
June 28, 2022


Applies to all versions.

GET /{user-id}/media responses now include video Reels, however, there is currently no way to determine if a given video in the response set has been designated as a Reel.

June 27, 2022

Legacy Instagram API Documentation

Applies to all versions.

The Legacy Instagram API developer documentation has been removed and now redirects to the Instagram Platform developer documentation.

August 30, 2021

Off-Facebook Activity

Applies to all versions.

The June 15th, 2021 changes related to clear history and future activity settings were paused in mid-July but have now resumed.

June 30, 2021

Private Account Access Tokens

Applies to all versions.

Long-lived access tokens for private Instagram accounts can now be refreshed. In addition, permissions granted to apps by app users with private accounts are now valid for 90 days.

June 15, 2021

Off-Facebook Activity

Applies to all versions.

Users who clear their history or turn off future activity will invalidate their access tokens. In addition, users who have turned off future activity and who attempt to use the authorization window will be prompted to turn on future activity in order to use your app.

June 8, 2021

Access Token Debugger

Applies to all versions.

The access token debugger tool now only returns an app-scoped ID when debugging a token.

API Versioning

Applies to all versions.

The API now supports versioned calls. To query a specific API version include the version number in the query path after the base URL. For example:{node-id}/{edge-name}

Un-versioned requests (missing the version number) resolve to the version specified in the calling app's App Dashboard > Settings > Advanced > Upgrade API Version section.

App Scoped User IDs

Applies to version 11.0+.

App-scoped user IDs (ASIDs) have been introduced. ASIDs will replace raw user IDs in approximately two years, when version 10.0 is deprecated, so we recommend that you begin mapping your app users' raw IDs to their ASID equivalents.

  • All versions support raw user ID based queries.
  • Only version 11.0+ calls support ASID based queries.
  • Version 11.0+ calls will receive ASIDs in responses, even when querying raw user IDs.

Time-based Pagination

Applies to v11.0+.

Added since and until parameters to the GET /{user-id}/media endpoint to support time-based pagination.

October 24, 2020

  • User Node — The ig_id field, which returned the app user's Instagram Legacy User ID, has been deprecated.

August 31, 2020

June 5, 2020

  • Legacy IDs — You can now request the ig_id field on the User node to get the app user's Instagram Legacy API User ID. This field will be available until September 30th, 2020. (UPDATE: Available until October 24, 2020).

February 20, 2020

January 14, 2020

December 6, 2019

October 15, 2019

Instagram Basic Display API has officially launched!