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Dérivé de responsible (« responsable ») avec le suffixe -ity (« -ité »).
Singulier Pluriel


  1. Responsabilité, devoir.
    • With great power comes great responsibility. — (Spider-Man, 2002)
      Un grand pouvoir implique de grandes responsabilités.
    • Blockchains, however, are distributed databases that often seek to achieve decentralisation by replacing a unitary actor with many different players. The lack of consensus as to how (joint-) controllership ought to be defined hampers the allocation of responsibility and accountability. — (Blockchain and the General Data Protection Regulation, Brussels, European Union, 2019, PE 634.445, ISBN: 978-92-846-5044-6, doi: 10.2861/535, QA-02-19-516-EN-N)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)

Vocabulaire apparenté par le sens

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