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Replace hard coded 1923 logic in UploadWizard with more than 95 years ago
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In we encountered the fact that the UploadWizard has 1923 / 1924 / 1925 hard coded in it. 1923 was a magic year for many years and since a little over a year it change to more than 95 years ago. The UploadWizard logic should be updated so that we don't have to change messages every year.

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MarkTraceur subscribed.

This strikes me as low priority for the team tasked with UW maintenance (as something that would be nice, but not necessary), but would also be a nice first task for someone to jump into provided there aren't complicated implications. If anyone can investigate further and determine that for certain (i.e. check the templates exist, and will exist for the foreseeable future, and that there isn't complex logic involved) please do tag as easy.

Frostly closed this task as Declined.EditedDec 31 2023, 5:08 AM
Frostly subscribed.

I think including the year would be still beneficial for clarity. See T271968 above for the task to auto update the year.

I think including the year would be still beneficial for clarity. See T271968 above for the task to auto update the year.

You can have that opinion. Please don't just decline tasks.

Change #1050018 had a related patch set uploaded (by Simon04; author: Simon04):

[mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard@master] Replace hard coded 1923 logic in UploadWizard with more than 95 years ago