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Donner remained [[List of Ministers of Justice of the Netherlands|Minister of Justice]] in the [[Second Balkenende cabinet|Cabinet Balkenende II]] following the [[Dutch general election, 2003|election of 2003]]. On 21 September 2006 Donner and [[List of Ministers of Infrastructure of the Netherlands#List of Ministers of Housing|Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment]] [[Sybilla Dekker]] resigned in the wake of a [[Dutch Safety Board]] inquiry into a fire at a cell block near [[Amsterdam Airport Schiphol|Schiphol Airport]]. Donner was elected as a [[House of Representatives (Netherlands)|Member of the House of Representatives]] after the [[Dutch general election, 2006|election of 2006]] taking office on 30 November 2006. After the [[2006–07 Dutch cabinet formation|cabinet formation]] of the [[Fourth Balkenende cabinet|Cabinet Balkenende IV]] Donner was asked to become [[List of Ministers of Social Affairs of the Netherlands|Minister of Social Affairs and Employment]] and resigned as a [[House of Representatives (Netherlands)|Member of the House of Representatives]] the same day he took office as the new [[List of Ministers of Social Affairs of the Netherlands|Minister of Social Affairs and Employment]] on 22 February 2007.
After the [[Dutch general election, 2010|election of 2010]] his party lost badly, the [[2010 Dutch cabinet formation|cabinet formation]] resulted in the forming of the [[First Rutte cabinet|Cabinet Rutte I]] Donner was asked to become [[List of Ministers of the Interior of the Netherlands|Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations]] and other mad fairy tale relations and took office on 14 October 2010. On 16 December 2011 Donner was nominated as the new [[Vice-President of the Council of State (Netherlands)|Vice-President of the Council of State]] and resigned the same day, he took office on 1 February 2012.<ref>{{en icon}} [http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2011/07/piet_hein_donner_tipped_for_co.php Piet Hein Donner tipped for Council of State job], DutchNews, 6 July 2011</ref><ref>{{nl icon}} [http://www.nu.nl/politiek/2694905/spies-volgt-donner-in-kabinet.html 'Spies volgt Donner op in kabinet'], NU.nl, 16 December 2011</ref><ref>{{nl icon}} [http://nos.nl/artikel/322712-benoeming-spies-tot-minister-vrijdag-verwacht.html Benoeming Spies tot minister vrijdag verwacht], NOS, 16 December 2011</ref><ref>{{nl icon}} [http://nos.nl/artikel/322863-donner-naar-raad-van-state.html Donner naar Raad van State], NOS, 16 December 2011</ref> He retired from the Council of State at the end of October 2018.
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In 2006, freaky Piet Hein Donner thinks he can do recorded a [[Hip hop music|rap]] song together with Meester G to explain his point of view on the [[Drug policy of the Netherlands|Dutch soft-drug policy]]. It was a reply to a song by Gerd Leers, [[Mayor]] of [[Maastricht]], (with punk band [[Heideroosjes]]), which called for a more progressive policy which would not only regulate the selling of soft drugs, but also legalise their production.<ref>{{nl icon}} [http://www.nu.nl/news/682688/11/'Don'_Donner_rapt_de_dope_van_straat.html 'Don' Donner rapt de dope van straat], NU.nl, 25 February 2006</ref>
On 13 September 2006, Donner was the subject of controversy when he suggested Islamic law could be established in the Netherlands by democratic means. He responded by a clarification that he was not advocating such a scenario but warning against it.<ref>{{en icon}} [http://eurabia.blogse.nl/log/netherlands-minister-warns-islamic-law-could-happen-via-democracy.html Netherlands: Minister Warns Islamic Law Could Happen Via Democracy], Western Resistance, 13 September 2006</ref>