Yu Jiao Ji (TV Series 2022– ) Poster

(2022– )

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Dilraba's dramas never disappoint!
hanalisss2 June 2022
This drama was really enjoyable, the effects are amazing and the music is gorgeous.

The plot is good and intriguing and there's sweet moments throughout the show ( from all couples). I love Dilraba and I have watched all her dramas and her role in The blue whisper although not bad didn't do her justice, is a bit too bland for her.

Was my first drama watching Ren Jia Lun and I liked him so I will look for more of his work.

They had chemistry together but in my opinion their relationship had more potential and they could have develop it with more depth and passion, but it was good overall.

The greatest thing about this drama is that the stories of the other characters and couples of the series are as interesting and fascinating as the main couple's( if not more) so it doesn't ever get boring.

I have only a couple of things I didn't enjoy as much. The first is that Dilraba's character spends half of the show sick so there's a point where it feels a bit draggy and you actually want her to die so the story line can start changing and getting into action.

The second is that there's not a lot of change in the scenery so most of the episodes happen in the same 4/5 places and this also feels a bit repetitive.

The end wasn't bad but a bit rushed and not very detailed so I had to watch it a few times and read my dramalist comments to understand it fully.

Entertaining! Watch it!
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Part 1: Luxurious Cinematography, CGI, and Costumes---Screenplay Sold Separately. Part 2: The Long Journey to A More Cohesive Plot
ENIGMA0526 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Part 1: First and foremost, I'd like to thank the fan subbers for doing this entire part for us. Without them, we'd still be waiting. They made it possible. I will be reviewing the parts separately as I don't want one to influence the other. I watched this series because Dilraba is one of the people I follow.

Pros: The only reason this drama is getting a higher score is because of the absolutely stunning cinematography, CGI, luxurious and richly colored costumes, and some of the OSTs. Production spared no expense there. The last time I saw a production even closely resemble this one was ELOD which also starred Dilraba. But this one clearly went full steam with the richness of each location and their gorgeous and bright colors.

While I liked Yunhe and her complexity as a character; I felt she had way more chemistry with Lin junior as I nicknamed him; the one she called older brother. His love and protection of her though falling short many times, was raw and real. I liked him more after I learned his secret and how much he wanted to save those who he cared about most including the entire Wanhua Valley. The man, whether he succeeds or fails in part 2 is already a hero in my book.

Other decent characters were Kong Ming for steadfastly standing on Chang Yi's side and helping him along the way. Head Immortal is a good antagonist and he's evil enough where while you can't stand him, you also understand he's a necessary evil. Can't say I liked old man wheelchair though he didn't need a wheelchair, but when he died and Lin junior was grieving; that was one of the few times in part 1 that tears came to my eyes. The man was a horrible ruler, father, etc and yet....there was always that yet. So a decent character.

Mediocre characters that were confusing and I'm not sure where to place them yet were the peacock that was released from underground, Li Shu, and San Yue; perhaps in part 2 they'll do better. So I'll leave them alone for now. Also immortal bodyguard Cheng Ye and the kid emperor were decent and I hope to see them evolve more as well.

Cons: When I wrote screenplay sold separately, I wasn't kidding. It was a mess. A zillion characters whose names you don't remember nor want to. Every single relationship between every couple was essentially sadomasochistic. Lies, betrayal, secrets kept, scheming to either harm or protect which 9 times out of 10 backfired. I didn't know if I was coming or going. The character Chang Yi didn't offer much; it was disappointing. I didn't feel his chemistry with Yunhe was beyond friendship that was clumped together haphazardly out of thin air. He always looked either constipated or stoned; I hope part 2 shows something more from him.

The annoying butterfly maid drove me batty. In the first 5 episodes, she had more lines and screen time then the leads. And she would yammer nonstop. I legit ffw when she would start. Also the other big bad was Shunde? Really? All she did was throw her weight around and whine. Yes, she's vicious and ruthless but I couldn't take her seriously as a proper villain when she acted like a drama queen and diva 99% of the time. Gorgeous costumes on her but her character was just roll-your-eyes worthy at best.

I don't remember any of the others because they were really that forgettable. It wasn't just one plot with maybe 2 subplots but about 76 of them all running amok where I legit felt like I was in the twilight zone. What the heck were these writers thinking? Just focus on a few things maybe from a few angles but don't confuse the audience with a zillion failed love stories and doomsday scenarios. The best way to describe it was a luxurious mess.

Would I recommend it? If you're a diehard Reba fan, then of course as she embodies Yunhe well and the cinematography is beyond stunning. But in general this is for people who like busy plots with lots of different characters all going in some direction from center. In any case, decide for yourselves.

Part 2: Pros: I'm just going to delve right into this. It was slightly better then part 1, emphases on the slightly. The script was more cohesive and there were less unneeded characters. The plot was actually finally going somewhere. My favorite portion by far was when Yunhe regains her memories in the volcano in episode 15. It was the only part of the entire thing, I kept rewatching many times.

Definitely favorite character out of the entire thing was LHQ or Lin junior as I called him; complicated and tragic man. No matter what, he could never get who he really wanted no matter how much effort he put into it and how much it cost him. But he never gave up trying for what he truly believed in and though not with whom he wanted to be, he was able to live freely in the end. Even though I didn't really like Yunhe (I still liked Yunhe's character in general and evolution in this part) as Ah-Ji because her constant talking to herself and inner monologues gave me a headache, she still had way more chemistry with Lin Junior than with Chang Yi.

Li Shu, San Yue, and the emperor kid evolved nicely and were given their own paths in this story and though Li Shu sacrificed himself for the umpteenth time, he was also able to return to his lady love. Emperor kid really grew both as an emperor and someone decisive and forthright. For those who watched TLB, he was the same actor who played Reba's character's annoying nephew. It was great seeing him in this way better capacity that could showcase his acting skills.

I don't remember all of their names but the ruler chick of North Abyss who had a yen for CY also did way better here then in Part 1. Kong Ming, Bird Deity, Yunhe's guard friend skinny dude as well as Lin junior's aid all were good and/or passable. As mentioned in part 1, immortal master was the best antagonist and I actually liked the actress who played Shunde's other identity as it was more natural then Shunde and felt right for the actress.

The plot though not entirely on the straight and narrow, was a more functional and understandable one as there was finally one set goal with many parts and places to go step by step before accomplishing it. As in Part 1, costumes, CGI, scenery, etc were breathtakingly beautiful. That was the one thing that remained consistent.

Cons: Even with a more cohesive plot, there were many plot holes that just didn't add up. Like how could an already dead Chen Yu resurrect and become part of Shunde's zombie army? The poor man essentially died twice; he was really pitiful but his tunnel vision loyalty to immortal master was his undoing, so though I did like the character, he really didn't change much. How in the world did most of the supposed dead come back to life at the very end? Very weak explanations if any to all of this. Or how were Li Shu and San Yue able to leave the mountain they were trapped in with the Emperor and his masters but the latter three couldn't?

Shunde, Shunde, Shunde....lord almighty what an atrocious villain. Even after she sucked all of that voodoo mask turned terminator with Freddy Krueger's claws' energy, she didn't become a believable villain. She was still a vicious, self-righteous, drama queen, with a massive superiority complex and the "evil" crazy laugh she had didn't help matters. After the loss of the Immortal Master to repentance, there was no way she could replace him. And they did zilch to evolve her.

Chang Yi didn't change in the slightest save for a few moments he smiled in later episodes. The conflicted block of ice who imprisons Yunhe to "torture" her in the beginning, had only two facial features during the entire series; constipated or stoned. I really thought it would be better but not until episode 15 or beginning of 16 did he slightly defrost and not for long periods of time either.

The continuation of the lies, cover ups, deception to protect kept up with just about everyone until literally the last episode of the show and it really messed up the equilibrium of the show. Why couldn't people just be straight forward as that in the end was what ended up being needed? The leads and other solid couples had about 5 to 10 minutes of happiness before something would go wrong. But though the show was supposed to be angsty, you very rarely felt any of that. Yes, when Yunhe sacrificed herself for North Abyss and then later died in CY's arms; but I felt sadder when Lin junior brought her back and she started to drift from him. Such a huge contrast between robot CY and raw Lin junior.

The largest mess up was the ending. As I waited for part 2 to come out, I read the translated chapters/episodes from a site and the ending could have been way better for Yunhe and CY if the directors hadn't cut a very important scene. Though while I feel if just about everyone else came back, Yunhe did too, a lot more could have been relayed had that ending been properly in place. Everyone else got their version of a proper happy ending but the ones who were toughing out this journey from day one were just brushed aside and it was a great injustice to them. Would have been way better had they just killed Shunde (make a big blast of it for emphasis), left North Abyss together and lived in the world with the freedom they both craved since episode 1 and that piece would have come full circle. Scrap the volcano sacrifice and all the other stuff. It would have been much more fulfilling and proper for them both to end like that.

Would I recommend it? If you watched Part 1, then you need to watch this in order to get an understanding of what was going on there, where it went and how it ended. Also better plot and if you're an actor fan of anyone. For me personally, the entire series was disappointing; could have been done way better. The actors deserved that much and so did the audience.
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wjtchhp22 August 2022
This is a good drama with good acting and a good story line. Dilraba becoming more ethereal the longer Ji Yunhe suffered. You won't be dissapointed in watching this drama, it's just fantasic.
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Angsty but beautiful
magnoliacream23 April 2023
Allen Ren impressed me deeply in Miss Crow With Mr. Lizard. So here I am with my 4th Allen Ren drama. This turned out to be a gem.

Dilraba Dilmurat as spiritual master Ji Yun He and Allen Ren as merman prince Yuren Changyi prove their worth by keeping this angsty drama engrossing. The acting, not only by the leads, but by the supporting cast as well, is compelling, drawing me in to a world where supposedly upright celestial immortals try to keep unruly earth immortals in check through police-like squads composed of spiritual masters.

Ji Yun He, as one of the best spiritual masters or demon tamers in Thousand Flower Valley, is assigned to tame merman Changyi. Their love story develops amidst upheavals in the immortal realm that could have devastating effects in their world. How Ji Yun He and Changyi, along with their allies, prevent devastation is a fascinating adventure.

The writing, three-dimensional characters, sets and OST gave me vibes of my favorite cdramas Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms and Ever Night 2.
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