Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Hot sauces (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 6
Adobo (edit)
Huy Fong Foods (edit)
Búfalo (edit)
List of sauces (edit)
Outerbridge Peppers (edit)
Salsa macha (edit)

Total: 18
Ajilimójili (edit)
Buffalo sauce (edit) Buffalo wing (edit)
Chile con queso (edit)
Chili pepper water (edit)
Chilli vinegar (edit)
Colo-colo (condiment) (edit)
Dabu-dabu (edit)
Erős Pista (edit)
Katara (spice) (edit) Katara (sauce) (edit)
Kōrēgusu (edit)
Nam phrik long ruea (edit)
Nam phrik num (edit)
Nam phrik phao (edit)
Pico de gallo (edit)
Salsa (sauce) (edit) Salsa (food) (edit)
Salsa roja (create)
Salsa verde (edit)
Sweet chili sauce (edit)

 Links to redirects

Total: 10
Buffalo sauce (edit) Buffalo wing (edit)
Chili paste (edit) Chili sauce and paste (edit)
Chili sauce (edit) Chili sauce and paste (edit)
Harif (edit) Zhug (edit)
Katara (spice) (edit) Katara (sauce) (edit)
Ljutenica (edit) Lyutenica (edit)
Llajwa (edit) Llajua (edit)
Mala sauce (edit) Mala (seasoning) (edit)
Salsa (sauce) (edit) Salsa (food) (edit)
Sambal Tuktuk (edit) Sambal (edit)


Complete report...

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