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'''The Indo-Abrahamic Alliance''' sometimes known as '''The Indo-Abrahamic Block''' or '''The Middle East QUAD''' or ''' The Western QUAD''' or ''' West Asian QUAD ''' or ''' I2-U2''' is a geostrategic term coined by the foreign policy thinker and grand strategist Mohammed Soliman in use for a long essay for the [[Middle East Institute]]. The Indo-Abrahamic term refers to the growing convergence of geopolitical interests among India, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates,. which
The isconvergence of interest between the three nations will formingcreate a regional bloc that would include Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and eventually fill in the gap left by a prospectivefuture US withdrawal from the Middle East and includesrepresents a counterbalance to Turkey and Iran. <ref>{{cite web|url= |title=An Indo-Abrahamic alliance on the rise: How India, Israel, and the UAE are creating a new transregional order; The Middle East Institute | |date=2021-07-28 |access-date=2022-04-27}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Camp David to Indo-Abrahamic alliance- “half right and still waiting”; Modern Diplomacy | |date=2022-06-01 |access-date=2022-06-10}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Middle Eastern Quad? How Abraham Accords opened West Asia for India; ORF ||date=2021-10-19 |access-date=2022-06-10}}</ref>