Kofi Annan Syrian peace plan: Difference between revisions

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Fanzine999 (talk | contribs)
Give me until the end of today to sort this section! Then you can start to take it to pieces! :-)
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:''(6) respect freedom of association and the right to demonstrate peacefully as legally guaranteed.''
==Subsequent political efforts==
UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan drew up a transitional plan for discussion by the Action Group on Syria in Geneva on 30 June.<ref>{{cite web |title= Death toll mounts across Syria; Clinton to attend Friends of Syria meet in Paris |url= http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/04/224363.html |publisher= Al Arabiya News |date= 4 July 2012 |accessdate= 10 July 2012 }}</ref> It was agreed on by all parties, and Annan was broadly positive about it, with his spokesperson talking of a perceived "shift" in the Chinese and Russian positions that should not be underestimated.<ref>{{cite web |title= Annan sees 'shift' in Russia and China positions on Syria |url= http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/03/224213.html |publisher= Al Arabiya News |date= 3 July 2012 |accessdate= 10 July 2012 }}</ref> The one contentious issue was a Russian block, backed by China, on an agreement that precluded a role for Assad.<ref>{{cite web |last= Fielding-Smith |first= Abigail |date= 30 June 2012 |title= Syria talks fail to agree on Assad |url= http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/c3c7b764-c2e9-11e1-8d12-00144feabdc0.html |publisher= FT.com |accessdate= 11 July 2012 }}</ref> This issue in particular led to the transitional agreement being described as "dangerous" by the FSA and many activists within Syria, who rejected the very idea of "a unity government with the assassins of our children". Geneva was similarly rejected by the SNC and the LCC. Both Syria and Iran were excluded from the conference (Annan and Ban Ki-moon had wanted Iran present, but the US and Europe successfully insisted otherwise), and they also, perhaps unsurprisingly, rejected it.<ref name = "Cairo transition">{{cite web |title= Syrian opposition discusses transition in Cairo meeting, FSA boycotts |url= http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/02/223943.html |publisher= Al Arabiya News |date= 2 July 2012 |accessdate= 10 July 2012 }}</ref> NATO emphasised there would no military intervention, that a political solution on the back of a ceasefire remained the only answer.<ref>{{cite web |title= Saudi Arabia calls for decisive measures on Syria as NATO pleads for 'political' solution |url= http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/02/224046.html |publisher= Al Arabiya News |date= 2 July 2012 |accessdate= 10 July 2012 }}</ref>
Meetings over two days in Cairo, hosted by the Arab League, attempted to get a disparate group of nearly 250 opposition figures, most of whom were exiles, to discuss the new international plan for a transitional Syrian government, as well as to move toward a broad, common vision for a post-Assad Syria.<ref name = "Cairo transition"/> It was partially successful in some respects, but it was boycotted and criticised by the FSA and many activists in Syria, resulted in a fracas over Kurdish nationality, and the Syrian Revolution General Commission withdrawing in profound disagreement. The SNC saw the meeting, and a proposed follow up, as a threat to its position, and so rejected the process.<ref>{{cite web |title= Fights break out at Syria opposition meet; Kurds walk out in protest over nationality |url= http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/03/224309.html |publisher= Al Arabiya News |date= 3 July 2012 |accessdate= 10 July 2012 }}</ref> Salman Shaikh of the Brookings Doha Center argued that "Cairo was just too big. It was trying to bring together too many people, some of whom have no credibility on the ground anyway." In perhaps another sign of a Russian "shift", the Russian ambassador to Cairo had addressed the opposition meeting; a month prior, the Russians refused to even attend such a meeting.<ref>{{cite news |last1= Blair |first1= Edmund |last2= Saleh |first2= Yasmine |date= 4 July 2012 |title= Syrian opposition rifts give world excuse not to act |url= http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/04/224514.html |agency= Reuters |accessdate= 10 July 2012 }}</ref>
<ref>{{cite web |title= Syria's Assad issues 'counter-terror' laws: state media |url= http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/02/224011.html |publisher= Al Arabiya News |date= 2 July 2012 |accessdate= 10 July 2012 }}</ref>
Russia and China boycotted the third Friends meeting, possibly in protest at what they perceived as an attempted twisting of the resolution adopted at the meeting in Geneva.<ref>{{cite web |title= Russia says hosting Assad in exile 'joke'; Merkel regrets Syria meeting boycotts |url= http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/05/224662.html |publisher= Al Arabiya News |date= 5 July 2012 |accessdate= 10 July 2012 }}</ref>
Annan arrived in Syria for the third time on 8 July for talks with Assad, and the visit was described by both sides as constructive. Annan said he had a plan he could take away for discussion with the opposition. In an interview published the day before, he had again stressed that Iran had to be part of the solution, and noted that, while Russia and China were repeatedly and loudly denounced as barriers to resolving the situation, little was ever said about the flood of arms and money to the opposition doing that was doing its fair share of inflaming the violence.<ref>{{cite web |title= Assad accuses U.S. of 'supporting gangs;' Annan arrives in Damascus for talks |url= http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/08/225243.html |publisher= Al Arabiya News |date= 8 July 2012 |accessdate= 10 July 2012 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title= Annan arrives in Iran for talks on Syria after meeting with Assad: report |url= http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/09/225305.html |publisher= Al Arabiya News |date= 9 July 2012 |accessdate= 10 July 2012 }}</ref> Annan then went on to Iran.
On 9 July, Iran effectively called for a unity government and re-pledged its support for Assad by stating that external interference should be contingent upon the outcome of Syria's presidential elections of 2014.<ref>{{cite news |last1= Kasolowsky |first1= Raissa |last2= George |first2= Marcus |date= 9 July 2012 |title= Syrians should choose their leader in 2014 vote: Iranian foreign minister |url= http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/09/225462.html |agency= Reuters |accessdate= 10 July 2012 }}</ref> Russian President Vladimir Putin, by contrast and perhaps providing further evidence of a Russian shift, said that the two sides should be "forced" to start talking with each other.<ref>{{cite web |title= Syria's death toll crosses 17,000, victims mostly civilians: opposition group |url= http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/09/225391.html |publisher= Al Arabiya News |date= 9 July 2012 |accessdate= 10 July 2012 }}</ref> Putin pressured Assad to be more flexible, insisting that he talk with adversaries, invited opposition delegations for discussions, and restricted shipments of new weapons to Syria.<ref>{{cite web |last1= Mawad |first1= Dalal |last2= Gladstone |first2= Rick |date= 9 July 2012 |title= Russia Prods Syria's President Assad With Message of Growing Impatience |url= www.nytimes.com/2012/07/10/world/middleeast/bashar-al-assad-meets-with-kofi-annan.html |publisher= NYTimes.com |accessdate= 11 July 2012 }}</ref> (Previously agreed arms exports to Syria would continue, however).<ref>{{cite web |last1= Solomon |first1= Jay |last2= Johnson |first2= Keith |date= 9 July 2012 |title= To Power Syria, Chávez Sends Diesel |url= http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303292204577517041523762940.html |publisher= WSJ.com |accessdate= 11 July 2012 }}</ref>
Leading dissident Michel Kilo duly headed a delegation to Moscow on 9 July 2012. Russia tried to emphasise its possible role as a bridge between the two sides. Kilo, though not apparently averse to the idea, explained that while his National Committee for Democratic Change was interested in dialogue, Assad's casting of the opposition as "terrorists" and "armed gangs" meant he refused to acknowledge them as representatives of the Syrian people. Without even recognition, talks were impossible.<ref>{{cite news |title= Russia hosts top Syrian dissident for talks |url= http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/09/225349.html |agency= AFP |date= 9 July 2012 |accessdate= 10 July 2012 }}</ref> On 10 July, Russia called for another Action Group meeting, though excluded discussion on the fate of Assad, and emphasised that Iran's presence at the meeting would be helpful. The country's call came just before a delegation from the SNC went to Russia for discussions, where it reiterated that any transitional arrangement could only take place after Assad had fallen, one way or another.<ref name = "Russia new">{{cite web |title= Russia calls for new Syria talks; SNC to tell Moscow no transition until Assad falls |url= http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/10/225546.html |publisher= Al Arabiya News |date= 10 July 2012 |accessdate= 10 July 2012 }}</ref>
==See also==
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{{Syrian uprising (2011–present)}}