Церковь коренных американцев: различия между версиями

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{{редактирую|1=[[special:contributions/Dmitri Lytov|Dmitri Lytov]]|2=6 сентября 2009}}
[[Файл:USVA headstone emb-12.svg|thumb|Native American Church insignia]]
[[Файл:USVA headstone emb-12.svg|thumb|Native American Church insignia]]
'''Церковь коренных американцев''', {{lang-en|Native American Church}} — религиозная конфессия в США, практикующая '''Пейотизм''', то есть употребление [[галлюциногены|галлюциногенного]] кактуса [[пейотль]] в культово-церемониальных целях. Церковь возникла в штате [[Оклахома]], куда в конце 19 века было переселено множество индейских племён, и в настоящее время пользуется наибольшим распространением среди коренных народов США.
'''Церковь коренных американцев''', {{lang-en|Native American Church}} — религиозная конфессия в США, практикующая '''Пейотизм''', то есть употребление [[галлюциногены|галлюциногенного]] кактуса [[пейотль]] в культово-церемониальных целях. Церковь возникла в штате [[Оклахома]], куда в конце 19 века было переселено множество индейских племён, и в настоящее время пользуется наибольшим распространением среди коренных народов США. Основателем культа является Квона Паркер.

Закон США о свободе исповедания индейских культов делает исключения для последователей данной церкви, поскольку в целом употребление пейотля в США запрещено.
== История пейотизма ==
[[Файл:Peyote road.jpg|right|thumb|Peyote road]]
[[Файл:Peyote Cactus.jpg|right|thumb|Peyote buttons in the wild.]]
[[Файл:Peyote ceremony tipi.jpg|thumb|right|Peyote ceremony tipi]]
Пейотль использовался на территории современной [[Mexico]] in [[pre-Columbian]] times to commune with the [[spirit world]] and also as a [[medicine]]. From the mid-15th century, the use of peyote spread to the [[Great Plains]] area of the [[United States]] primarily through the efforts of the Apache people. Peyotism is now practiced in more than 50 Indian tribes and has probably around 250,000 adherents.<ref>http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/nachurch.htm</ref><ref>http://www.csp.org/communities/docs/fikes-nac_history.html</ref>

Культ пейотля имел свои особенности в различных племенах, but often include belief in [[Jesus]] as a Native American [[culture hero]], an intercessor for man or a spiritual guardian; belief in the [[Bible]]; belief in Peyote personified as a [[god]]; and association of Jesus with Peyote. Peyotists believe in a supreme God. The «Peyote Road» calls for Indian brotherly love (often taking the form of Native American nationalism), family care, self-support through work, avoidance of alcohol, and avoidance of recreational drug use.

Traditionally, [[peyote]] is used in pursuit of bona fide religious faith in daily ceremonies, and at all times. Peyote rituals can be conducted by oneself and (it is believed) with the Creator, or with a guide, or in a group, and at any place or time the Spirit or Creator and the participant deem them necessary. Peyote ceremonies are not conducted only in tipis or hogans however, in some cases ceremonies may be limited to a certain number of people but this varies from tribe to tribe.

For some chapters of the Native American Church, the peyote ritual begins at 8 p.m. Saturday and continues through the night. The ritual includes [[prayer]], the eating of peyote, [[Peyote song]]s, water rituals, and contemplation. It ends with breakfast Sunday morning. The peyote ritual is believed to allow communion with God and the deceased, and to give power, guidance, and healing. The healing may be emotional or physical, or both.

Many Tribes practice inipi ceremonies, also known as [[Sweat lodge]] rituals, which involve prayer, singing, and the taking of peyote as a sacrament. These ceremonies are of shorter duration than a tipi peyote ceremony, and are performed during the day or at night.

Those Church members who feel that they need structure believe that the communal ingestion of peyote and the ceremony of the Church meeting help participants get into a proper relationship with each other and with God. In turn, they believe, this leads to an ability to live a good day-to-day life. A good life is considered to be one that is kind and responsible, and embodies love.

The Native American Church has affinities with various forms of [[Christianity]] and with the values of some forms of [[Buddhism]], such as [[Zen]].

Peyotism has faced many legal challenges, affecting both Native Americans and non-Native Americans. In the [[United States]], federal law currently restricts [[peyote]] use in religious ceremonies to members of federally recognized tribal entities;{{Fact|date=November 2007}} and, although the [[:en:Native American Religious Freedom Act]] of 1994 and 1996 specifically states that Native Americans are exempt from prosecution under the law, conflicts between those who use peyote in religious ceremonies and state governments have continued in some circumstances. Currently, laws regulating peyote use vary by state, although most follow the stipulations of the Native American Freedom Act. Use of peyote (religious or non-religious) outside of the ceremonies of the Native American Church is far more likely to be viewed as illegal by state authorities.

== The Native American Church Movement ==
{{contradict-other|Quanah_Parker|there|date=April 2009}}
[[Файл:Chief Quanah Parker of the Kwahadi Comanche.gif|thumb|200px|Quanah Parker]]

[[:en:Quanah Parker]] is credited as the first big leader of the Native American Church, which was introduced to North American tribes in the 1880s, and was formally incorporated in 1918 in Oklahoma. Parker adopted the peyote religion after being gored by a bull in southern Texas and surviving the attack with the help of peyote. [[Peyote]] is reported to contain [[hordenine]] and [[tyramine]], [[phenylethylamine]] [[alkaloids]] which act as potent natural antibiotics when taken in a combined form. Parker was given strong peyote tea by a [[Coahuiltecan]] Indian curandera who healed him and showed him the proper way to run peyote ceremonies. Therefore, the genesis of modern NAC ceremonies have deep roots in Mexican Indian culture and ritual, due to the natural locality of Peyote and the dissemination by Parker to the Comanche and other plains tribes located in Indian Territory.<ref>Stewart OC. 1989. ''The peyote religion: a history''. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN 0806124571.</ref> This key aspect of medicine history is often overlooked with the various generational outlooks of Northern American Indians.{{Fact|date=February 2008}}.

Parker taught that the Sacred Peyote Medicine was the Sacrament given to all Peoples by the Creator, and was to be used with water when taking communion in some Native American Church medicine ceremonies. Parker learned the «half-moon» style of the peyote ceremony from the Lipan Apache leader Chiwat. The Lipan Apache learned the ceremony from the Carrizo Coahuilteco tribe of Southern Texas(Peyote Religion by Omer Stewart). The «cross fire» ceremony (originally called the «Big Moon» ceremony) later evolved in Oklahoma (initially among the [[Kiowa]] Indians) due to influences introduced by [[John Wilson (Caddo)|John Wilson]], a [[Caddo]] Indian who traveled extensively around the same time as Parker during the early days of the Native American Church movement. The Native American Church was the first truly «American» religion based on [[Christianity]] outside of [[The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints]].

== The Peyoteros of Southern Texas ==

The peyote religion evolved an elaborate trade network which has persisted since pre-Columbian times, in Southern Texas, with designated harvesters of the peyote in [[Rio Grande City, Texas]], and [[Mirando City, Texas]]. The [[Peyotero]]s are a group of closely knit families of Mexican ancestry who have harvested peyote for Native Americans since the early 1700s. The modern peyoteros still harvest peyote in the same manner as their ancestors, with a machete and a very small work crew of young and sometimes old men. Peyote is harvested and dried after the crowns of the plants are removed at ground level; cut at an angle, to allow water to run off. The peyoteros never dig up peyote, but rather cut the tops of the cactus crowns at ground level with a machete. [[Peyote]] plants create large taproots with an extensive root system, and the plants slowly regenerate new heads after harvest, often producing a much larger plant after several years of regrowth. Currently, Peyote is being overharvested, seriously endangering the existence of the local populations of peyote. There are only 3 licensed [[Peyotero]]s left in Texas, due to overharvesting, and illegal poaching, and strict licensing and tax regulations by the Texas Department of Public Safety and the U.S. Federal government. Two Peyoteros in South Texas are [[Mauro Morales]] of [[Rio Grande City]], [[Texas]], and [[Salvador Johnson]] of [[Mirando City]], [[Texas]].

Indians are permitted to purchase peyote to supply the Native American Church both in person and via US Mails «Restricted Delivery» procedures. Special ceremonies are performed with the harvested and dried peyote medicine in order to bless it for use as a sacrament for Native American Church rituals and ceremonies.

All three of the peyoteros are licensed by the United States [[Drug Enforcement Agency]] and operate under DEA 225 permits. Peyoteros are also required to be registered with the State of [[Texas Department of Public Safety]], for a fee over $1,200 per year in a poverty stricken area of south Texas. Legitimate Native American Church Branches are required to register with the Texas Department of Public Safety in order to purchase, harvest, transport, or cultivate peyote. Non-Indian churches not affiliated with Federally Recognized Tribal entities are not eligible for registration with the Texas Department of Public Safety at this time.

== The Fabled White Peyote of The Grand Canyon and Four Corners Area ==

Archaeological discoveries in Arizona and Southern Texas indicate that peyote has been used by the [[:en:Southwestern Tribes]] and their ancestors since antiquity. Peyote has been found carbon dated as 6000 years old in caves in Southern Texas and Arizona. The [[mummified]] samples did not resemble modern [[peyote]] and were larger and more domed in comparison to modern populations of ''[[Lophophora]] williamsii''. These samples also contained up to 6 % [[mescaline]] by weight even after thousands of years in a desiccated state. Modern Lophophora varieties average 3 % [[mescaline]] in comparison. The Diné ([[Navajo people|Navajo]]) oral traditions and those of other Southwest tribes indicate that a cold tolerant, high altitude variety of peyote existed in the area of the Grand Canyon in ancient times{{Fact|date=February 2007}}, called «white peyote» which was rumored to be of cosmic potency.

Recent discoveries and botanical evidence indicates modern Lophophora species may in fact be divergent hybrids of ''[[Lophophora diffusa]]'' and a species recently named ''[[Lophophora brackii]]''{{Fact|date=February 2007}}, a high altitude domed «white» peyote with 'Z' patterns and articulated ribbing that originates from a single population confined to a mountain near [[Vizarrónan]], in the central state of [[Querétaro]], [[Mexico]]. Modern ''Lophophora'' varieties exhibit pollen structure which ranges from 3 pored pollen from its western ranges up to 9 pored pollen in the Eastern Range where ''[[Lophophora decipiens]]'' grows under extremely arid conditions, characteristics of a natural hybrid. ''Lophophora diffusa'' more closely resembles primitive cacti than the other ''Lophophora'' varieties and this species also exists as an isolated population in a mountainous area and is more cold tolerant{{Fact|date=February 2007}} than ''[[Lophophora williamsii]]'' populations.

Currently, Peyote is on the [[Endangered Species List]] in Mexico, but not in the U.S. where it is less abundant. It is currently illegal to harvest peyote species in Mexico as all [[Cacti]] are protected under [[CITES]] and the Mexican Government has enacted strict laws to protect native [[cactus]] species.

== См. также ==
== См. также ==

Версия от 07:45, 8 сентября 2009

Native American Church insignia

Церковь коренных американцев, англ. Native American Church — религиозная конфессия в США, практикующая Пейотизм, то есть употребление галлюциногенного кактуса пейотль в культово-церемониальных целях. Церковь возникла в штате Оклахома, куда в конце 19 века было переселено множество индейских племён, и в настоящее время пользуется наибольшим распространением среди коренных народов США. Основателем культа является Квона Паркер.

Закон США о свободе исповедания индейских культов делает исключения для последователей данной церкви, поскольку в целом употребление пейотля в США запрещено.

См. также

