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See also: puntaré





From punta +‎ -are or punto +‎ -are.


  • IPA(key): /punˈta.re/
  • Rhymes: -are
  • Hyphenation: pun‧tà‧re



puntàre (first-person singular present pùnto, first-person singular past historic puntài, past participle puntàto, auxiliary avére)

  1. (transitive) to push, lean, rest, plant, brace
    Synonyms: spingere, poggiare, appoggiare
    • 2018, Piergiorgio Giorilli, Il grande libro del pane, Kindle edition, Milan: Gribaudo, →ISBN:
      Se invece lasciamo a puntare gli impasti per il solito tempo, essi acquistano “più forza” del necessario e quindi il prodotto finito risulta sviluppato, ma ha una crosta troppo vitrea e un invecchiamento precoce.
      If we instead let the dough rest for the typical amount of time, it will be "stronger" than necessary and the finished product will therefore be developed, but it will have a crust that is too shiny and it will age prematurely.
  2. (transitive) to point, direct, aim, sight, set
    Synonyms: dirigere, volgere
  3. (transitive) to bet, stake, gamble
    Synonym: scommettere
  4. (transitive) to mark with dots
  5. (intransitive) to head (in a direction) [auxiliary avere]
    Synonym: dirigersi
  6. (intransitive) to aim, to strive [with a ‘towards’] [auxiliary avere]
  7. (intransitive) to assault, to attack [with contro] [auxiliary avere]
    Synonyms: assalire, attaccare
  8. (intransitive) to count on, to rely on [auxiliary avere]
    Synonyms: contare, fare affidamento
  9. (intransitive) to point (of a gun dog) [auxiliary avere]



Further reading

  • puntare1 in Treccani.it – Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana








  1. first/third-person singular future subjunctive of puntar