Targum: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 43:
== Penulisan ==
Talmud (Megilah 3a) menyatakan bahwa Targum Pentateukh disusun oleh ''Onkelos'', seorang yang pindah ke agama Yahudi, dari mulut R. (=Rabbi) Eleazar dan R. Joshua. Targum untuk kitab nabi-nabi disusun oleh ''Jonathan ben Uzziel'' di bawah bimbingan nabi [[Hagai]], [[Zakharia]] dan [[Maleakhi]]. Jonathan b. Uzziel adalah murid Hillel, sehingga ia memiliki tradisi yang diturunkan dari ketiga nabi tersebut, demikian menurut Maharsha:
:''...dan tanah Israel [karenanya] terguncang gempa bumi seluas empat ratus ''parasangs'' kali empat ratus ''parasangs'', dan suatu ''Bath Kol'' ("suara dari langit"; ''heavenly voice'') terdengar dan berkata, Siapa yang telah menyatakan rahasia-Ku kepada umat manusia? maka Jonathan b. Uzziel berdiri dan berkata, Akulah yang menyatakan rahasia-Mu kepada umat manusia. Telah Engkau ketahui penuh bahwa aku tidak melakukannya untuk kehormatanku sendiri maupun kehormatan rumah bapaku, melainkan untuk kehormatan-Mu aku melakukannya, sehingga penyelewengan tidak bertambah di Israel. Ia kemudian berusaha menyatakan [dengan] sebuah targum [makna terdalam] dari Hagiographa, tetapi sebuah ''Bath Kol'' terdengar dan berkata, Cukup! Apa alasannya? Karena tarikh [[Mesias]] dinubuatkan di dalamnya". [Kemungkinan merujuk kepada akhir [[Kitab Daniel]].] Tetapi bukankah "Onkelos the proselyte" ("orang yang pindah agama") menyusun targum mengenai Pentateukh? Tidakkah R. Ika berkata, di dalam nama R. Hananel yang menerimanya dari Rab: Apakah yang dimaksud oleh teks, [[Nehemia 8#Ayat 9|''Neh.Nehemia VIII,8:8'']] "Bagian-bagian daripada kitab itu, yakni Taurat Allah, dibacakan dengan jelas, dengan diberi keterangan-keterangan, sehingga pembacaan dimengerti"? Dan mereka membaca dalam kitab itu, dalam hukum Allah: ini menunjukkan teks [Ibrani]; dengan suatu penafsiran: ini menunjukkan suatu targum,..." (yang menunjukkan bahwa targum telah ada sejak zaman [[Ezra]]).
==Other Targumim on the Torah==
There are also a variety of western ''targumim'' on the Torah, each of which was traditionally called ''Targum Yerushalmi'' ("Jerusalem Targum"). An important one of these was mistakenly labeled "Targum Jonathan" in later printed versions (though all medieval authorities refer to it by its correct name). The error crept in because of an abbreviation: the printer interpreted the abbreviation ''T Y'' (ת"י) to stand for ''Targum Yonathan'' (תרגום יונתן) instead of the correct ''Targum Yerushalmi'' (תרגום ירושלמי). Scholars refer to this ''targum'' as [[Targum Pseudo-Jonathan]]. To attribute this ''targum'' to [[Jonathan ben Uzziel]] flatly contradicts the talmudic tradition (Megillah 3a), which quite clearly attributes the ''targum'' to Nevi'im ''alone'' to him, while stating that there is ''no'' official ''targum'' to Ketuvim. In the same printed versions, a similar fragment ''targum'' is correctly labeled as ''Targum Yerushalmi''.
== Targumim mengenai Taurat ==
Ada beragam ''targumim'' barat mengenai Taurat, masing-masing secara tradisional disebut ''Targum Yerushalmi'' (Targum Yerusalem; ‘’Jerusalem Targum’’). Satu di antaranya yang penting secara keliru diberi label "Targum Jonathan" pada versi cetak yang kemudian (meskipun semua otoritas abad pertengahan merujuknya dengan nama yang benar). Kesalahan ini menyusup karena adanya singkatan ‘’T Y’’ (ת"י) yang ditafsirkan oleh percetakan sebagai ''Targum Yonathan'' (תרגום יונתן) bukannya ''Targum Yerushalmi'' (תרגום ירושלמי) yang benar. Para sarjana menyebut ''targum'' ini sebagai [[Targum Pseudo-Jonathan]]. Mengatribusikan ''targum'' ini kepada [[Jonathan ben Uzziel]] sama sekali berkontradiksi tradisi talmud (Megillah 3a), yang jelas-jelas mengatribusi bagian Nevi'im ‘’targum’’ ini ''saja'' kepadanya, sementara menyatakan bahwa ''tidak ada'' ''targum'' resmi untuk Ketuvim. Pada versi-versi cetak yang sama, fragmen ''targum'' yang mirip secara benar diberi label ''Targum Yerushalmi''.
The Western Targumim on the Torah, or Palestinian Targumim as they are also called, consist of three manuscript groups: [[Targum Neofiti]] I, Fragment Targums, and Cairo Geniza Fragment Targums.
Of these [[Targum Neofiti]] I is by far the largest. It consist of 450 folios covering all books of the Pentateuch, with only a few damaged verses. The history of the manuscript begins 1587 when the censor [[Andrea de Monte]] (d.1587) bequeathed it to [[Ugo Boncompagni]] — which presents an oddity, since Boncompagni, better known as Pope Gregory XIII, died in 1585. The route of transmission may instead be by a certain "Giovan Paolo Eustachio romano neophito."<ref>Studi di biblioteconomia e storia del libro in onore di Francesco Barberi,'' ed. Giorgio De Gregori, Maria Valenti – 1976 "(42) Trascrivo una supplica dell'Eustachio al Sirleto : « Giovan Paolo Eustachio romano neophito devotissimo servidor di... (44) « Die 22 mensis augusti 1602. Inventarium factum in domo illustrissimi domini Ugonis Boncompagni posita".</ref> Before this de Monte had censored it by deleting most references to idolatry. In 1602 Boncompagni's estate gave it to the Collegium Ecclesiasticum Adolescentium Neophytorum (or [[Pia Domus Neophytorum]], a college for converts from Judaism and Islam) until 1886, when the [[Holy See|Vatican]] bought it along with other manuscripts when the Collegium closed (which is the reason for the manuscripts name and its designation). Unfortunately, it was then mistitled as a manuscript of Targum Onkelos until 1949, when [[Alejandro Díez Macho]] noticed that it differed significantly from Targum Onkelos. It was translated and published during 1968–79, and has since been considered the most important of the Palestinian Targumim, as it is by far the most complete and, apparently, the earliest as well.<ref name = "McNamara">McNamara, M. (1972) ''Targum and Testament''. Shannon, Irish University Press.</ref><ref name = "Sysling">Sysling, H. (1996) [http://books.google.co.il/books?id=eg8kJweeplcC Tehiyyat Ha-Metim]. Tübingen, JCB Mohr.</ref>
TheSekelompok FragmentFragmen TargumsTargum (formerlydulunya knowndisebut as Targum“Targum Yerushalmi IIII”) consistterdiri ofdari asejumlah largebesar numberfragmen ofyang fragmentstelah thatdibagi haveatas beensepuluh divided into ten manuscriptsnaskah. Di Of theseantaranya P, V anddan L werepertama firstkalinya publishedditerbitkan inpada tahun 1899 byoleh M Ginsburger, A, B, C, D, F anddan G inpada tahun 1930 byoleh P Kahle anddan E inpada tahun 1955 byoleh A Díez Macho. <!-- Unfortunately, these manuscripts are all too fragmented to confirm what their purpose were, but they seem to be either the remains of a single complete targum or short variant readings of another targum. As a group, they often share theological views and with Targum Neofiti, which has led to the belief that they could be variant readings of that targum.<ref name = "McNamara" /><ref name = "Sysling" />
The Cairo Genizah Fragment Targums originate from the Ben-Ezra Synagogues genizah in Cairo. They share similarities with The Fragment Targums in that they consist of a large number of fragmented manuscripts that have been collected in one targum-group. The manuscripts A and E are the oldest among the Palestinian Targum and have been dated to around the seventh century. Manuscripts C, E, H and Z contain only passages from Genesis, A from Exodus while MS B contain verses from both as well as from Deuteronomium.<ref name = "McNamara" /><ref name = "Sysling" />
== Peshitta ==