Samsung Electronics Benelux B.V. Using Messenger to deliver best-in-class customer support
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Their Story

A legacy of innovation

Samsung Electronics Benelux is a worldwide distributor of consumer electronic products including computers, computer equipment, software, televisions, digital video devices, tablets, and cameras. With a strong focus on creating a more efficient customer care program, Samsung decided to transform its traditional contact center into a digital-first, data-driven one.

Their Goal

Improving efficiencies

Samsung previously relied on an offshore contact center that used voice and email as the only channels of communication. There were challenges on the operational side, too, including a high attrition rate, which led to knowledge loss and inefficiencies in resolving customer queries quickly. What’s more, a high volume of repeated questions and no automation meant hours of wasted time for agents that led to longer response times. All these constraints and limited centralized resources made the support function more reactive in nature.

With messaging becoming increasingly popular, the contact center was forced to hire more staff, which increased costs. As a leading innovative technology company, Samsung needed to reinvent some of its contact center processes and was able to use Messenger to help.

Their Solution

Reinventing customer support

Samsung sought a cutting-edge solution that was fully aligned with its mission to inspire the world through innovative technologies and decided to introduce a digital assistant that would provide 24/7 customer support, which included some support services for its customers on both Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. The digital assistant, Sam is supported by 75 live agents, all of whom have completed special training to handle and resolve customer issues. Together, Sam and the agents are able to address conversations across Samsung’s website, its Members app and social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Messenger and Whatsapp.

Sam was created by Samsung in partnership with Khoros and Flow.AI & Teleperformance and uses a series of quick replies to help customers with specific error codes and general technical issues. Sam is also able to intuitively understand colloquial language queries and effectively address them for customers. The 24/7 automated experience for Messenger uses rich media to provide interactive, step-by-step guidance to help customers navigate their issues. This minimizes the tasks that typically monopolize agents’ times and frees them up to tackle higher-value issues. Sam’s other unique ability is in providing live status updates on product promotions available at a number of different retailers. For any customer queries Sam can't resolve, it hands the customer over to a live agent using Handover Protocol.

Combining machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), Sam is able to continuously upskill and help agents find answers to customer queries. The tool works by intuitively learning from responses to a large number of previously asked questions. Beyond reducing time and effort taken by agents, Sam’s onboarding and enablement process ensures all agents know their role and follow the appropriate workflow of response on channels.

Equally, given Samsung’s emphasis on brand image and tone of voice being central to the customer experience, Sam allows the company to deliver consistency and quality to customers across its support channels, including Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp. With rich media features, Sam is able to bring the brand to life in entirely new ways. The solution’s ability to measure performance via customer satisfaction the customer experience.

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Their Success

Scoring with Sam

Since incorporating Sam, the improvements have been so significant that Samsung Electronics Benelux completely switched off email and Samsung chat as customer service channels. The business continues to invest in Messenger for customer care and its impact has led them to extend the experience to drive more engagement and sales. Sam has now been trained to serve as a digital assistant to help new customers find the right product.


point increase in NPS by switching from email to messaging


reduction in call center costs


higher volume of messages handled


compliance to a 10-minute response time

“Sam’s introduced a new paradigm at Samsung Electronics Benelux. At a very basic level, it has improved efficiencies and customer satisfaction, and we are now using Messenger to enrich the customer journey in other innovative ways,” - Ruben Lowenstein, Manager Customer Care, Samsung Benelux