Wikidata:Status updates/2014 05 10

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2014-05-10.




  • Attending the MediaWiki hackathon in Zurich
  • Work on finalizing the JSON dumps
  • More work on simple queries to get them ready for performance and security review and a first release
  • Legoktm created an API module to retrieve the current dispatch stats status
  • Fixed an issue with iferror when using the property parser function (bugzilla:55347)
  • Show correct data in the in other languages box for older revisions (bugzilla:63309)

See current sprint items for what we’re working on next.

You can view the commits currently in review here and the ones that have been merged here.

You can see all open bugs related to Wikidata here

Monthly Tasks


Anything to add? Please share! :)