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In April 1789, Jones was accused of raping a 10-year-old girl named Katerina Stepanova.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Bell |first=Jacob |date=2019 |title="Я Тоже:" The Rape of Katerina Stepanova and John Paul Jones' Russian Legacy |url= |journal=Past Tense: Graduate Review of History |volume=7 |issue=1 |pages=33 |via=Past Tense Journal}}</ref> <!-- The original citation was unclear over the name of her father. The new citation is not.
Her father, however, is irrelevant to this sentence. She lived with her mother, who took care of her and began the legal proceedings. I have removed it and added her surname. -->This event is contentious among biographers, as John Paul Jones was a foreigner among the Russian court, threatening the power structure that existed at the times. Most biographers are skeptical of these accounts and believe that Jones was framed as a way to remove him from power.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Bell |first=Jacob |date=2019 |title="Я Тоже:" The Rape of Katerina Stepanova and John Paul Jones' Russian Legacy |url= |journal=Past Tense: Graduate Review of History |volume=7 |issue=1 |pages=45 |via=Past Tense Journal}}</ref>
She testified to the police that she had been summoned to his apartment to sell him butter, when he punched her in the face, gagged her with a white handkerchief, and vaginally penetrated her; a regimental surgeon and a midwife both examined her and found evidence to substantiate these physical and sexual assaults.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Bell |first=Jacob |date=2019 |title="Я Тоже:" The Rape of Katerina Stepanova and John Paul Jones' Russian Legacy |url= |journal=Past Tense: Graduate Review of History. |volume=7 |issue=1 |pages=41 |via=Past Tense Journal}}</ref> There had been a delay on one day in reporting the rape, which meant the case would ordinarily not continue, due to Russian statutory codes considering any such delay evidence of consent, but Catherine intervened directly to allow the legal proceedings to continue.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Bell |first=Jacob |date=2019 |title="Я Тоже:" The Rape of Katerina Stepanova and John Paul Jones' Russian Legacy |url= |journal=Past Tense: Graduate Review of History |volume=7 |issue=1 |pages=45 |via=Past Tense Journal}}</ref>