Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for قالب:مدربو نادي فيتشينزا (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 46
Adelio Moro (create)
Alberto Colombo (footballer) (create)
Alfredo Magni (create)
Alfredo Mazzoni (create)
András Kuttik (create)
Antonio Libero Scarpa (create)
Antonio Pasinato (create)
Battista Rota (create)
Bruno Mazzia (create)
Chinesinho (create)
Corrado Viciani (create)
Elemér Berkessy (create)
Eraldo Bedendo (create)
Eugenio Fascetti (create)
Fioravante Baldi (create)
Franco Lerda (create)
Franz Sedlacek (football manager) (create)
Fulvio Bernardini (create)
Giancarlo Cadé (create)
Gianfranco Bellotto (create)
Giovan Battista Fabbri (create)
Giovanni Colella (create)
Giovanni Seghedoni (create)
Giovanni Vecchina (create)
Giulio Savoini (create)
Giuseppe Caramanno (create)
Guido Fasolo (create)
Imre Bekey (create)
Italo Ferrero (create)
Luigi Cagni (create)
Manlio Scopigno (create)
Massimo Beghetto (create)
Maurizio Viscidi (create)
Nedo Sonetti (create)
Otto Krappan (create)
Paolo Specchia (create)
Piero Andreoli (create)
Piero Spinato (create)
Renzo Ulivieri (create)
Roberto Lerici (create)
Sergio Gasparin (create)
Silvio Baldini (create)
Toni Pin (create)
Umberto Menti (create)
Vilmos Wilheim (create)
Walter Alt (create)

 Links to redirects

Total: 2
انجيلو جريجوتشي (edit) أنجيلو غريغوتشي (edit)
اندريا ماندورليني (edit) أندريا ماندورليني (لاعب كرة قدم، مواليد 1960) (edit)


Complete report...

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