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===The Library===
==The Library==

The formation of a Library had from the beginning been one of the aims of the Association and as early as 1913 it was recorded that the "object of the Council was to provide accommodation for a library for the use of members and that the nucleus of this library has already been formed.” This aim was repeated in the Constitution adopted after the war and in 1920 it was suggested that every new member should present a book to the library. For the first few years after the war development was handicapped by inadequate accommodation, until in 1923 the Association moved to new premises at 16 Albermarle Street, where there was at last space to display the Library properly. Lists of new books were soon appearing in the Bulletin and as early as September 1924 Hanson could write:
The formation of a Library had from the beginning been one of the aims of the Association and as early as 1913 it was recorded that the "object of the Council was to provide accommodation for a library for the use of members and that the nucleus of this library has already been formed.” This aim was repeated in the Constitution adopted after the war and in 1920 it was suggested that every new member should present a book to the library. For the first few years after the war development was handicapped by inadequate accommodation, until in 1923 the Association moved to new premises at 16 Albermarle Street, where there was at last space to display the Library properly. Lists of new books were soon appearing in the Bulletin and as early as September 1924 Hanson could write:

Revision as of 12:11, 19 May 2010

The Cruising Association is an association of cruising sailors worldwide, founded in 1908 in London, England. It is best known for its Cruising Almanac, published biennially which covers the whole Atlantic seaboard of Europe and it also publishes a large variety of cruising directions for various parts of the world. It has its headquarters in Limehouse Basin and has over 3,500 members. The patron of The Cruising Association, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, describes it as "the leading single source of cruising information for cruising yachtsman"[1].


CA House in Limehouse Basin

The Cruising Association was founded "to give increased facilities to cruising yachtsmen".

At the end of the Nineteenth Century yachting was only regard as a pursuit of the rich and the only people practicing what we know as cruising were a handful of pioneers men like E.F. Knight, Claude Worth, Frank Cowper, R.T.McMullen, Erskine Childers etc. etc.

As Cowper predicted, cruising did become popular and as early as 1880 a small group who were interested in cruising, rather than racing, decided that as existing yacht clubs were only concerned with the latter there was a need for a new club to cater for the interests of the cruising yachtsman. The leader of this group, most of whom lived far from the sea in or around Wolverhampton was a 29 year old Barrister. Arthur Underhill, who had just had his first fully decked yacht built - a two and a half ton sloop. This was the start of the Cruising Club and after eight years Underhill became Commodore, an office he was to hold until 1937, two years before his death. In 1901 the Club was well enough established to be granted the Royal prefix. The intention of the founders of the RCC, however, was that it should remain small, friendly and highly selective in its membership: a candidate's social qualifications were important and the legal and medical professions predominated. To ensure this, a limit was set on the numbers and in 1904 this was to he 260.

For the growing number of cruising yachtsmen however there was still no generally available organisation catering for their interests. There were of course boatmen around the coast who were quick to realise that a tidy profit might be made out of this developing pastime, and Cruising Yachtsmen were becoming frustrated. Following a letter from A. D. Hownam-¬Meek to the Editor of Yachting Weekly, which suggested that "Surely it would be possible to form some Union as obtains in the cycle and motor world to compile it register of honest boatmen at the various ports who would, I feel sure, consent to work or supply moorings at a standard fee, in return for the advertisement which they would thus receive, and a most important benefit would be obtained al a very small cost" a lively correspndance struck up in the yachting press.

In November the Editor of Yachting Weekly offered a room to those interested in discussing the formation of an Association. Some 30 yachtsmen turned up at No. 5 Arundel Street in the Strand and agreed that:

“It is desirable to have an Association, not formed upon the lines of an ordinary club, to give increased facilities to cruising yachtsmen.”

A provisional committee was formed which in five further meetings produced a draft constitution for submission to the first Annual General Meeting on 14th December 1908 at the Bay Tree, St Swithin’s Lane.

Many of those at the meeting must have known each other well and some had sailed together. Although Worth does not appear on the list of those attending, there were at least three, H. J Hanson, C. Devereux Marshall and E .S. M. Perowne who had sailed with him regularly. At he back of the room was a quiet man, John Love, in his early fiftys who left others to do the talking. If anyone had probed his background they would have discovered a man who had led it varied and wandering life from the linen trade in Dundee, to storekeeping, lumbering and private banking at Grenfell and Saskatchewan in Canada. His last employment had been in the grain trade in Winnipeg. In 1907 he came home and must fairly quickly have bought Rover, his four and a half ton yacht, which he sailed in Scotland. It was not exactly an impressive sailing background but to his great surprise he found himself in the Chair. He himself said later. “That no other reason occurred to him for his election to the Chair in the first instance than his seniority among those present.”

In any case the expertise was provided by the rest of the committee, which included an energetic Vice-Chairman, W. J. Almond, a solicitor, Perowne, who has already been mentioned and was Hon. Secretary, a City financier, W Slade Olver, two of he great names of sailing, E. F. Knight and Claud Worth. H J. Hanson, who became Treasurer and was virtually to run the Association for forty years and a number of keen experienced sailors, G. Burnett, F. Dugeon, D. M. Haig, C.J. Harrison, W.T.R. R. Beckett, A. H Solomon and E. S. Turner. Cowper and Reynolds were among the early members.

The War Years

The Association had goton off to a great start, and as everything was going so well, the War came and the Association had to go into a state of suspension. The last entry in the Bulletin for August 1914 contained instructions for yachtsmen who might come across a few torpedoes ending with the words “ A reward of at least £5 is offered for a lost torpedo after it has been missing for a day.”

Once the Armistice had been signed many yachtsmen wasted little time in getting afloat again and as early as April 1919 Frank Cowper, then the Cruising Association Local Representative at Fowey reported that many small boats were fitting out, some already being in the water. They would have found that on the surface there had been little change during the past five years. A few familiar landmarks bad disappeared: at the mouth of some rivers with shifting bars any bouyage that still existed might bear little relation to the channel, but the same boats were back afloat and, as before the war it was regarded as bad form to display its name anywhere except on the jerseys and caps of the crew.

The C.A. had opened its door again too, with Hanson as Secretary. He had had a distinguished wartime career with service afloat, first in his own motor-cruiser and later as a Gunnery Instructor and in mine clearance and had been awarded the O.B.E. Now he retired from business and devoted himself full time to cruising and to the Association. So quick was he to take charge that the first post war Bulletin, edited by him, was produced as early as April 1919.

But, despite the superficial impression of an unchanged world, four years of war could hardly fail to make some impact on cruising. Women for example had gained freedom and there was a noticeable increase, as the Local Representative in Burnham put it, in the "number of really useful lady sailors joining the ranks of yachting women." Some of them indeed were even following the new fashion of living aboard the whole year. At the same time there was a noticeable decrease in the availability of paid hands -at least at the rate which the average yachtsman, faced with rising costs of materials and rail fares (the easiest way of getting to the boat for those living inland) could afford, as rates of pay had increased about 70%. With the heavy gaff rig in use at time this could be a serious handicap and though the C.A. could help a little through its crewing service it was limited by the fact that, as most members were owners the number wanting crews far exceeded the supply of those looking for boats.

The most important advances in the History of the Cruising Association at this time were 1. The publication of the First Cruising Association Handbook in 1920. 2. Radio 3. The Bermuda rig.

The Library

The formation of a Library had from the beginning been one of the aims of the Association and as early as 1913 it was recorded that the "object of the Council was to provide accommodation for a library for the use of members and that the nucleus of this library has already been formed.” This aim was repeated in the Constitution adopted after the war and in 1920 it was suggested that every new member should present a book to the library. For the first few years after the war development was handicapped by inadequate accommodation, until in 1923 the Association moved to new premises at 16 Albermarle Street, where there was at last space to display the Library properly. Lists of new books were soon appearing in the Bulletin and as early as September 1924 Hanson could write:

“Already we have a collection of great interest, containing a number of beautiful books, among which every reader and many a student can satisfy his taste. Some of the books in the Wanted list are difficult to find and assistance members can offer will he appreciated.”

There had been general agreement to the principle of forming a Library, but whether many members had any idea of the sort of Library that Hanson had in mind is open to doubt. Hanson himself loved browsing in bookshops, but in building up the Library it was important that he had expert help from one of the two booksellers in London who specialised in books about Travel and the Sea. Both shops were founded during the 1850s and the other, Maggs Bros. worked with Sir James Caird, helping him to build the library of the National Maritime Museum. All the books, which both collectors needed, were available on the market and prices were reasonable. So it came about that the C.A. Library was not just a collection of useful, instructional and informative books but one of two great collections of books to do with the Sea.

In 1990 some of the rarest and most fragile parts of the collection were sold to Cambridge University Library where they form the Hanson Collection[2] and the clubhouse in Limehouse was built with the proceeds.When the Cruising Association moved from Ivory House to Limehouse basin, it's current home, the Library moved with it.

From 1911 it produced a handbook for its members. From 1920 this was updated every few years by its indefatigable secretary, H. J. Hanson, who also built up its library, eventually bequeathing to it his extensive collection of early nautical books and charts. From 2003 the handbook became a collaborative venture with the nautical publisher Imray, Laurie, Norrie & Wilson, published as a biennial Almanac, including sets of tide tables and improved mapping. From the mid-nineties its quarterly bulletin became a colour magazine "Cruising", which includes numerous updates on technical issues as well as stories of cruising sailors.

The Cruising Association offers it members many local groups, known as sections, which organise events throughout the year, on and off the water. In recent years the regional Sections have widened to include successful Mediterranean and Baltic Sections, and now a European Inland Waterways and a Blue Water Section. Each has email links keeping members in touch with each other.


Membership is composed of those who cruise inland, inshore and offshore by sail or power.


  1. ^ The Cruising Association (2009). Cruising for 100 years. Bosun Press,England.
  2. ^ "The Hanson Collection".

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