Constraint report

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This special page performs constraint checks on any entity you want. The entities are fetched from the live system, so every constraint violation you fix there will be instantly removed from this list.

The constraints are parsed from statements on properties each time those statements are edited, usually within a few minutes.

Check constraints for entity

Result for Barbie: A Fairy Secret (Q659793)

: 8, : 4, : 8, : 1174, : 42

archive URL/^(?:https?:\\/\\/(web\.archive\.org\\/web\\/[0-9if_]{14,17}|archive\.org\\/(details|download)|archive\.(today|is|fo|li|ph|vn)\\/[0-9]{4}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}|webrecorder\.io|(www\.)?webcitation\.org|perma\.cc|perma\-archives\.org|([^\\/]+\.)?megalodon\.jp|warp\.da\.ndl\.go\.jp|archive\.wikiwix\.com|(webarchive|yourarchives)\.nationalarchives\.gov\.uk|(pandora|trove|webarchive|content\.webarchive)\.nla\.gov\.au|webarchive\.loc\.gov|media\.digitalarkivet\.no|arquivo\.pt|(swap|sul-swap-prod)\.stanford\.edu)\\/.+|https?:\\/\\/archive\.(today|is|fo|li|md|ph|vn)\\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,})$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
Wikimedia import URL/^(?:(?:https?:\\/\\/)(?:www\.)?((?<!wikidata\.org\\/)(?:wiki\\/|w\\/index\.php\?title=)(?:(Q.*)|.*)))$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
Wikimedia import URL/^(?:(?:https?:\\/\\/)(?:www\.)?((?<!wikidata\.org\\/)(?:wiki\\/|w\\/index\.php\?title=)(?:(Q.*)|.*)))$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
Wikimedia import URL/^(?:(?:https?:\\/\\/)(?:www\.)?((?<!wikidata\.org\\/)(?:wiki\\/|w\\/index\.php\?title=)(?:(Q.*)|.*)))$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
Wikimedia import URL/^(?:(?:https?:\\/\\/)(?:www\.)?((?<!wikidata\.org\\/)(?:wiki\\/|w\\/index\.php\?title=)(?:(Q.*)|.*)))$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
publication dateThe parameter "item of property constraint" must be one of the following:allowed-entity-types constraint
publication dateThe parameter "item of property constraint" must be one of the following:allowed-entity-types constraint ID/^(?:(people|shows|movies?|lists\\/official)\\/[a-z0-9_\\/-]+)$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
cast memberAn entity should not have a statement for cast member if it also has a statement for instance of with value animated film.conflicts-with constraint
LUMIERE film IDThis property is generally expected to contain only a single value.single-value constraint
LUMIERE film IDThis property is generally expected to contain only a single value.single-value constraint
Amazon Standard Identification NumberEntities using the Amazon Standard Identification Number property should be instances of one of the following classes (or of one of their subclasses), but Barbie: A Fairy Secret currently isn't: subject type constraint
takes place in fictional universeBarbie universe should also have the inverse statement fictional universe described in Barbie: A Fairy Secret.inverse constraint
ČSFD film IDEntities with statements for ČSFD film ID should also have a label at least in Slovak language.label in language constraint
ČSFD film IDEntities with statements for ČSFD film ID should also have a label at least in Czech language.label in language constraint
voice actorDiana Kaarina should have a statement languages spoken, written or signed.value-requires-statement constraint
voice actorBrittney Wilson should have a statement languages spoken, written or signed.value-requires-statement constraint
voice actorAdrian Petriw should have a statement languages spoken, written or signed.value-requires-statement constraint
voice actorAlexandra Carter should have a statement languages spoken, written or signed.value-requires-statement constraint
voice actorBritt Irvin should have a statement languages spoken, written or signed.value-requires-statement constraint