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→‎The Mahlo operation: Expanding article
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==The Mahlo operation==
If ''X'' is a class of ordinals, them we can form a new class of ordinals ''M''(''X'') consisting of the ordinals α of uncountable cofinality such that α∩''X'' is stationary in α. This operation ''M'' is called the '''Mahlo operation'''. It can be used to define Mahlo cardinals: for example, if ''X'' is the class of regular cardinals, then ''M''(''X'') is the class of weakly Mahlo cardinals. The condition that α has uncountable cofinality ensures that the closed unbounded subsets of α are closed under intersection and so form a filter; in practice the elements of ''X'' often already have uncountable cofinality in which case this condition is redundant. Some authors add the condition that α is in ''X'', which in practice usually makes little difference as it is often automatically satisfied.
For a fixed regular uncountable cardinal κ, the Mahlo operation induces an operation on the Boolean algebra of all subsets of κ modulo the non-stationary ideal.