants Tooltip.NONE = -1; // You must show the tooltip explicitly in this case. Tooltip.HOVER = 1; Tooltip.FOCUS = 2; // always uses the FIXED position Tooltip.CLICK = 4; Tooltip.ALL_ACTIVATIONS = 7; // Deactivation constants Tooltip.MOUSE_LEAVE = 1; // Mouse leaves target, alternate target, and tooltip Tooltip.LOSE_FOCUS = 2; // Focus changes away from target Tooltip.CLICK_ELEM = 4; // Target is clicked Tooltip.CLICK_TIP = 8; // Makes only sense if not tracked Tooltip.ESCAPE = 16; Tooltip.ALL_DEACTIVATIONS = 31; Tooltip.LEAVE = Tooltip.MOUSE_LEAVE | Tooltip.LOSE_FOCUS; // On IE, use the mouseleave/mouseenter events, which fire only when the boundaries of the // element are left (but not when the element if left because the mouse moved over some // contained element) Tooltip.mouse_in = (is_IE ? 'mouseenter' : 'mouseover'); Tooltip.mouse_out = (is_IE ? 'mouseleave' : 'mouseout'); Tooltip.prototype = { initialize : function (on_element, tt_content, opt, css) { if (!on_element || !tt_content) return; this.tip_id = Tooltips.new_id (); // Registering event handlers via attacheEvent on IE is apparently a time-consuming // operation. When you add many tooltips to a page, this can add up to a noticeable delay. // We try to mitigate that by only adding those handlers we absolutely need when the tooltip // is created: those for showing the tooltip. The ones for hiding it again are added the // first time the tooltip is actually shown. We thus record which handlers are installed to // avoid installing them multiple times: // event_state: -1 : nothing set, 0: activation set, 1: all set // tracks: true iff there is a mousemove handler for tracking installed. // This change bought us about half a second on IE (for 13 tooltips on one page). On FF, it // doesn't matter at all; in Firefoy, addEventListener is fast anyway. this.event_state = -1; this.tracks = false; // We clone the node, wrap it, and re-add it at the very end of the // document to make sure we're not within some nested container with // position='relative', as this screws up all absolute positioning // (We always position in global document coordinates.) // In my tests, it appeared as if Nick Stakenburg's "prototip" has // this problem... if (typeof (tt_content) == 'function') { this.tip_creator = tt_content; this.css = css; this.content = null; } else { this.tip_creator = null; this.css = null; if (tt_content.parentNode) { if (tt_content.ownerDocument != document) tt_content = document.importNode (tt_content, true); else tt_content = tt_content.cloneNode (true); } tt_content.id = this.tip_id; this.content = tt_content; } // Wrap it var wrapper = document.createElement ('div'); wrapper.className = 'tooltipContent'; // On IE, 'relative' triggers lots of float:right bugs (floats become invisible or are // mispositioned). //if (!is_IE) wrapper.style.position = 'relative'; if (this.content) wrapper.appendChild (this.content); this.popup = document.createElement ('div'); this.popup.style.display = 'none'; this.popup.style.position = 'absolute'; this.popup.style.top = "0px"; this.popup.style.left = "0px"; this.popup.appendChild (wrapper); // Set the options this.options = { mode  : Tooltip.TRACK // Where to display the tooltip. ,activate  : Tooltip.HOVER // When to activate ,deactivate  : Tooltip.LEAVE | Tooltip.CLICK_ELEM | Tooltip.ESCAPE // When to deactivate ,mouse_offset : {x: 5, y: 5, dx: 1, dy: 1} // Pixel offsets and direction from mouse pointer ,fixed_offset : {x:10, y: 5, dx: 1, dy: 1} // Pixel offsets from anchor position ,anchor  : Tooltip.BOTTOM_LEFT // Anchor for fixed position ,target  : null // Optional alternate target for fixed display. ,max_width  : 0.6 // Percent of window width (1.0 == 100%) ,max_pixels  : 0 // If > 0, maximum width in pixels ,z_index  : 1000 // On top of everything ,open_delay  : 500 // Millisecs, set to zero to open immediately ,hide_delay  : 1000 // Millisecs, set to zero to close immediately ,close_button : null // Either a single image, or an array of up to three images // for the normal, hover, and active states, in that order ,onclose  : null // Callback to be called when the tooltip is hidden. Should be // a function taking a single argument 'this' (this Tooltip) // an an optional second argument, the event. ,onopen  : null // Ditto, called after opening. }; // The lower of max_width and max_pixels limits the tooltip's width. if (opt) { // Merge in the options for (var option in opt) { if (option == 'mouse_offset' || option == 'fixed_offset') { try { for (var attr in opt[option]) { this.options[option][attr] = opt[option][attr]; } } catch (ex) { } } else this.options[option] = opt[option]; } } // Set up event handlers as appropriate this.eventShow = EvtHandler.make_listener (this, this.show); this.eventToggle = EvtHandler.make_listener (this, this.toggle); this.eventFocus = EvtHandler.make_listener (this, this.show_focus); this.eventClick = EvtHandler.make_listener (this, this.show_click); this.eventHide = EvtHandler.make_listener (this, this.hide); this.eventTrack = EvtHandler.make_listener (this, this.track); this.eventClose = EvtHandler.make_listener (this, this.hide_now); this.eventKey = EvtHandler.make_listener (this, this.key_handler); this.close_button = null; this.close_button_width = 0; if (this.options.close_button) { this.makeCloseButton (); if (this.close_button) { // Only a click on the close button will close the tip. this.options.deactivate = this.options.deactivate & ~Tooltip.CLICK_TIP; // And escape is always active if we have a close button this.options.deactivate = this.options.deactivate | Tooltip.ESCAPE; // Don't track, you'd have troubles ever getting to the close button. if (this.options.mode == Tooltip.TRACK) this.options.mode = Tooltip.MOUSE; this.has_links = true; } } if (this.options.activate == Tooltip.NONE) { this.options.activate = 0; } else { if ((this.options.activate & Tooltip.ALL_ACTIVATIONS) == 0) { if (on_element.nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'a') this.options.activate = Tooltip.CLICK; else this.options.activate = Tooltip.HOVER; } } if ((this.options.deactivate & Tooltip.ALL_DEACTIVATIONS) == 0 && !this.close_button) this.options.deactivate = Tooltip.LEAVE | Tooltip.CLICK_ELEM | Tooltip.ESCAPE; document.body.appendChild (this.popup); if (this.content) this.apply_styles (this.content, css); // After adding it to the document // Clickable links? if (this.content && this.options.mode == Tooltip.TRACK) { this.setHasLinks (); if (this.has_links) { // If you track a tooltip with links, you'll never be able to click the links this.options.mode = Tooltip.MOUSE; } } // No further option checks. If nonsense is passed, you'll get nonsense or an exception. this.popup.style.zIndex = "" + this.options.z_index; this.target = on_element; this.open_timeout_id = null; this.hide_timeout_id = null; this.size = {width : 0, height : 0}; this.setupEvents (EvtHandler.attach, 0); this.ieFix = null; if (is_IE) { // Display an invisible IFrame of the same size as the popup beneath it to make popups // correctly cover "windowed controls" such as form input fields in IE. For IE >=5.5, but // who still uses older IEs?? The technique is also known as a "shim". A good // description is at http://dev2dev.bea.com/lpt/a/39 this.ieFix = document.createElement ('iframe'); this.ieFix.style.position = 'absolute'; this.ieFix.style.border = '0'; this.ieFix.style.margin = '0'; this.ieFix.style.padding = '0'; this.ieFix.style.zIndex = "" + (this.options.z_index - 1); // Below the popup this.ieFix.tabIndex = -1; this.ieFix.frameBorder = '0'; this.ieFix.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild (this.ieFix); this.ieFix.style.filter = 'alpha(Opacity=0)'; // Ensure transparency } }, apply_styles : function (node, css) { if (css) { for (var styledef in css) node.style[styledef] = css[styledef]; } if (this.close_button) node.style.opacity = "1.0"; // Bug workaround. // FF doesn't handle the close button at all if it is (partially) transparent... if (node.style.display == 'none') node.style.display = ""; }, setHasLinks : function () { if (this.close_button) { this.has_links = true; return; } var lks = this.content.getElementsByTagName ('a'); this.has_links = false; for (var i=0; i < lks.length; i++) { var href = lks[i].getAttribute ('href'); if (href && href.length > 0) { this.has_links = true; return; } } // Check for form elements function check_for (within, names) { if (names) { for (var i=0; i < names.length; i++) { var elems = within.getElementsByTagName (names[i]); if (elems && elems.length > 0) return true; } } return false; } this.has_links = check_for (this.content, ['form', 'textarea', 'input', 'button', 'select']); }, setupEvents : function (op, state) { if (state < 0 || state == 0 && this.event_state < state) { if (this.options.activate & Tooltip.HOVER) op (this.target, Tooltip.mouse_in, this.eventShow); if (this.options.activate & Tooltip.FOCUS) op (this.target, 'focus', this.eventFocus); if ( (this.options.activate & Tooltip.CLICK) && (this.options.deactivate & Tooltip.CLICK_ELEM)) { op (this.target, 'click', this.eventToggle); } else { if (this.options.activate & Tooltip.CLICK) op (this.target, 'click', this.eventClick); if (this.options.deactivate & Tooltip.CLICK_ELEM) op (this.target, 'click', this.eventClose); } this.event_state = state; } if (state < 0 || state == 1 && this.event_state < state) { if (this.options.deactivate & Tooltip.MOUSE_LEAVE) { op (this.target, Tooltip.mouse_out, this.eventHide); op (this.popup, Tooltip.mouse_out, this.eventHide); if (this.options.target) op (this.options.target, Tooltip.mouse_out, this.eventHide); } if (this.options.deactivate & Tooltip.LOSE_FOCUS) op (this.target, 'blur', this.eventHide); if ( (this.options.deactivate & Tooltip.CLICK_TIP) && (this.options.mode != Tooltip.TRACK)) op (this.popup, 'click', this.eventClose); // Some more event handling if (this.hide_delay > 0) { if (!(this.options.activate & Tooltip.HOVER)) op (this.popup, Tooltip.mouse_in, this.eventShow); op (this.popup, 'mousemove', this.eventShow); } this.event_state = state; } if (state < 0 && this.tracks) op (this.target, 'mousemove', this.eventTrack); }, remove: function () { this.hide_now (); this.setupEvents (EvtHandler.remove, -1); this.tip_creator = null; document.body.removeElement (this.popup); if (this.ieFix) document.body.removeElement (this.ieFix); }, show : function (evt) { this.show_tip (evt, true); }, show_focus : function (evt) // Show on focus { this.show_tip (evt, false); }, show_click : function (evt) { this.show_tip (evt, false); if (this.target.nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'a') return EvtHandler.killEvt (evt); else return false; }, toggle : function (evt) { if (this.popup.style.display != 'none' && this.popup.style.display != null) { this.hide_now (evt); } else { this.show_tip (evt, true); } if (this.target.nodeName.toLowerCase () == 'a') return EvtHandler.killEvt (evt); else return false; }, show_tip : function (evt, is_mouse_evt) { if (this.hide_timeout_id != null) window.clearTimeout (this.hide_timeout_id); this.hide_timeout_id = null; if (this.popup.style.display != 'none' && this.popup.style.display != null) return; if (this.tip_creator) { // Dynamically created tooltip. try { this.content = this.tip_creator (evt); } catch (ex) { // Oops! Indicate that something went wrong! var error_msg = document.createElement ('div'); error_msg.appendChild ( document.createElement ('b').appendChild ( document.createTextNode ('Exception: ' + ex.name))); error_msg.appendChild(document.createElement ('br')); error_msg.appendChild (document.createTextNode (ex.message)); if (typeof (ex.fileName) != 'undefined' && typeof (ex.lineNumber) != 'undefined') { error_msg.appendChild(document.createElement ('br')); error_msg.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('File ' + ex.fileName)); error_msg.appendChild(document.createElement ('br')); error_msg.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('Line ' + ex.lineNumber)); } this.content = error_msg; } // Our wrapper has at most two children: the close button, and the content. Don't remove // the close button, if any. if (this.popup.firstChild.lastChild && this.popup.firstChild.lastChild != this.close_button) this.popup.firstChild.removeChild (this.popup.firstChild.lastChild); this.popup.firstChild.appendChild (this.content); this.apply_styles (this.content, this.css); if (this.options.mode == Tooltip.TRACK) this.setHasLinks (); } // Position it now. It must be positioned before the timeout below! this.position_tip (evt, is_mouse_evt); if (Tooltips.debug) { alert ('Position: x = ' + this.popup.style.left + ' y = ' + this.popup.style.top); } this.setupEvents (EvtHandler.attach, 1); if (this.options.mode == Tooltip.TRACK) { if (this.has_links) { if (this.tracks) EvtHandler.remove (this.target, 'mousemove', this.eventTrack); this.tracks = false; } else { if (!this.tracks) EvtHandler.attach (this.target, 'mousemove', this.eventTrack); this.tracks = true; } } if (this.options.open_delay > 0) { var obj = this; this.open_timout_id = window.setTimeout (function () {obj.show_now (obj);}, this.options.open_delay); } else this.show_now (this); }, show_now : function (elem) { if (elem.popup.style.display != 'none' && elem.popup.style.display != null) return; Tooltips.register (elem); if (elem.ieFix) { elem.ieFix.style.top = elem.popup.style.top; elem.ieFix.style.left = elem.popup.style.left; elem.ieFix.style.width = elem.size.width + "px"; elem.ieFix.style.height = elem.size.height + "px"; elem.ieFix.style.display = ""; } elem.popup.style.display = ""; // Finally show it if ( (elem.options.deactivate & Tooltip.ESCAPE) && typeof (elem.popup.focus) == 'function') { // We need to attach this event globally. EvtHandler.attach (document, 'keydown', elem.eventKey); } elem.open_timeout_id = null; // Callback if (typeof (elem.options.onopen) == 'function') elem.options.onopen (elem); }, track : function (evt) { this.position_tip (evt, true); // Also move the shim! if (this.ieFix) { this.ieFix.style.top = this.popup.style.top; this.ieFix.style.left = this.popup.style.left; this.ieFix.style.width = this.size.width + "px"; this.ieFix.style.height = this.size.height + "px"; } }, size_change : function () { // If your content is such that it changes, make sure this is called after each size change. // Unfortunately, I have found no way of monitoring size changes of this.popup and then doing // this automatically. See for instance the "toggle" example (the 12th) on the example page at // http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Tooltips.js/Documentation/Examples if (this.popup.style.display != 'none' && this.popup.style.display != null) { // We're visible. Make sure the shim gets resized, too! this.size = {width : this.popup.offsetWidth, height: this.popup.offsetHeight}; if (this.ieFix) { this.ieFix.style.top = this.popup.style.top; this.ieFix.style.left = this.popup.style.left; this.ieFix.style.width = this.size.width + "px"; this.ieFix.style.height = this.size.height + "px"; } } }, position_tip : function (evt, is_mouse_evt) { var view = {width  : this.viewport ('Width'), height : this.viewport ('Height')}; var off = {left  : this.scroll_offset ('Left'), top  : this.scroll_offset ('Top')}; var x = 0, y = 0; var offset = null; // Calculate the position if (is_mouse_evt && this.options.mode != Tooltip.FIXED) { var mouse_delta = EvtHandler.mouse_offset (); if (Tooltips.debug && mouse_delta) { alert ("Mouse offsets: x = " + mouse_delta.x + ", y = " + mouse_delta.y); } x = (evt.pageX || (evt.clientX + off.left - (mouse_delta ? mouse_delta.x : 0))); y = (evt.pageY || (evt.clientY + off.top - (mouse_delta ? mouse_delta.y : 0))); offset = 'mouse_offset'; } else { var tgt = this.options.target || this.target; var pos = this.position (tgt); switch (this.options.anchor) { default: case Tooltip.BOTTOM_LEFT: x = pos.x; y = pos.y + tgt.offsetHeight; break; case Tooltip.BOTTOM_RIGHT: x = pos.x + tgt.offsetWidth; y = pos.y + tgt.offsetHeight; break; case Tooltip.TOP_LEFT: x = pos.x; y = pos.y; break; case Tooltip.TOP_RIGHT: x = pos.x + tgt.offsetWidth; y = pos.y; break; } offset = 'fixed_offset'; } x = x + this.options[offset].x * this.options[offset].dx; y = y + this.options[offset].y * this.options[offset].dy; this.size = this.calculate_dimension (); if (this.options[offset].dx < 0) x = x - this.size.width; if (this.options[offset].dy < 0) y = y - this.size.height; // Now make sure we're within the view. if (x + this.size.width > off.left + view.width) x = off.left + view.width - this.size.width; if (x < off.left) x = off.left; if (y + this.size.height > off.top + view.height) y = off.top + view.height - this.size.height; if (y < off.top) y = off.top; this.popup.style.top = y + "px"; this.popup.style.left = x + "px"; }, hide : function (evt) { if (this.popup.style.display == 'none') return; // Get mouse position var mouse_delta = EvtHandler.mouse_offset (); var x = evt.pageX || (evt.clientX + this.scroll_offset ('Left') - (mouse_delta ? mouse_delta.x : 0)); var y = evt.pageY || (evt.clientY + this.scroll_offset ('Top') - (mouse_delta ? mouse_delta.y : 0)); // We hide it if we're neither within this.target nor within this.content nor within the // alternate target, if one was given. if (Tooltips.debug) { var tp = this.position (this.target); var pp = this.position (this.popup); alert ("x = " + x + " y = " + y + '\n' + "t: " + tp.x + "/" + tp.y + "/" + this.target.offsetWidth + "/" + this.target.offsetHeight + '\n' + (tp.n ? "t.m = " + tp.n.nodeName + "/" + tp.n.getAttribute ('margin') + "/" + tp.n.getAttribute ('marginTop') + "/" + tp.n.getAttribute ('border') + '\n'  : "") + "p: " + pp.x + "/" + pp.y + "/" + this.popup.offsetWidth + "/" + this.popup.offsetHeight + '\n' + (pp.n ? "p.m = " + pp.n.nodeName + "/" + pp.n.getAttribute ('margin') + "/" + pp.n.getAttribute ('marginTop') + "/" + pp.n.getAttribute ('border') + '\n'  : "") + "e: " + evt.pageX + "/" + evt.pageY + " " + evt.clientX + "/" + this.scroll_offset ('Left') + " " + evt.clientY + "/" + this.scroll_offset ('Top') + '\n' + (mouse_delta ? "m : " + mouse_delta.x + "/" + mouse_delta.y + '\n' : "") ); } if ( !this.within (this.target, x, y) && !this.within (this.popup, x, y) && (!this.options.target || !this.within (this.options.target, x, y))) { if (this.open_timeout_id != null) window.clearTimeout (this.open_timeout_id); this.open_timeout_id = null; var event_copy = evt; if (this.options.hide_delay > 0) { var obj = this; this.hide_timeout_id = window.setTimeout ( function () {obj.hide_popup (obj, event_copy);} , this.options.hide_delay ); } else this.hide_popup (this, event_copy); } }, hide_popup : function (elem, event) { if (elem.popup.style.display == 'none') return; // Already hidden, recursion from onclose? elem.popup.style.display = 'none'; if (elem.ieFix) elem.ieFix.style.display = 'none'; elem.hide_timeout_id = null; Tooltips.deregister (elem); if (elem.options.deactivate & Tooltip.ESCAPE) EvtHandler.remove (document, 'keydown', elem.eventKey); // Callback if (typeof (elem.options.onclose) == 'function') elem.options.onclose (elem, event); }, hide_now : function (evt) { if (this.open_timeout_id != null) window.clearTimeout (this.open_timeout_id); this.open_timeout_id = null; var event_copy = evt || null; this.hide_popup (this, event_copy); if (evt && this.target.nodeName.toLowerCase == 'a') return EvtHandler.killEvt (evt); else return false; }, key_handler : function (evt) { if (Tooltips.debug) alert ('key evt ' + evt.keyCode); if (evt.DOM_VK_ESCAPE && evt.keyCode == evt.DOM_VK_ESCAPE || evt.keyCode == 27) this.hide_now (evt); return true; }, setZIndex : function (z_index) { if (z_index === null || isNaN (z_index) || z_index < 2) return; z_index = Math.floor (z_index); if (z_index == this.options.z_index) return; // No change if (this.ieFix) { // Always keep the shim below the actual popup. if (z_index > this.options.z_index) { this.popup.style.zIndex = z_index; this.ieFix.style.zIndex = "" + (z_index - 1); } else { this.ieFix.style.zIndex = "" + (z_index - 1); this.popup.style.zIndex = z_index; } } else { this.popup.style.zIndex = z_index; } this.options.z_index = z_index; }, makeCloseButton : function () { this.close_button = null; if (!this.options.close_button) return; var imgs = null; if (typeof (this.options.close_button.length) != 'undefined') imgs = this.options.close_button; // Also if it's a string (name of previously created class) else imgs = [this.options.close_button]; if (!imgs || imgs.length == 0) return; // Paranoia var lk = Buttons.makeButton (imgs, this.tip_id + '_button', this.eventClose); if (lk) { var width = lk.firstChild.getAttribute ('width'); if (!is_IE) { lk.style.cssFloat = 'right'; } else { // IE is incredibly broken on right floats. var container = document.createElement ('div'); container.style.display = 'inline'; container.style.styleFloat = 'right'; container.appendChild (lk); lk = container; } lk.style.paddingTop = '2px'; lk.style.paddingRight = '2px'; this.popup.firstChild.insertBefore (lk, this.popup.firstChild.firstChild); this.close_button = lk; this.close_button_width = parseInt ("" + width, 10); } }, within : function (node, x, y) { if (!node) return false; var pos = this.position (node); return (x == null || x > pos.x && x < pos.x + node.offsetWidth) && (y == null || y > pos.y && y < pos.y + node.offsetHeight); }, position : (function () { // The following is the jQuery.offset implementation. We cannot use jQuery yet in globally // activated scripts (it has strange side effects for Opera 8 users who can't log in anymore, // and it breaks the search box for some users). Note that jQuery does not support Opera 8. // Until the WMF servers serve jQuery by default, this copy from the jQuery 1.3.2 sources is // needed here. If and when we have jQuery available officially, the whole thing here can be // replaced by "var tmp = jQuery (node).offset(); return {x:tmp.left, y:tmp.top};" // Kudos to the jQuery development team. Any errors in this adaptation are my own. (Lupo, // 2009-08-24). // Note: I have virtually the same code also in LAPI.js, but I cannot import that here // because I know that at least one gadget at the French Wikipedia includes this script here // directly from here. I'd have to use importScriptURI instead of importScript to keep that // working, but I'd run the risk that including LAPI at the French Wikipedia might break // something there. I *hate* it when people hotlink scripts across projects! var data = null; function jQuery_init () { data = {}; // Capability check from jQuery. var body = document.body; var container = document.createElement('div'); var html = '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;' + 'padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;"><div></div></div><table style="position:absolute;' + 'top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;" ' + 'cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td></td></tr></table>'; var rules = { position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden' ,top: 0, left: 0 ,margin: 0, border: 0 ,width: '1px', height: '1px' }; Object.merge (rules, container.style); container.innerHTML = html; body.insertBefore(container, body.firstChild); var innerDiv = container.firstChild; var checkDiv = innerDiv.firstChild; var td = innerDiv.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild; data.doesNotAddBorder = (checkDiv.offsetTop !== 5); data.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells = (td.offsetTop === 5); innerDiv.style.overflow = 'hidden', innerDiv.style.position = 'relative'; data.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible = (checkDiv.offsetTop === -5); var bodyMarginTop = body.style.marginTop; body.style.marginTop = '1px'; data.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = (body.offsetTop === 0); body.style.marginTop = bodyMarginTop; body.removeChild(container); }; function jQuery_offset (node) { if (node === node.ownerDocument.body) return jQuery_bodyOffset (node); if (node.getBoundingClientRect) { var box = node.getBoundingClientRect (); var scroll = {x : this.scroll_offset ('Left'), y: this.scroll_offset ('Top')}; return {x : (box.left + scroll.x), y : (box.top + scroll.y)}; } if (!data) jQuery_init (); var elem = node; var offsetParent = elem.offsetParent; var prevOffsetParent = elem; var doc = elem.ownerDocument; var prevComputedStyle = doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null); var computedStyle; var top = elem.offsetTop; var left = elem.offsetLeft; while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem !== doc.body && elem !== doc.documentElement ) { computedStyle = doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null); top -= elem.scrollTop, left -= elem.scrollLeft; if ( elem === offsetParent ) { top += elem.offsetTop, left += elem.offsetLeft; if ( data.doesNotAddBorder && !(data.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells && /^t(able|d|h)$/i.test(elem.tagName)) ) { top += parseInt (computedStyle.borderTopWidth, 10) || 0; left += parseInt (computedStyle.borderLeftWidth, 10) || 0; } prevOffsetParent = offsetParent; offsetParent = elem.offsetParent; } if (data.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible && computedStyle.overflow !== 'visible') { top += parseInt (computedStyle.borderTopWidth, 10) || 0; left += parseInt (computedStyle.borderLeftWidth, 10) || 0; } prevComputedStyle = computedStyle; } if (prevComputedStyle.position === 'relative' || prevComputedStyle.position === 'static') { top += doc.body.offsetTop; left += doc.body.offsetLeft; } if (prevComputedStyle.position === 'fixed') { top += Math.max (doc.documentElement.scrollTop, doc.body.scrollTop); left += Math.max (doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft); } return {x: left, y: top}; } function jQuery_bodyOffset (body) { if (!data) jQuery_init(); var top = body.offsetTop, left = body.offsetLeft; if (data.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset) { var styles; if ( body.ownerDocument.defaultView && body.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { // Gecko etc. styles = body.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle (body, null); top += parseInt (style.getPropertyValue ('margin-top' ), 10) || 0; left += parseInt (style.getPropertyValue ('margin-left'), 10) || 0; } else { function to_px (element, val) { // Convert em etc. to pixels. Kudos to Dean Edwards; see // http://erik.eae.net/archives/2007/07/27/18.54.15/#comment-102291 if (!/^\d+(px)?$/i.test (val) && /^\d/.test (val) && body.runtimeStyle) { var style = element.style.left; var runtimeStyle = element.runtimeStyle.left; element.runtimeStyle.left = element.currentStyle.left; element.style.left = result || 0; val = elem.style.pixelLeft + "px"; element.style.left = style; element.runtimeStyle.left = runtimeStyle; } return val; } style = body.currentStyle || body.style; top += parseInt (to_px (body, style.marginTop ), 10) || 0; left += parseInt (to_px (body, style.marginleft), 10) || 0; } } return {x: left, y: top}; } return jQuery_offset; })(), scroll_offset : function (what) { var s = 'scroll' + what; return (document.documentElement ? document.documentElement[s] : 0) || document.body[s] || 0; }, viewport : function (what) { var s = 'client' + what; return (document.documentElement ? document.documentElement[s] : 0) || document.body[s] || 0; }, calculate_dimension : function () { if (this.popup.style.display != 'none' && this.popup.style.display != null) { return {width : this.popup.offsetWidth, height : this.popup.offsetHeight}; } // Must display it... but position = 'absolute' and visibility = 'hidden' means // the user won't notice it. var view_width = this.viewport ('Width'); this.popup.style.top = "0px"; this.popup.style.left = "0px"; // Remove previous width as it may change with dynamic tooltips this.popup.style.width = ""; this.popup.style.maxWidth = ""; this.popup.style.overflow = 'hidden'; this.popup.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // Remove the close button, otherwise the float will always extend the box to // the right edge. if (this.close_button) this.popup.firstChild.removeChild (this.close_button); this.popup.style.display = ""; // Display it. Now we should have a width var w = this.popup.offsetWidth; var h = this.popup.offsetHeight; var limit = Math.round (view_width * this.options.max_width); if (this.options.max_pixels > 0 && this.options.max_pixels < limit) limit = this.options.max_pixels; if (w > limit) { w = limit; this.popup.style.width = "" + w + "px"; this.popup.style.maxWidth = this.popup.style.width; if (this.close_button) { this.popup.firstChild.insertBefore (this.close_button, this.popup.firstChild.firstChild); } } else { this.popup.style.width = "" + w + "px"; this.popup.style.maxWidth = this.popup.style.width; if (this.close_button) { this.popup.firstChild.insertBefore (this.close_button, this.popup.firstChild.firstChild); } if (h != this.popup.offsetHeight) { w = w + this.close_button_width; this.popup.style.width = "" + w + "px"; this.popup.style.maxWidth = this.popup.style.width; } } var size = {width : this.popup.offsetWidth, height : this.popup.offsetHeight}; this.popup.style.display = 'none'; // Hide it again this.popup.style.visibility = ""; return size; } } // end Tooltip //


  Read UI elements from the DOM. Used by the upload form rewrite.
  Author: [[User:Lupo]], March 2008
  License: Quadruple licensed GFDL, GPL, LGPL and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY-3.0)
  Choose whichever license of these you like best :-)

var UIElements = {

  defaultLanguage : 'en',

  getElementsByClassName : function (elem, tag, classes) {
    // getElementsByClassName in wikibits.js has been changed in a contract-breaking way and
    // newly won't work anymore with regexp strings or arrays of strings passed as classes.
    // We need this functionality here, so we have our own copy of this function.
    var arrElements = (tag == "*" && elem.all) ? elem.all : elem.getElementsByTagName (tag);
    var arrReturnElements = new Array();
    var arrRegExpClassNames = new Array();

    if (typeof classes == "object") {
      for (var i=0; i < classes.length; i++){
        arrRegExpClassNames[arrRegExpClassNames.length] =
          new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + classes[i].replace(/\-/g, "\\-") + "(\\s|$)");
    } else {
      arrRegExpClassNames[arrRegExpClassNames.length] =
        new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + classes.replace(/\-/g, "\\-") + "(\\s|$)");

    var this_elem;
    var matches_all;

    for (var j=0; j < arrElements.length; j++){
      this_elem = arrElements[j];
      matches_all = true;
      for (var k=0; k < arrRegExpClassNames.length; k++){
        if (!arrRegExpClassNames[k].test (this_elem.className)) {
          matches_all = false;
      if (matches_all) {
        arrReturnElements[arrReturnElements.length] = this_elem;
    return (arrReturnElements)
  load : function (container_name, items, tag, repository, default_language, doc)
    doc = doc || document;

    function add_item (item, lang)
      var classes = item.className.split (' ');
      var node = null;
      if (item.ownerDocument != document && document.importNode)
        node = document.importNode (item, true);
        node = item.cloneNode (true);
      UIElements.setEntry (classes[0], repository, node, lang, classes.slice (1));
    if (!container_name || container_name.length == 0 || container_name == '*') return repository;
    var base = UIElements.getElementsByClassName (doc, 'div', container_name);
    if (!base || base.length == 0) return repository;
    if (!items || items.length == 0)
      items = ['wp\\S*'];
    else if (items && typeof (items) == 'string')
      items = [items];
    if (!repository) repository = UIElements.emptyRepository (default_language);
    for (var i = 0; i < base.length; i++) {
      var b = base[i];
      var lang = (b.getAttribute ('lang') || repository.defaultLanguage).replace(/-/g, '_');
      for (var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) {
        var nodes = UIElements.getElementsByClassName (b, tag || '*', items[j]);
        if (nodes) {
          for (var k = 0; k < nodes.length; k++) add_item (nodes[k], lang);
    return repository;
  getEntry : function (id, repository, lang, selector)
    if (repository && repository[id]) {
      if (!lang || lang.length == 0)
        lang = repository.defaultLanguage || UIElements.defaultLanguage;
      lang = lang.replace (/-/g, '_');
      if (repository[id][lang]) {
        if (selector == '*')
          return repository[id][lang];
        else if (!selector || selector.length == 0)
          return repository[id][lang]._default;
          return repository[id][lang][selector.replace (/-/g, '_')];
    return null;
  setEntry : function (id, repository, value, lang, selectors)
    if (!repository) return null;
    if (!lang) lang = repository.defaultLanguage;
    lang = lang.replace (/-/g, '_');
    id   = id.replace(/-/g, '_');
    if (!repository[id]) repository[id] = new Object ();
    if (!repository[id][lang]) repository[id][lang] = new Object ();
    if (!selectors || selectors.length == 0)
      repository[id][lang]._default = value;
    else {
      for (var k = 0; k < selectors.length; k++) {
        if (!selectors[k] || selectors[k].length == 0)
          repository[id][lang]._default = value;
          repository[id][lang][selectors[k].replace (/-/g, '_')] = value;
  emptyRepository : function (default_language)
    var repository = new Object ();
    repository.defaultLanguage = default_language || UIElements.defaultLanguage;
    return repository;
} // end UIElements

// ajaxSubmit // Submit a form through Ajax. Doesn't handle file uploads yet. // // Parameters: // form DOM element The form to submit // button optional DOM element If set and a submit button of 'form', is added to the // form arguments sent // func optional Function Function to call once the call has been made or the // result has arrived, if want_result == true // want_result optional Boolean If true, call func with the result of the submit once // it has arrived. Otherwise, call func as soon as the // submit request has been received by the server, and // ignore any result of the submit. // // Notes: // Func should be a function (request). If func is not defined, // ajaxSubmit just submits the form and ignores any result. function ajaxSubmit (form, button, func, want_result) {

 if (want_result && (!func || typeof (func) != 'function' || func.length < 1)) {
   /**** TODO: improve error handling: should throw an exception! */
   alert (  'Logic error in ajaxSubmit: func must be function (request).');
 if (func && typeof (func) != 'function') {
   /**** TODO: improve error handling: should throw an exception! */
   alert ('Error in ajaxSubmit: func must be a function, found a ' + typeof (func) + '.');
 var is_simple = false;
 // True if it's a GET request, or if the form is 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
 var boundary  = null; 
 // Otherwise, it's 'multipart/form-data', and the multipart delimiter is 'boundary'
 function encode_entry (name, value)
   if (!name || name.length == 0 || !value || value.length == 0) return null;
   if (!boundary)
     return name + '=' + encodeURIComponent (value);
     return boundary + '\r\n'
          + 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + name + '"\r\n'
          + '\r\n'
          + value + '\r\n'; // Must be encoded?? How? escape? or encodeURIComponent?
 function encode_field (element)
   var name = element.name;
   if (!name || name.length == 0) name = element.id;
   return encode_entry (name, element.value);
 function form_add_argument (args, field)
   if (!field || field.length == 0) return args;
   if (!args || args.length == 0) return field;
   if (is_simple)
     return args + '&' + field;
     return args + field;
 var request   = sajax_init_object();
 var method    = form.getAttribute ('method').toUpperCase ();
 var uri       = form.getAttribute ('action');
 if (uri.charAt (0) == '/') {
   // Some browsers already expand the action URI (e.g. Opera 9.26)
   uri = mw.config.get('wgServer') + uri; 
 // Encode the field values
 var is_get    = method == 'GET';
 var encoding  = form.getAttribute ('enctype');
 if (encoding != null) {
   encoding = encoding.toLowerCase ();
   if (encoding.length == 0) encoding = null;
 is_simple =
   is_get || encoding == null || encoding == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
 var args            = "";
 var boundary_string = '----' + wgArticleId+mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') + 'auto_submit_by_lupo';
 boundary = null;
 if (!is_simple) boundary = '--' + boundary_string;
 for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
   var element       = form.elements[i];
   var single_select = false;
   switch (element.type) {
     case 'checkbox':
     case 'radio':
       if (!element.checked) break;
       // else fall-through
     case 'hidden':
     case 'text':
     case 'password':
     case 'textarea':
       args = form_add_argument (args, encode_field (element));
     case 'select-one':
       single_select = true;
       // fall-through
     case 'select-multiple':
       var name = element.name || element.id || "";
       if (name.length == 0) break;
       for (var j = 0; j < element.length; j++) {
         if (element[j].selected) {
           var value = element[j].value || element[j].text;
           args = form_add_argument (args, encode_entry (name, value));
           if (single_select) break; // No need to scan the rest
     case 'file':
 if (button && button.form == form && button.type == 'submit')
   args = form_add_argument (args, encode_field (button));
 // Close the multipart request
 if (!is_simple && args.length > 0) args = args + boundary;
 if (method == 'GET') {
   uri = uri + (uri.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&') + args; args = null;
 // Make the request
 request.open (method, uri, true);
 if (want_result && request.overrideMimeType) request.overrideMimeType ('application/xml');
 request.setRequestHeader ('Pragma', 'cache=no');
 request.setRequestHeader ('Cache-Control', 'no-transform');
 if (method == 'POST') {
   if (encoding == null) encoding = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
   if (!is_simple) {
     request.setRequestHeader (
       'Content-type', encoding + '; charset=UTF-8; boundary="' + boundary_string + '"');
   } else {
     request.setRequestHeader ('Content-type', encoding);
   try {
     request.setRequestHeader ('Content-length', args.length);
   } catch (anything) {
     // Just swallow. Some browsers don't like setting this but prefer to do it themselves.
     // Safari 4 for instance issues an "error" about an "unsafe" setting not done, but then
     // continues anyway. The exception handler here is just paranoia in case someone decides
     // to make this a hard error.
 request.onreadystatechange =
   function() {
     if (want_result) {
       if (request.readyState < 4) return;
       func (request);
     } else {
       // Call func as soon as the request has been sent and we start getting the result.
       if (request.readyState == 3 && func) func (request);
 request.send (args);


// submitAndClose // Submit a form and close the window containing it as soon as the request has been // received by the server // // Parameters: // form DOM element The form to submit. function submitAndClose (form) {

 ajaxSubmit (form, null, function () { window.close (); });

} // <source lang="javascript">


 Small gadget to disable MediaWiki:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js, which is enabled by default for
 everyone here at the Commons.
  • /

var ImageAnnotator_disable = true;


{{subst:void|You forgot to subst this template. Replace {{ImageWithNotes}} with {{subst:ImageWithNotes}}}}