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Profiles are defined using [[stereotype (UML)|stereotype]]s, tag definitions, and constraints that are applied to specific model elements, such as Classes, Attributes, Operations, and Activities. A Profile is a collection of such extensions that collectively customize UML for a particular domain (e.g., aerospace, healthcare, financial) or platform (J2EE, .NET).
Profiles are defined using [[stereotype (UML)|stereotype]]s, tag definitions, and constraints that are applied to specific model elements, such as Classes, Attributes, Operations, and Activities. A Profile is a collection of such extensions that collectively customize UML for a particular domain (e.g., aerospace, healthcare, financial) or platform (J2EE, .NET).

Me mE SwEet BisCuiT
The UML Profile for [[XML]] is defined by [[David Carlson]] in the book "Modeling XML Applications with UML" pp. 310 and describes a set of extensions to basic UML model elements to enable accurate modeling of [[XSD]] schemas.

My naMe's JAne.. .
[[SysML]] is an [[Object Management Group]] (OMG)-standardized profile of [[Unified Modeling Language]] that is used for [[system engineering]] applications.
I'm 18 YeaRs.. .
I'M tHe SigN CaPriCoRn.. .
I wAs boRn iN tHe tOwn ChAvEs.. .
I'm eMo (SceNe).. .
I hAve A STUPID aNd COMICAL shApE aNd I ApoLoGize tO tHosE wHo doN'T LikE.. .
I tRy tO be PERFECT, bUt I CaN'T.. . -.-'
I LoVe mOtHer NatUre, wHiCh gAvE Me tHis LifE.. . "ThAnK U.. !"
I LoVe alL thOse wHo LoVe Me mE.. .
I LoVe abOve AlL mY dEar mOthEr (FlOra) aNd mY beSt fRieNd (IsaBeL).. .
I hAve maNy fRieNds, bUt I aSsuRe yOu tHat mOst (if nOt alL) aRe faLse.. .
I CaN't LivE witHoUt MUSIC.. .
I LoVe ArTs.. .
I'M aRt stUdEnt.. . LoOoL.. .
I hAve aS a wAy fOrwArd, mY beLoVed aRchitEctUre (fiNalLy).. .
I hAve A pEt (cAt), thE STUPID jOjo .. .
I LoVe mEetinG nEw pLaCes, nEw PeopLe.. . "fiNd tHis wOrLd.. ."
I'm a LittLe "ShY" aNd eMotiOnaL at tHe sAme tiMe.. . "DaMn GirL.. !"
I doN't tHiNk iN tHe DANGER.. .
I'M aDvEntUrOus.. . CrazY GirL.. . Eh eH.. . ^.^
I LikE GoinG oUt With fRieNds, nOt bE LoCked iN tHe ShoRt MsN.. .
I'm nOt Very TeLedEpeNdEnt (tO be With tHe PhoNe aLwaYs iN thE hAnds).. .
I LovE CHOCOLATE aNd sOme SweEt ThinGs.. .LikE CandY.. . ^.^
My fAvOritE hoBby iS waLkinG, pAintinG PaintinGs, dRawiNg aNd aBoVe alL, NAGGING mY sWeEt fRieNds aNd if sO, mY BorinG fAther.. . Ah aH Ah.. .
I LoVe tHe LifEstYLe tHat I HaVe, as sOon as tHe hatE anD HATE.. .
I doN't kNow What eLse tO SaY.. .
. ..if YoU wAnt to KnOw mOre aBout Me mE, ASK Me, fOr tHis is tO seRve tHe maiL's.. .RiGht?! ? O.o?


Revision as of 14:47, 12 October 2009

A profile in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) provides a generic extension mechanism for customizing UML models for particular domains and platforms. Extension mechanisms allow refining standard semantics in strictly additive manner, so that they can't contradict standard semantics.[1]

Profiles are defined using stereotypes, tag definitions, and constraints that are applied to specific model elements, such as Classes, Attributes, Operations, and Activities. A Profile is a collection of such extensions that collectively customize UML for a particular domain (e.g., aerospace, healthcare, financial) or platform (J2EE, .NET).

Me mE SwEet BisCuiT

My naMe's JAne.. . I'm 18 YeaRs.. . I'M tHe SigN CaPriCoRn.. . I wAs boRn iN tHe tOwn ChAvEs.. . I'm eMo (SceNe).. . I hAve A STUPID aNd COMICAL shApE aNd I ApoLoGize tO tHosE wHo doN'T LikE.. . I tRy tO be PERFECT, bUt I CaN'T.. . -.-' I LoVe mOtHer NatUre, wHiCh gAvE Me tHis LifE.. . "ThAnK U.. !" I LoVe alL thOse wHo LoVe Me mE.. . I LoVe abOve AlL mY dEar mOthEr (FlOra) aNd mY beSt fRieNd (IsaBeL).. . I hAve maNy fRieNds, bUt I aSsuRe yOu tHat mOst (if nOt alL) aRe faLse.. . I CaN't LivE witHoUt MUSIC.. . I LoVe ArTs.. . I'M aRt stUdEnt.. . LoOoL.. . I hAve aS a wAy fOrwArd, mY beLoVed aRchitEctUre (fiNalLy).. . I hAve A pEt (cAt), thE STUPID jOjo .. . I LoVe mEetinG nEw pLaCes, nEw PeopLe.. . "fiNd tHis wOrLd.. ." I'm a LittLe "ShY" aNd eMotiOnaL at tHe sAme tiMe.. . "DaMn GirL.. !" I doN't tHiNk iN tHe DANGER.. . I'M aDvEntUrOus.. . CrazY GirL.. . Eh eH.. . ^.^ I LikE GoinG oUt With fRieNds, nOt bE LoCked iN tHe ShoRt MsN.. . I'm nOt Very TeLedEpeNdEnt (tO be With tHe PhoNe aLwaYs iN thE hAnds).. . I LovE CHOCOLATE aNd sOme SweEt ThinGs.. .LikE CandY.. . ^.^ My fAvOritE hoBby iS waLkinG, pAintinG PaintinGs, dRawiNg aNd aBoVe alL, NAGGING mY sWeEt fRieNds aNd if sO, mY BorinG fAther.. . Ah aH Ah.. . I LoVe tHe LifEstYLe tHat I HaVe, as sOon as tHe hatE anD HATE.. . I doN't kNow What eLse tO SaY.. . . ..if YoU wAnt to KnOw mOre aBout Me mE, ASK Me, fOr tHis is tO seRve tHe maiL's.. .RiGht?! ? O.o?


  1. ^ Si Alhir, S: Guide to applying the UML, page 350. Springer, 2002


  • Si Alhir, Sinan (2002). Guide to applying the UML. Springer. ISBN 0387952098.