[Gendergap] Hello and a (small!) manifesto

Sarah Stierch sarah at sarahstierch.com
Sun Feb 6 17:26:42 UTC 2011

Hi Andreas! Welcome to the list.

> I think women react differently to incidents like this. A bloke will dig his
> heels in and on some level relish the pissing contest, and if need be waste
> three hours online on it.
> A woman will think, "I can't be bothered to waste my time arguing with that
> ignorant twerp", and go and do something else – and remember that WP ain't
> worth her time. In this way, enthusiasm is killed very quickly.

I totally agree! This is what happened to me when I first started 
editing. I originally just gave up and say "Screw this" and moved along.


Sarah Stierch Consulting
Historical, cultural & artistic research, advising & event planning.
http://www.sarahstierch.com/ <http://www.sarahstierch.com>
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