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Es la capital del [[condado de Suwałki]] y uno de los centros comerciales más importantes en el [[Voivodato de Podlaskie]]. Hasta 1999 la población fue capital del [[Voivodato de Suwałki]]. Suwałki se encuentra a unos 30 km de la frontera sur de [[Lituania]]. En proximidades de la ciudad se encuentra la [[zona protegida]] polaca denominada [[Suwałki Landscape Park]].
Es la capital del [[condado de Suwałki]] y uno de los centros comerciales más importantes en el [[Voivodato de Podlaskie]]. Hasta 1999 la población fue capital del [[Voivodato de Suwałki]]. Suwałki se encuentra a unos 30 km de la frontera sur de [[Lituania]]. En proximidades de la ciudad se encuentra la [[zona protegida]] polaca denominada [[Suwałki Landscape Park]].
[[File:Cmentarzysko Jacwingow, Suwalszczyzna, Aug 2004 B.jpg|thumb|250px|left|[[Yotvingian]] [[kurgan]]]]

The area of Suwałki had been populated by local [[Yotvingian]] and [[Old Prussians|Prussian]] tribes since the early [[Middle Ages]]. However, with the arrival of the [[Teutonic Order]] to [[Yotvingians|Sudovia]], their lands were conquered and remained largely depopulated in the following centuries. The village was founded by [[Camaldolese|Camaldolese monks]], who in 1667 were granted the area surrounding the future city by the [[Grand Duke of Lithuania]] and the [[King of Poland]] [[John II Casimir of Poland|John II Casimir]]. Soon afterwards the monastic order built its headquarters in [[Wigry]], where a [[monastery]] and a [[Church (building)|church]] were built. The new owners of the area started fast economic exploitation and development of the [[forest]]s and brought enough settlers (mainly from over-populated [[Masovia]]) to build several new villages in the area. Also, production of wood, [[lumber]], [[tar]] and [[iron ore]] was started.

[[File:Suwalki 01.jpg|thumb|250px|left|St Alexander Church]]
The village was first mentioned in 1688; two years later it was reported to have two houses. However, the growth of the village was fast and by 1700 it was split onto Małe Suwałki and Wielkie Suwałki (Lesser and Greater Suwałki). The village was located almost exactly in the centre of Camadolese estates and it was located on the main trade route linking [[Grodno]] and [[Merkinė]] with [[Königsberg]]. In 1710 King [[Augustus II the Strong]] granted the village a privilege to organize fairs and markets. Five years later, in 1715, the village was granted [[city rights]] by the grand master of the order, Ildefons. The town was divided into 300 lots for future houses and its inhabitants were granted civil rights and exempted from taxes for seven years. In addition, the town was granted with 18.03 square kilometers of forest that was to be turned into [[arable land]]. On May 2, 1720, the city rights were approved by King August II, and the town was allowed to organize one fair a week and four markets a year. In addition, a [[coat of arms]] was approved, depicting [[Saint Roch]] and [[Saint Romuald]].

After the [[Partitions of Poland]] in 1794 the area was annexed by [[Prussia]]. In 1796 the monastery in Wigry was closed and its property confiscated by the [[Kingdom of Prussia|Prussian]] government. The following year a seat of local ''[[powiat]]'' authorities was moved to the town, as well as a military garrison. By the end of 18th century, Suwałki had 1,184 inhabitants and 216 houses. A large part of them were [[Jewish]].

In 1807 Suwałki became part of the newly-formed [[Duchy of Warsaw]] and became one of the centers of the department of [[Łomża]]. After the defeat of [[Napoleon Bonaparte]] and the [[Congress of Vienna]], the area was incorporated into the [[Congress Poland|Kingdom of Poland]]. The status of a ''[[powiat]]'' capital was briefly withdrawn, but it was re-introduced on January 16, 1816, when the [[Augustów Voivodeship]] was created and its government was gradually moved to Suwałki. Soon afterwards the older city hall was demolished and replaced with a new one, and General [[Józef Zajączek]] financed the paving of most of the city's streets. The cemetery was moved to the outskirts from the town center, and that area became a city park. Also, the Russian authorities built the [[Warsaw – Saint Petersburg Railway]], which added to the city's prosperity.

[[File:Chlodna3.jpg|thumb|right|Chłodna street]]
In 1820 a new church was built and the following year the first [[synagogue]] was opened. In 1829 a permanent [[post office]] was opened in Suwałki. Between 1806 and 1827 the town's population almost tripled and reached 3,753 people living in 357 houses. During the [[November Uprising]] of 1831 the town's population took part in the struggles against Russia, but the city was pacified by the Russian army on February 11, 1830. In 1835 the government of [[Tsar]] [[Nicholas I of Russia|Nicholas I]] decided not to move the capital of the voivodeship to [[Augustów]]. Two years later the [[Voivodeships of Poland]] were renamed to [[gubernia]]s and the town became the capital of the [[Augustów Gubernia]].

In 1826 an investment plan was passed and new buildings were started by the Russian authorities. In 1835 a [[police]] station was built, in 1844 a new town hall and Orthodox and [[Protestant]] churches were completed. Soon afterwards a new marketplace was opened, as well as St. Peter's and Paul's hospital and a [[gymnasium (school)|gymnasium]]. In addition, between 1840 and 1849 the main [[Roman Catholic Church|Catholic]] church was refurbished by many of Poland's most notable architects of the era, including [[Piotr Aigner]], [[Antoni Corazzi]] and [[Enrico Marconi]]. To change the city's architecture and break with its rural past, the city council passed a decree banning the construction of new wooden houses in 1847.

The city's population continued to grow rapidly. In 1857 it had 11,273 inhabitants and in 1872 almost 20,000. Newly-built factories needed workers and these were brought from all over the world. Because of that, the mixed Lithuania-Polish-Jewish population was soon joined by people of almost all denominations that worshiped in the [[Russian Empire]]. Soon the city became the fourth most populous town in the [[Congress Poland|Kingdom of Poland]]. After the [[January Uprising]] of 1863, the new administrational reform was passed to unify the Polish lands with Russia completely. In 1866 the ''[[gubernia]]'' of Augustów was finally renamed to ''Suwałki Gubernia''. However, the newly-built Warsaw-Petersburg rail road passed by Suwałki and the town's prosperity diminished. It was not until the early 20th century, when the arrival of a new Russian army [[garrison]]s brought the economy back on track. Also a railroad line linking Suwałki with [[Grodno]] was finally completed.

[[File:Suwalki Kosciuszki.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Kościuszko street]]
After the spring of 1905, when the Russians were forced to accept a limited liberalisation, the period of Polish cultural revival started. Although the [[Polish language]] was still banned from official use, new Polish schools were opened, as well as a Polish-language ''[[Tygodnik Suwalski]]'' weekly and a library. After the [[Great War]] broke out, heavy fights for the area erupted. Finally in 1915, the Germans broke the Russian front and Suwałki was put under German occupation. The town and surrounding areas were detached from the rest of the Polish lands and were directly administered by the German military commander of the [[Ober-Ost Army]]. Severe laws imposed by the German military command and the tragic economic situation of the civilians led to the creation of various secret social organisations. Finally, in 1917, local branches of the [[Polska Organizacja Wojskowa]] were created.

After the collapse of the [[Central Powers]] in November 1918, the local commander of the Ober-Ost signed an agreement with the [[Temporary Council of the Suwałki Region]] and ''de facto'' allowed for the region to be incorporated into Poland. However, the German army remained in the area and continued its economic exploitation. In February 1919 the local inhabitants took part in the first free elections to the Polish [[Sejm]], but soon afterwards the German commanders changed their mind and expelled the Polish military units from the area and in May passed it to Lithuanian authority. By the end of July the [[Paris Peace Conference, 1919|Paris Peace Conference]] granted the city to Poland and the Lithuanians withdrew from the city, but some of the Polish-inhabited lands were left on the Lithuanian side of the border while several Lithuanian villages were left on the Polish side of the so-called [[Foch Line]]. This led to the outbreak of the [[Sejny Uprising]] on August 23, 1919. To secure the city, the following day the first regular units of the [[Polish Army]] entered Suwałki. A short [[Polish-Lithuanian War]] erupted and for several days limited fights were fought for the control over Suwałki, [[Sejny]] and other towns in the area. The war ended on the insistence of the [[Triple Entente|Entente]] in mid-September ([[Suwałki Agreement|negotiations took place in Suwałki]] in early October). During the [[Polish-Bolshevik War]] the city was captured by the [[Communist|Reds]] and after the [[Battle of Warsaw (1920)|Battle of Warsaw]] it was again passed to the Lithuanians, but it was retaken by the Polish Army with negligible losses soon afterwards.

In the [[interbellum]] Suwałki became an autonomous town within the [[Białystok Voivodeship (1919-1939)]]. This led to yet another period of prosperity, with the city's population rising from 16,780 in 1921 to almost 25,000 in 1935. The main source of income shifted from agriculture to trade and commerce. Also, in 1931 the new [[water works]] and a [[power plant]] were built. Also, Suwałki continued to serve as one of the biggest garrisons in Poland, with two regiments of the [[Polish 29th Infantry Division]] and almost an entire [[Suwałki Cavalry Brigade]] stationed there. Since 1928 Suwałki was also the headquarters of one of the [[battalion]]s of the [[Korpus Ochrony Pogranicza|Border Defence Corps]].

[[File:Suwalki Memorial-hl.jpg|thumb|Memorial at site of Suwałki Jewish cemetery, desecrated by the [[Nazi]]s. Background wall (amid trees) consists of gravestones and fragments.]]
During the later stages of the [[Invasion of Poland (1939)|Polish Defensive War]] of 1939 the town was briefly captured by the [[Red Army]]. However, on October 12 of the same year the [[Soviet]]s withdrew and transferred the area to the Germans, in accordance with the [[Nazi-Soviet Alliance]]. The town was renamed to '''Sudauen''' and incorporated directly into the [[German Reich]]'s [[East Prussia]]. Severe laws and terror that erupted led to the creation of several resistance organisations. Although most of them were at first destroyed by the [[Gestapo]], by 1942 the area had one of the strongest [[Związek Walki Zbrojnej|ZWZ]] and [[Armia Krajowa|AK]] networks. Despite the resistance, almost all of the city's once 7,000-strong Jewish community was murdered in [[German concentration camps]]. Also, in Suwałki's suburb of [[Krzywólka]] a [[POW camp]] for almost 120,000 Soviet [[prisoner of war|prisoners of war]] was established. On October 23, 1944, the city was captured by the forces of the Soviet [[3rd Belarusian Front]]. The fights for the city and its surroundings lasted for several days and took the lives of almost 5,000 Soviet soldiers. The anti-Soviet resistance of former [[Armia Krajowa]] members lasted in the forests surrounding the city until the early 1950s.

After the war, Suwałki remained a capital of the ''[[powiat]]''. However, the heavily-damaged town recovered very slowly and the [[Communist]] economic system could not help the city's problems. This period came to an end in 1975, when a new administrative reform was passed and Suwałki yet again became the capital of a separate [[Suwałki Voivodeship]]. The number of inhabitants rose rapidly and by the end of the 1970s it was over 36,000. Large factories were built in the city and it became one of the important industrial and commercial centres of Eastern Poland.

After the peaceful dissolution of the Communist system in Poland in 1989 the city experienced a period of economic difficulties. Most of the city's major factories were inefficient and went bankrupt. However, the creation of the Suwałki [[Special Economic Zone]] and the proximity of the Russian and Lithuanian borders opened new possibilities for the local trade and commerce. In addition, the ecologically clean region started to attract many tourists from all around the world.

==Enlaces externos==
==Enlaces externos==
* [ Información y links a Suwalki]
* [ Información y links a Suwalki]

Revisión del 10:32 27 mar 2010

Plantilla:Infobox Polonia

Suwałki (lituano:Suvalkai, alemán:Suwalken), 1941–1944 Sudauen, es una población en el noreste de Polonia que posee 69,340 habitantes (2008). El río Czarna Hańcza cruza el casco urbano.

Es la capital del condado de Suwałki y uno de los centros comerciales más importantes en el Voivodato de Podlaskie. Hasta 1999 la población fue capital del Voivodato de Suwałki. Suwałki se encuentra a unos 30 km de la frontera sur de Lituania. En proximidades de la ciudad se encuentra la zona protegida polaca denominada Suwałki Landscape Park.