Dionysia Levertov (nata Denise Levertov in oppido Ilfordiae Essexiae 24 Octobris 1923Seattli 20 Decembris 1997) fuit poeta Americana.[1]

Dionysia Levertov in conclavi in via Flagg Cantabrigiae Massachusettae.

Levertov viginti quattuor libros poematum scripsit et protulit, cum iudiciis litterariis rebusque conversis; nonnullasque anthologias edidit. Inter praemia quae abstulit sunt Arbitrium Memoriale Shelleyanum, Clipeus Roberti Frost, Praemium Lenore Marshall, Arbitrium Lannanianum, Donum Memoriale Catherine Luck, donum a Nationali Artium et Litterarum Instituto concessum, et Stipendium Guggenheimianum.

Opera primaria

The Double Image (Londinii: The Cresset Press, 1946)
Here and Now (Franciscopoli: City Lights Pocket Book Shop, The Pocket Poets Series: Number Six, 1956)
Overland to the Islands (Highlands Carolinae Septentrionalis: Jonathan Williams, Publisher, 1958)
With Eyes at the Back of Our Heads (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1959)
The Jacob's Ladder (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1961)
O Taste and See: New Poems (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1964)
The Sorrow Dance (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1967)
Relearning the Alphabet (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1970)
To Stay Alive (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1971)
Footprints (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1972)
The Freeing of the Dust (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1975)
Life in the Forest (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1978)
Collected Earlier Poems 1940-1960 (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1979)
Pig Dreams: Scenes from the Life of Sylvia (Woodstock Montis Viridis: The Countryman Press, 1981)
Candles in Babylon (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1982)
Poems 1960-1967 (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1983)
Oblique Prayers: New Poems (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1984)
Poems 1968-1972 (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1987)
Breathing the Water (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1987)
A Door in the Hive (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1989)
Evening Train (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1992)
A Door in the Hive / Evening Train (1993) ISBN 1-85224-159-4
Sands of the Well (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1996)
This Great Unknowing: Last Poems (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 2000)
Poems 1972-1982 (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, New Directions Paperbook NDP913, 2001)


  • "The Collected Poems of Denise Levertov (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 11/2013), ed. et adnotata a Paulo A. Lacey et Anna Dewey, cum praefatione ab Eavan Boland et postscripto a Paulo A. Lacey et Anna Dewey scripto
  • The Life Around Us: Selected Poems on Nature (1997)
  • Making Peace (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, New Directions Bibelot NDP1023, 2005), ed. cum praefatione Peggy Rosenthal
  • The Stream & the Sapphire: Selected Poems on Religious Themes (1997)
  • Selected Poems (UK: Bloodaxe Books, 1986). ISBN 0-906427-85-1
  • Selected Poems (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 2002), praefatione a Roberto Creeley, ed. cum postscripto a Paulo A. Lacey
  • New Selected Poems (Britanniarum Regnum: Bloodaxe Books, 2003), praefatione a Roberto Creeley, ed. cum postscripto a Paulo A. Lacey scripto

Oratio soluta

  • The Poet in the World (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1973)
  • Light Up the Cave (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1981)
  • New & Selected Essays (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1992)
  • Tesserae: Memories & Suppositions (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1995)


  • The Letters of Denise Levertov and William Carlos Williams, ed. a Christophoro MacGowan (1998).
  • The Letters of Robert Duncan and Denise Levertov (Stanfordiae Californiae: Stanford University Press, 2004), ed. a Roberto J. Bertholf et Alberto Gelpi.

Res conversae

  • Black Iris: Selected Poems by Jean Joubert (Port Townsend Vasingtoniae: Copper Canyon Press, 1988), liber ex Francica a Dionysia Levertov conversus
  • In Praise of Krishna: Songs from the Bengali (Garden City Novi Eboraci: Doubleday, Anchor Books, 1967), liber ab Eduardo C. Dimock minore et Dionysia Denise Levertov conversus
  • No Matter No Fact (Novi EboraciY: New Directions Publishing Corporation, Februario 1988), Alain Bosquet, liber a Samuele Beckett, Eduardo Roditi, Dionysia Levertov, et Alano Bosquet conversus
  • Selected Poems by Eugene Guillevic (Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1969)
  • White Owl and Blue Mouse (Cantabrigiae Massachusettae: Zoland Books, 1991), Ioannes Joubert, inlustrationes a Michaele Gay facta

Res ab ipsa editae

  • The Collected Poems of Beatrice Hawley (Cantabrigiae Massachusettae: Zoland Books, 1989), liber editus. cum praefatione a Dionysia Levertov
  • Out of the War Shadow: An Anthology of Current Poetry (Novi Eboraci: War Resisters League, 1967), liber compilatus et editus a Dionysia Levertov
  • Songs from an Outcast (Angelopoli Californiae: UCLA American Indian Studies Center, 2000), Ioannes E. Smelcer




  • Green, Dana. 2012. Denise Levertov: A Poet's Life. Sicagi: University of Illinois.
  • Hollenberg, Donna Krolik. 2013. A Poet's Revolution: The Life of Denise Levertov. Berkeleiae: University of California Press.


  • A Bibliography of Denise Levertov (Novi Eboraci: Phoenix Book Shop, Paper, 1972), liber a Roberto A. Wilson comiplatus.
  • Denise Levertov: An Annotated Primary and Secondary Bibliography (Novi Eboraci: Garland Publishing, Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, Vol. 856, November, 1988), ed. Liana Sakelliou-Schultz.


  • Collecott, Diana Surman. 1997. Denise Levertov Revisited. Bostoniae Massachusettae: Macmillan Library Reference/Twayne Publishers, Inc.
  • Davidson, Cathy N., et Linda Wagner-Martin. 1995. The Oxford Companion to Women's Writing in the United States. Novi Eboraci: Oxford University Press.
  • Gelpi, Albert. 1993. Denise Levertov: Selected Criticism. Ann Arbor Michiganiae: University of Michigan Press.
  • Gelpi, Albert, et Robert J. Bertholf. 2006. The Poetry of Politics, the Politics of Poetry. Stanfordiae Californiae: Stanford University Press.
  • Hamilton, Ian, ed. 1994. The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry in English. Novi Eboraci: Oxford University Press.
  • Hungerford, Edward Buell, ed. 1967. Poets in Progress: Critical Prefaces to Thirteen Modern American Poets. Evanston Illinoesiae: Northwestern University Press.
  • Keillor, Garrison. "Poems by Denise Levertov." The Writer's Almanac.
  • Kinnahan, Linda A. 1994. Poetics of the Feminine: Authority and Literary Tradition in William Carlos Williams, Mina Loy, Denise Levertov, and Kathleen Fraser. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press.
  • Little, Anne Colclough, et Susie Paul. 2000. Denise Levertov: New Perspectives. West Cornwall Connecticutae: Locust Hill Press.
  • Marten, Harry. 1988. Understanding Denise Levertov. Columbiae Carolinae Meridianae: University of South Carolina Press.
  • Mersmann, James F. 1974. From Out of the Vietnam Vortex: A Study of Poets and Poetry against the War. Laurentiae: University Press of Kansas.
  • Middleton, Peter. 1981. Revelation and Revolution in the Poetry of Denise Levertov. Londinii: Binnacle Press.
  • Molesworth, Charl;es.1972. Denise Levertov. Deland Floridae: Everett/Edwards.
  • Murray, Michele. 1973. A House of Good Proportion: Images of Women in Literature. Novi Eboraci: Simon and Schuster.
  • Nelson, Cary. 1981. Our Last First Poets: Vision and History in Contemporary American Poetry. Urbana Illinoesiae: University of Illinois Press.
  • Rodgers, Audrey T. 1993. Denise Levertov: The Poetry of Engagement. Rutherford Novae Caesareae: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Associated University Presses, Inc.
  • Sakelliou, Liana. 1999, 2002. Levertov's Poetry of Revelation, 1988-1998: The Mosaic of Nature and Spirit. Athenae Graeciae: George Dardanos.
  • Schley, Jim, ed. 1984. Writing in a Nuclear Age. Hanoveriae Novae Hantoniae: New England Review and Bread Loaf Quarterly.
  • Wagner, Linda Welshimer. 1967. Denise Levertov. Twayne's United States Authors Series, 113. Novi Eboraci: Twayne Publishers.
  • Wagner-Martin, Linda, ed. 1990. Critical Essays on Denise Levertov. Critical Essays on American Literature. Bostoniae: G. K. Hall & Co. ISBN 0816188998.
  • Wagner, Linda W., ed. 1979. Denise Levertov: In Her Own Province. Insights, Working Papers in Contemporary Criticism. Novi Eboraci: New Directions Publishing Corporation.


  • Conversations with Denise Levertov (Jackson Mississippiae: University Press of Mississippi, Literary Conversations Series, 1 Novembris 1998), ed. Jewel Spears Brooker.

Nexus externi

  Vicicitatio habet citationes quae ad Dionysiam Levertov spectant.