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Error while splitting file history on Commons: "inconsistent state within the internal storage backends"
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I wanted to split File:Transmission icon.png, so I temporarily deleted it, restored "old" revisions, moved them to a new file name and deleted redirect. Now, when I try to restore "new" revisions, I get Error undeleting file: The file "mwstore://local-multiwrite/local-public/6/6d/Transmission_icon.png" is in an inconsistent state within the internal storage backends.

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from Error while splitting file history on Commons to Error while splitting file history on Commons: "inconsistent state within the internal storage backends".Nov 15 2016, 1:12 PM
Aklapper edited projects, added SRE-swift-storage; removed MediaWiki-General.

We've seen this happening when codfw/eqiad swift get out of sync. It is usually cleaned up on the next swiftrepl that fixes inconsistencies, does it work now?

A few minutes ago I tried to restore the file again and this time I got To avoid creating high replication lag, this transaction was aborted because the write duration (4.5803732872009) exceeded the 3 second limit. If you are changing many items at once, try doing multiple smaller operations instead.[WCtkjwpAIDkAAAfxgmQAAABW] 2016-11-15 19:40:09: Fatal exception of type "DBTransactionSizeError"

I just tried to restore only a few revisions (till 3 April 2008) and I got Error undeleting file: A non-identical file already exists at "mwstore://local-swift-eqiad/local-public/6/6d/Transmission_icon.png".

OK, I played a bit with the file and managed to restore all page versions and all file versions except one. When I try to restore file version from 3rd April 2008, I get DBTransactionSizeError mentioned above. So, could someone with access to the database restore this version "manually"?

@Jdx I'm adding MediaWiki-General in case someone can restore the version manually

Wow, it's magic! I just have restored the missing version.

Jdx claimed this task.