Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Private collection

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This page describes how we handle paintings in a private collection as part of the sum of all paintings.

If we know in what collection the painting is (or was), we just add collection (P195) set to that collection. If we don't know what private collection (Q768717) the painting is in or no specific item exists for that collection, collection (P195) should be set to unknown value with qualifier object has role (P3831) set to private collection (Q768717).

Qualifiers can be added to give some more information:



Up until 2021 we used private collection (Q768717) directly in collection (P195). Following a the anonymous change this was also changed to the current model. A robot will change collection (P195) -> private collection (Q768717) to collection (P195) -> unknown value with qualifier object has role (P3831) -> private collection (Q768717)

List to check for normalization

See also
