Constraint report

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This special page performs constraint checks on any entity you want. The entities are fetched from the live system, so every constraint violation you fix there will be instantly removed from this list.

The constraints are parsed from statements on properties each time those statements are edited, usually within a few minutes.

Check constraints for entity

Result for São Luís (Q28441)

: 5, : 5, : 9, : 1612, : 64

archive URL/^(?:https?:\\/\\/(web\.archive\.org\\/web\\/[0-9if_]{14,17}|archive\.org\\/(details|download)|archive\.(today|is|fo|li|ph|vn)\\/[0-9]{4}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}|webrecorder\.io|(www\.)?webcitation\.org|perma\.cc|perma\-archives\.org|([^\\/]+\.)?megalodon\.jp|warp\.da\.ndl\.go\.jp|archive\.wikiwix\.com|(webarchive|yourarchives)\.nationalarchives\.gov\.uk|(pandora|trove|webarchive|content\.webarchive)\.nla\.gov\.au|webarchive\.loc\.gov|media\.digitalarkivet\.no|arquivo\.pt|(swap|sul-swap-prod)\.stanford\.edu)\\/.+|https?:\\/\\/archive\.(today|is|fo|li|md|ph|vn)\\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,})$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
Wikimedia import URL/^(?:(?:https?:\\/\\/)(?:www\.)?((?<!wikidata\.org\\/)(?:wiki\\/|w\\/index\.php\?title=)(?:(Q.*)|.*)))$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
Wikimedia import URL/^(?:(?:https?:\\/\\/)(?:www\.)?((?<!wikidata\.org\\/)(?:wiki\\/|w\\/index\.php\?title=)(?:(Q.*)|.*)))$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
Wikimedia import URL/^(?:(?:https?:\\/\\/)(?:www\.)?((?<!wikidata\.org\\/)(?:wiki\\/|w\\/index\.php\?title=)(?:(Q.*)|.*)))$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
publication dateThe parameter "item of property constraint" must be one of the following:allowed-entity-types constraint
Human Development IndexThis Human Development Index statement is missing a qualifier point in time.required qualifier constraint
office held by head of governmentMayor of São Luís should have a statement for instance of with one of the following values:value-requires-statement constraint
shares border withAxixá should also have the symmetric statement shares border with São Luís.symmetric constraint
head of governmentThis head of government statement is missing a qualifier start time.required qualifier constraint
official websiteThis property's value should not be present on any other item, but is also present on Palácio de la Ravardière.distinct-values constraint
demonymThis property should only have a single value with the same set of qualifiers for these properties: single-value constraint
demonymThis property should only have a single value with the same set of qualifiers for these properties: single-value constraint
Store norske leksikon IDEntities with statements for Store norske leksikon ID should also have a label at least in Norwegian Nynorsk language.label in language constraint
anthemThis anthem statement is missing a qualifier start time.required qualifier constraint
anthemAnthem of São Luís should have a statement publication date.value-requires-statement constraint
anthemAnthem of São Luís should have a statement title.value-requires-statement constraint
anthemAnthem of São Luís should have a statement composer.value-requires-statement constraint
anthemAnthem of São Luís should have a statement lyrics by.value-requires-statement constraint
official websiteThis official website statement is missing a qualifier language of work or name.required qualifier constraint