Constraint report

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This special page performs constraint checks on any entity you want. The entities are fetched from the live system, so every constraint violation you fix there will be instantly removed from this list.

The constraints are parsed from statements on properties each time those statements are edited, usually within a few minutes.

Check constraints for entity

Result for Swedish National Heritage Board (Q631844)

: 12, : 5, : 15, : 2034, : 6, : 161, : 2

OpenAlex IDThe parameter "format as a regular expression" must only have a single value.format constraint
archive URL/^(?:https?:\\/\\/(web\.archive\.org\\/web\\/[0-9if_]{14,17}|archive\.org\\/(details|download)|archive\.(today|is|fo|li|ph|vn)\\/[0-9]{4}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}|webrecorder\.io|(www\.)?webcitation\.org|perma\.cc|perma\-archives\.org|([^\\/]+\.)?megalodon\.jp|warp\.da\.ndl\.go\.jp|archive\.wikiwix\.com|(webarchive|yourarchives)\.nationalarchives\.gov\.uk|(pandora|trove|webarchive|content\.webarchive)\.nla\.gov\.au|webarchive\.loc\.gov|media\.digitalarkivet\.no|arquivo\.pt|(swap|sul-swap-prod)\.stanford\.edu)\\/.+|https?:\\/\\/archive\.(today|is|fo|li|md|ph|vn)\\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,})$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
archive URL/^(?:https?:\\/\\/(web\.archive\.org\\/web\\/[0-9if_]{14,17}|archive\.org\\/(details|download)|archive\.(today|is|fo|li|ph|vn)\\/[0-9]{4}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}[.-]?[0-9]{2}|webrecorder\.io|(www\.)?webcitation\.org|perma\.cc|perma\-archives\.org|([^\\/]+\.)?megalodon\.jp|warp\.da\.ndl\.go\.jp|archive\.wikiwix\.com|(webarchive|yourarchives)\.nationalarchives\.gov\.uk|(pandora|trove|webarchive|content\.webarchive)\.nla\.gov\.au|webarchive\.loc\.gov|media\.digitalarkivet\.no|arquivo\.pt|(swap|sul-swap-prod)\.stanford\.edu)\\/.+|https?:\\/\\/archive\.(today|is|fo|li|md|ph|vn)\\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{4,})$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
phone number/^(?:(?:(?:(?:\+|00|011)[\.\\/\-\ \t]*([17]|2(?:[07]|[1-689]\d)|3(?:[0-4679]|[578]\d)|4(?:[013-9]|2\d)|5(?:[1-8]|[09]\d)|6(?:[0-6]|[789]\d)|8(?:[1246]|[035789]\d)|9(?:[0-58]|[679]\d))[\.\\/\-\ \t]*|([17])[\.\\/\-\ ])?(?:\((\d{1,6})\)[\.\\/\-\ \t]*)?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\\/\-\ ])?(\d{0,10}?)(\d{1,4}+)(?:[\.\\/\-;\ \t]*e?xt?[\.\\/\-=\ \t]*(\d{1,14}))?)?)$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
Facebook username/^(?:(?!\w+\.php\b|people\b)[\p{L}\d.\\/-]*)$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
fax number/^(?:(?:(?:\+|00|011)[\.\\/\-\ \t]*([17]|2(?:[07]|[1-689]\d)|3(?:[0-4679]|[578]\d)|4(?:[013-9]|2\d)|5(?:[1-8]|[09]\d)|6(?:[0-6]|[789]\d)|8(?:[1246]|[035789]\d)|9(?:[0-58]|[679]\d))[\.\\/\-\ \t]*|([17])[\.\\/\-\ ])?(?:\((\d{1,6})\)[\.\\/\-\ \t]*)?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\\/\-\ ])?(?:(\d{1,6})[\.\\/\-\ ])?(\d{0,10}?)(\d{1,4})(?:[\.\\/\-;\ \t]*e?xt?[\.\\/\-=\ \t]*(\d{1,14}))?)$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
Flickr user IDThe parameter "constraint clarification" must only have a single value per language, but has multiple values for English (en).format constraint
publication dateThe parameter "item of property constraint" must be one of the following:allowed-entity-types constraint
publication dateThe parameter "item of property constraint" must be one of the following:allowed-entity-types constraint
ISIL/^(?:((KR0[0-6]\d{12})|(KR[0-6]\d{5})|([A-Z]{2}-|OCLC-|EUR-|O-|ZDB-)[ÅA-Za-z\-0-9:\\/]{1,15})|)$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
has causeThe parameter "item of property constraint" must be one of the following:allowed-entity-types constraint
has causeThe parameter "item of property constraint" must be one of the following:allowed-entity-types constraint
Swedish Film Database company IDEntities using the Swedish Film Database company ID property should be instances of one of the following classes (or of one of their subclasses), but Swedish National Heritage Board currently isn't: subject type constraint IDThis property should only have a single value with the same subject named as qualifier.single-value constraint IDThis property should only have a single value with the same subject named as qualifier.single-value constraint
Wikimedia import URLThe value for Wikimedia import URL ( should match the regex ((?!wikidata\.org/(wiki/|w/index\.php\?title=)Q).)*.format constraint
ISILEntities using the ISIL property should be instances of one of the following classes (or of one of their subclasses), but Swedish National Heritage Board currently isn't: subject type constraint
official nameStatements for official name should have at least one reference.citation-needed constraint
Union List of Artist Names IDAn entity with Union List of Artist Names ID should also have a statement place of birth.item-requires-statement constraint
Union List of Artist Names IDAn entity with Union List of Artist Names ID should also have a statement given name.item-requires-statement constraint
Union List of Artist Names IDAn entity with Union List of Artist Names ID should also have a statement occupation.item-requires-statement constraint
Union List of Artist Names IDAn entity with Union List of Artist Names ID should also have a statement date of birth.item-requires-statement constraint
Union List of Artist Names IDAn entity with Union List of Artist Names ID should also have a statement sex or gender.item-requires-statement constraint
point in timeThis property should only have a single value with the same set of qualifiers for these properties: single-value constraint
point in timeThis property should only have a single value with the same set of qualifiers for these properties: single-value constraint
point in timeThis property should only have a single value with the same set of qualifiers for these properties: single-value constraint
point in timeThis property should only have a single value with the same set of qualifiers for these properties: single-value constraint
point in timeThis property should only have a single value with the same set of qualifiers for these properties: single-value constraint
point in timeThis property should only have a single value with the same set of qualifiers for these properties: single-value constraint
point in timeThis property should only have a single value with the same set of qualifiers for these properties: single-value constraint
Swedish Organization NumberAn entity with Swedish Organization Number should also have a statement OpenCorporates ID.item-requires-statement constraint
WorldCat Identities ID (superseded)An entity with WorldCat Identities ID (superseded) should also have a statement WorldCat Entities ID.item-requires-statement constraint