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Battle o Bannockburn

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Bruce addressin his sodgers at Bannockburn

The Battle o Bannockburn wis ane o the major strameshes o the First Scots Weir o Unthirldom an wis a deceesive veectory for the Kinrick o Scotland. The battle wis fochten on the 23t an 24t o Juin 1314 alang an athwart the fields bi the Bannock Burn, near Stirlin. The Scots airmy wis led bi Rabert the Bruce an wis made up o 6,000 fitmen an 500 horse, the Inglis airmy wis led bi Edward II an wis made up o 17,000 fitmen an 3,000 horse. Ower the twa days o fechtin the Scots airmy killt 11,000 Inglis infantry an 700 cavalry, an lost a licht amoont o thair ain sodgers. Altho the First Weir o Unthirldom wisna ower till 1329, it wis the Scots veectory at the Bannockburn in 1314 that siccart Scotland's unthirldom.