Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Jesuit Schools Network (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 6
List of Jesuit secondary schools in the United States (edit)
Xavier High School (New York City) (edit)
St. Xavier High School (Ohio) (edit)
Xavier High School, Micronesia (edit)
List of Belen Jesuit Preparatory School people (edit)
Colegio de Belén, Havana (edit)

Total: 30
Brebeuf College School (edit)
Brooklyn Jesuit Prep (create)
Chicago Jesuit Academy (create)
Cristo Rey New York High School (edit)
Cristo Rey Research Triangle (create)
Fairbanks Catholic High School (create)
Fordham Preparatory School (edit)
Gesu School (edit) Roman Catholic Diocese of Toledo (edit)
Gonzaga Middle School (create)
Jesuit Academy (create)
Loyola Academy of St. Louis (create)
Loyola Sacred Heart High School (edit)
Mother Teresa Middle School (edit) List of schools in Regina, Saskatchewan (edit)
NativityMiguel Middle School (create)
Nativity Jesuit Academy (create)
Nativity Preparatory School (Boston) (create)
Nativity Preparatory School (Worcester) (create)
Sacred Heart Nativity School (create)
Seattle Nativity School (create)
Society of Jesus (edit) Jesuits (edit)
St. Andrew Nativity School (create)
St. Ignatius Loyola Academy (create)
St. Ignatius School (edit)
St. Xavier High School (edit) List of schools named after Francis Xavier (edit)
St Martin de Porres (edit) Martin de Porres (edit)
The Loyola School (create)
Washington Jesuit Academy (create)
Xavier High School (edit) List of schools named after Francis Xavier (edit)
Xavier Jesuit Academy (create)
Yap Catholic High School (edit)

 Links to redirects

Total: 12
Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola (edit) Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola (San Juan) (edit)
Gesu School (edit) Roman Catholic Diocese of Toledo (edit)
Jesuit High School (Portland) (edit) Jesuit High School (Beaverton, Oregon) (edit)
Jesuit High School (Sacramento) (edit) Jesuit High School (Carmichael) (edit)
Mother Teresa Middle School (edit) List of schools in Regina, Saskatchewan (edit)
Society of Jesus (edit) Jesuits (edit)
St. Bonaventure's College (edit) Saint Bonaventure's College (edit)
St. Ignatius High School (Cleveland) (edit) Saint Ignatius High School (Cleveland) (edit)
St. Xavier High School (edit) List of schools named after Francis Xavier (edit)
St Martin de Porres (edit) Martin de Porres (edit)
Strake Jesuit College Preparatory School (edit) Strake Jesuit College Preparatory (edit)
Xavier High School (edit) List of schools named after Francis Xavier (edit)


Complete report...

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