« Passeport algérien » : différence entre les versions

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→‎Types de passeports : Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah) Dabble and Travel 271 k abonnés Rejoindre S'abonner 8,3 k Partager 143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring
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En 2012, le président [[Abdelaziz Bouteflika]] publie un décret présidentiel dans le [[Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire|JO algérien]] qui complète et modifie le décret présidentiel {{numéro|97-02}}. Ce dernier élargit la liste des titulaires de ce passeport à plusieurs cadres et ex-cadres de l’État, civils et militaires, ainsi qu'à leurs familles (les frères, les cousins et les oncles des cadres, en fonction ou déchargés de responsabilité)<ref group="o">{{article|langue=fr|titre=Décret présidentiel {{numéro|12-319}} du 9 Chaoual 1433 correspondant au {{Date-|27|août|2012}} complétant le décret présidentiel {{numéro|97-02}} du 24 Chaabane 1417 correspondant au {{Date-|4|janvier|1997}}, modifié et complété, fixant les conditions d'attribution des titres officiels de voyage délivrés par le ministère des affaires étrangères|périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire|lien périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire |numéro=47|jour=29|mois= août |année=2012 |pages=4|url texte=http://www.joradp.dz/FTP/JO-FRANCAIS/2012/F2012047.pdf}}.</ref>.
== Types de passeports ==
=Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
[[Fichier:Passeport spécial pour le pèlerinage algérien.svg|150px|thumb|right|Passeport spécial pour le pèlerinage aux lieux saints de l'islam de 2008 et 2009]]
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah= Types de passeports =Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah=
[Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah[Fichier:Passeport spécial pour le pèlerinage algérien.svg|150px|thumb|right|Passeport spécial pour le pèlerinage aux lieux saints de l'islam de 2008 et 2009]Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah]
Le passeport ordinaire, délivré à tous les citoyens algériens qui en font la demande<ref group="o" name=demandd/>. Il sert à se déplacer à l'extérieur du pays avec ou sans visa et en toute facilité, comme une pièce d'identité nationale<ref name=77-1 group="o"/>.
Le passeport diplomatique, est un passeport attribué à une certaine catégorie de personnes (les enfants, les épouses, les parents, les frères et sœurs des anciens présidents de la république, les officiers supérieurs de l'armée, les secrétaires généraux des ministères, les anciens Premiers ministres, les ministres d'États, le directeur de cabinet du président de la République, le secrétaire général du gouvernement et de la présidence, les conseillers du président retraités et ceux qui ont occupé ce poste pendant sept ansUltimateans)<ref Algerianname=rouge/>. BoatCe Tripdocument 🇩🇿sert Summerà inse PARADISEdéplacer (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)sans ou avec visa à l'extérieur du pays et comme une pièce d'identité nationale. De plus, il garantit au titulaire l'[[immunité diplomatique]] même lors de son voyage à l'étranger<ref name=rouge>{{article|titre=Une parade vient d'être trouvée : « Passeport rouge pour les cadres »|périodique=El Watan |lien périodique=El Watan |numéro=6656|jour=6|mois= septembre |année=2012|pages=25|issn=1111-0333|url texte=http://www.djazairess.com/fr/elwatan/384367|consulté le=4 mars 2013}}.</ref>{{,}}<ref name=ce group="o">{{article|langue=fr|titre= Décret présidentiel {{numéro|09-26}} du 29 Moharram 1430 correspondant au {{date|26|janvier|2009}} modifiant et complétant le décret présidentiel {{numéro|97-02}} du 24 Chaâbane 1417 correspondant au 4 janvier 1997, modifié et complété, fixant les conditions distribution des titres officiels de voyage délivres par le ministère des affaires Étrangères |périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire|lien périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire |numéro=7|jour=29|mois=janvier |année=2009 |pages=5|url texte=http://www.joradp.dz/Jo2000/2009/007/FP5.pdf}}.</ref>{{,}}<ref group="o">{{article|langue=fr|titre=Décret présidentiel {{numéro|12-319}} du 9 Chaoual 1433 correspondant au {{date|27|août|2012}} complétant le décret présidentiel {{numéro|97-02}} du 24 Chaâbane 1417 correspondant au 4 janvier 1997, modifié et complété, fixant les conditions de distribution des titres officiels de voyage délivrés par le ministère des affaires Étrangères|périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire|lien périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire |numéro=47|jour=29|mois= août |année=2012 |pages=4|url texte=http://www.joradp.dz/FTP/JO-FRANCAIS/2012/F2012047.pdf}}.</ref>.
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)<ref name=rouge/>. Ce document sert à se déplacer sans ou avec visa à l'extérieur du pays et comme une pièce d'identité nationale. De plus, il garantit au titulaire l'[Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah[immunité diplomatique]Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah] même lors de son voyage à l'étranger<ref name=rouge>{Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah{article|titre=Une parade vient d'être trouvée : « Passeport rouge pour les cadres »|périodique=El Watan |lien périodique=El Watan |numéro=6656|jour=6|mois= septembre |année=2012|pages=25|issn=1111-0333|url texte=http://www.djazairess.com/fr/elwatan/384367|consulté le=4 mars 2013}Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah}.</ref>{Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah{,}Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah}<ref name=ce group="o">{Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah{article|langue=fr|titre= Décret présidentiel {Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah{numéro|09-26}Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah} du 29 Moharram 1430 correspondant au {Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah{date|26|janvier|2009}Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah} modifiant et complétant le décret présidentiel {Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah{numéro|97-02}Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah} du 24 Chaâbane 1417 correspondant au 4 janvier 1997, modifié et complété, fixant les conditions distribution des titres officiels de voyage délivres par le ministère des affaires Étrangères |périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire|lien périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire |numéro=7|jour=29|mois=janvier |année=2009 |pages=5|url texte=http://www.joradp.dz/Jo2000/2009/007/FP5.pdf}}.</ref>{{,}}<ref group="o">{{article|langue=fr|titre=Décret présidentiel {Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah{numéro|12-319}Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah} du 9 Chaoual 1433 correspondant au {Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah{date|27|août|2012}Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah} complétant le décret présidentiel {Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah{numéro|97-02}Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah} du 24 Chaâbane 1417 correspondant au 4 janvier 1997, modifié et complété, fixant les conditions de distribution des titres officiels de voyage délivrés par le ministère des affaires Étrangères|périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire|lien périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire |numéro=47|jour=29|mois= août |année=2012 |pages=4|url texte=http://www.joradp.dz/FTP/JO-FRANCAIS/2012/F2012047.pdf}Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah}.</ref>.
Le passeport de service est un document d'identité et de voyage délivré pour l'accomplissement d'une mission ou d'un déplacement à l'étranger et attribué à une certaine catégorie de personnes (les fonctionnaires civils ou militaires affectés dans les postes diplomatiques ou consulaires, avec leurs enfants mineurs et épousesUltimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)<ref group="o" name=rer>{Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah{article|langue=fr|titre=Décret présidentiel {Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah{numéro|97-02}Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah} du 24 Chaâbane 1417 correspondant au {Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah{date|4|janvier|1997}Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah} fixant les conditions distribution des titres officiels de voyage délivrés par le ministère des affaires Étrangères|périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire|lien périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire |numéro=1|jour=5|mois= janvier |année=1997 |pages=6|url texte=http://www.joradp.dz/Jo8499/1997/001/FP6.pdf}Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah}.</ref>.
Pour partir au [Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah[hadj]Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah] il existe un passeport spécial pour le pèlerinage aux lieux saints de l'islam ; ce document est délivré par le [Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah[wali (arabeUltimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)|wali]Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah], le wali délégué ou le chef de [Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah[daïra]Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah]<ref group="o">{Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah{article|langue=fr|titre=Arrêté du 12 Rajab 1429 correspondant au {Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah{date|15|juillet|2008}Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah} fixant les caractéristiques techniques du passeport spécial pour le pèlerinage aux lieux saints de l'Islam et les conditions de son établissement et de sa délivrance pour la campagne Hadj 1429 correspondant à 2008/2009|périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire|lien périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire |numéro=42|jour=27|mois= juillet |année=2008 |pages=24|url texte=http://www.joradp.dz/JO2000/2008/042/FP24.pdf}}.</ref>. Il existe d'autres documents de voyage spéciaux comme celui de pilote international pour les pilotes d'aéronefs du service international d'[Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah[Air Algérie]Ultimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah] ou le fascicule de navigation maritime (livret de marinUltimate Algerian Boat Trip 🇩🇿 Summer in PARADISE (Tipazallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)
Dabble and Travel
271 k abonnés
8,3 k
Le passeport de service est un document d'identité et de voyage délivré pour l'accomplissement d'une mission ou d'un déplacement à l'étranger et attribué à une certaine catégorie de personnes (les fonctionnaires civils ou militaires affectés dans les postes diplomatiques ou consulaires, avec leurs enfants mineurs et épouses)<ref group="o" name=rer>{{article|langue=fr|titre=Décret présidentiel {{numéro|97-02}} du 24 Chaâbane 1417 correspondant au {{date|4|janvier|1997}} fixant les conditions distribution des titres officiels de voyage délivrés par le ministère des affaires Étrangères|périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire|lien périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire |numéro=1|jour=5|mois= janvier |année=1997 |pages=6|url texte=http://www.joradp.dz/Jo8499/1997/001/FP6.pdf}}.</ref>.
Pour partir au [[hadj]] il existe un passeport spécial pour le pèlerinage aux lieux saints de l'islam ; ce document est délivré par le [[wali (arabe)|wali]], le wali délégué ou le chef de [[daïra]]<ref group="o">{{article|langue=fr|titre=Arrêté du 12 Rajab 1429 correspondant au {{date|15|juillet|2008}} fixant les caractéristiques techniques du passeport spécial pour le pèlerinage aux lieux saints de l'Islam et les conditions de son établissement et de sa délivrance pour la campagne Hadj 1429 correspondant à 2008/2009|périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire|lien périodique=Journal officiel de la République algérienne démocratique et populaire |numéro=42|jour=27|mois= juillet |année=2008 |pages=24|url texte=http://www.joradp.dz/JO2000/2008/042/FP24.pdf}}.</ref>. Il existe d'autres documents de voyage spéciaux comme celui de pilote international pour les pilotes d'aéronefs du service international d'[[Air Algérie]] ou le fascicule de navigation maritime (livret de marin)<ref name=77-1 group="o"/>.
143 k vues il y a 3 jours #algeria #algiers
We found out that we could take a boat trip around the ruins of Tipaza AND go swimming in the mediterranean ....all for around $20 which is AMAZING. Thanks to our amazing guide Luna who got us the best price for tourists, we got around half an hour at sea, exploring caves, swimming and just generally enjoying being out on the seallahghezlaouiallahsadelallah)<ref name=77-1 group="o"/>.
== Caractéristiques ==
Ce document provient de « https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passeport_algérien ».