ice_breakers Reference

Ice Breakers provide a way for users to start a conversation with a business with a list of frequently asked questions. A maximum of 4 questions can be set via the Ice Breaker API.

Starting April 19th, 2022, Ice Breakers supports localization allowing businesses to set custom questions based on the user locale. The API will have a new format and we encourage developers to leverage the new format to set and retrieve Ice Breakers information. The list of supported locales can be found here.

Page Profile Priority

Some profile elements, like Ice Breakers and the Get Started button, are incompatible with each other. When both are set, one will take precedence over the other. This is the order of precendence for the profile elements:

  1. API Ice Breakers
  2. Get Started button
  3. Custom Questions set via the Page Inbox UI
    • Editing Custom Questions from the Page Inbox UI is disabled when Ice Breakers are set via API. This is to prevent breaking the experience set by the installed app.

POST request

To set an Ice Breaker configuration, there are two formats for the POST request, existing and new.

One POST request can have the existing format OR the new format but not both.

New format (recommended)

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
          "locale":"default" // default locale is REQUIRED

Existing format

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
        "question": "<QUESTION>",
        "payload": "<PAYLOAD>"
        "question": "<QUESTION>",
        "payload": "<PAYLOAD>"

GET request

Depending on how the Ice Breaker is setup, GET request will return a different format:

  • If the Ice Breaker is setup using the existing format, GET request will return the existing format response.
  • If the Ice Breaker is setup using the new format, GET request will return the new format response.

Developers should migrate to the new format as we will be deprecating the old format.


New Format Response

   "data": [
          "call_to_actions" : [
                "question": "<QUESTION>",
                "payload": "<PAYLOAD>",
                "question": "<QUESTION>",
                "payload": "<PAYLOAD>",
          "locale": "<LOCALE>",
          "call_to_actions" : [
                "question": "<QUESTION>",
                "payload": "<PAYLOAD>",
                "question": "<QUESTION>",
                "payload": "<PAYLOAD>",
          "locale": "<LOCALE>",

Existing Format Response

   "data": [
          "ice_breakers": [
                "question": "<QUESTION>",
                "payload": "<PAYLOAD>"
                "question": "<QUESTION>",
                "payload": "<PAYLOAD>"

DELETE Request

This will delete ALL the ice breakers. Deletion of locale specific Ice Breakers will be enabled in the future.

curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
  "fields": [


   "success": "true"


Property Type Description



Text that will be posted on the thread as the user asking the question.



Payload the will be returned as a postback webhook event

Example API Call

API POST call to set up Ice Breakers in the New format

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
                "question":"Where are you located?",
                "question":"What are your hours?",
                "question":"What are your hours?",
                "payload": "HOURS_POSTBACK_PAYLOAD"
                "question":"Can you tell me more about your business?",
                "payload": "MORE_POSTBACK_PAYLOAD"
                "question":"What services do you offer?",
                "payload": "SERVICES_POSTBACK_PAYLOAD"

Límite de frecuencia

Las llamadas a la API de perfiles de Messenger están limitadas a 10 llamadas a la API por cada intervalo de 10 minutos. El límite de frecuencia se aplica por página.