
Author Number of edits Total length
Jasiek054 9 45 759
Przystanis 3 6 373
Mathieu Mars .bot 2 13 716
Tomi1988a 2 5 166
Duży Bartek 1 7 146
Paweł Ziemian BOT 1 6 945
Kobrabones 1 6 578
Mmoonniiaa 1 2 462
Spain07 1 2 261
Kasir 1 2 201

Note! The edits that were marked as minor were not taken into account.

Authors list: Jasiek054, Przystanis, Mathieu Mars .bot, Tomi1988a, Duży Bartek, Paweł Ziemian BOT, Kobrabones, Mmoonniiaa, Spain07, Kasir.