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Introducing Instagram Content Publishing API
January 26, 2021ByAlex Choi

Today, we are launching a new feature on the Instagram Graph API Platform to make it easier for businesses to publish content. With this feature, Instagram Business accounts can schedule and publish posts to their Instagram Feeds from third-party platforms.

We've heard from businesses that they don't publish content to Instagram spontaneously, but rather plan their posts ahead of time to best connect with their audiences. Some businesses also plan their posts across distributed teams with complex approval processes. With the Content Publishing API, businesses can now more easily plan campaigns and build internal processes around publishing content using the platform of their choice.

Key details
  • Content Publishing API will support scheduling and publishing single photo or video posts to Instagram Feed for Instagram Business accounts only.
  • Each Instagram Business account will be limited to 25 API-published posts within a 24-hour moving period. This rate limit will not impact other publishing methods, so an Instagram Business account may publish additional posts via the native Instagram app or Facebook Creator Studio if they max out their daily API rate limit.
Learn more

To access the new Content Publishing API endpoints, developers must apply via our App Review process and their apps must comply with Facebook Developer Policies and Platform Terms. To learn more about Content Publishing API, please check out our developer documentation.