Targum: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 86:
* {{Citation | url = http://cal1.cn.huc.edu/ | title = The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon | publisher = HUC}} — memuat edisi kritikal semua ''targumim'' bersama alat-alat leksikal dan analisis gramatika.
* {{Citation | url = http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14454b.htm | contribution = Targum | title = Catholic Encyclopedia | publisher = New Advent}}.
* {{Citation | url = http://faur.derushah.com/articlesbyhakhamjosefaur.html#targumim | title = The Targumim and Halakha | format = article | <!--author-link = Jose Faur--> | first = Jose | last = Faur | publisher = Derushah}}, menganalisis status Targumim dalam hukum Yahudi
* {{Cite NIE|Targum|year=1905}}