Wikidata:WikiProject Climate Change

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Revision as of 11:51, 1 December 2023 by Ainali (talk | contribs) (→‎See also: add sub-project to list)
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Global temperature variations over the last 1000 years
Comprehensive warming stripes diagram showing temperature variation since 1901 for 196 countries (top) as well as global average temperature (bottom), with blues showing cooler temperature and reds showing warmer temperatures.
Sequence of piano notes portraying respective annual global average temperature readings since 1850 with notes of progressively higher pitches.
The major driving factors behind climate variation over geological time scales.
The Wikimedia 2030 strategy was designed with climate change in mind.
Media coverage of effects of fossil fuel combustion on the climate.



This WikiProject assists with the community curation of information related to climate change (Q125928)  View with Reasonator View with SQIDView profile on Scholia, both on Wikidata and across Wikimedia projects. You are most welcome to join — just look around here and try to find something that could be improved. Once you have that, try to improve it yourself or share your ideas, so that others can chime in.



Climate change


The climate on our planet has always varied over time, but the current period of global warming goes beyond what human civilizations have ever experienced and is driven by our activities, especially greenhouse gas emissions.

Wikimedia projects


Wikimedia projects are a group of online platforms that grew out of Wikipedia. All of them have some level of engagement with climate change. Counterclockwise, starting on top: Wikimania, Wikibooks, Meta-Wiki, Wikiquote, Wikispecies, MediaWiki, Wikimedia Incubator, Wikivoyage, Wikidata, Wikifunctions, Wikiversity, Wiktionary, Wikinews, Wikisource, Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia. Most of them exist in multiple languages (e.g. Wikipedia in ca. 300) — together, they form an ecosystem of about 1000 wikis, each with their own community that interacts with other communities both within and beyond the Wikimedia movement.



Wikidata is integrated with all the other wikis in the Wikimedia ecosystem and links them with the wider Linked Open Data world. It does so by

  • having an entry (named item) for any concept covered on any Wikipedia, for any book edition covered in Wikisource or Wikibooks, for any species covered in Wikispecies, and so on;
  • having other kinds of entries (named properties) that link items
    • to entries in Wikimedia wikis
    • to each other
    • to external resources
  • having linguistic entries (lexemes, forms and senses) for potentially any word in any language and linking them to the corresponding items via dedicated properties
  • being multilingual in its user interface, allowing people to collaborate even if they do not share a common natural language
  • allowing the data to be queried and visualized in a variety of ways



There are various ways in which community members and subgroups organize and interact. One of them are WikiProjects like this one, which typically coordinate activities on a certain topic across one wiki within the ecosystem. Others include user groups, thematic organizations or Wikimedia chapters. Several initiatives exist that focus on climate change or related topics, and Wikimedians for Sustainable Development are integrating climate-related knowledge with the broader context of sustainable development. Lots of other such initiatives — e.g. the Wikipedia & Education User Group, WikiProject Chemistry or Wikimedia Medicine — have a scope that intersects with activities related to climate change.



While most of the activities around climate change and Wikimedia take place on-wiki with little dedicated coordination, there are various initiatives that bring together multiple contributors for joint activities either online or in some specific locations, e.g. for article writing contests or editathons. Here are a few examples:

See also
