Square and PayPal are two of the most popular payment processing platforms for small business owners. While they both allow you to process payments and charge similar fees, they have key distinctions that will make a difference depending on your business. Square is better suited for in-person and mobile transactions while PayPal is best suited for e-commerce and online payments. Which of these popular services should you use for your business? We broke them both down to help you decide.

Square vs. PayPal: At a Glance

Overall, Square is best suited for in-person and mobile transactions while PayPal is a better fit for e-commerce businesses. Many people know Square as the small card reader extensions for a mobile device. Meanwhile, it’s hard to make an online purchase without coming across PayPal.


Our ratings take into account a product's cost, features, ease of use, customer service and other category-specific attributes. All ratings are determined solely by our editorial team.

Pricing structure

Flat rate

Monthly fee


Processing fees

From 2.6% + 10 cents

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Via partner site

Flat rate


From 2.6% + 10 cents

Pros & Cons
  • Multiple POS hardware options
  • Best for in-store payments
  • No chargeback fee
  • Fewer options for international payment processing
  • No 24/7 phone support


Our ratings take into account a product's cost, features, ease of use, customer service and other category-specific attributes. All ratings are determined solely by our editorial team.

Pricing structure

Flat rate

Monthly fee


Processing fees

From 2.29% + 9 cents

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Flat rate


From 2.29% + 9 cents

Pros & Cons
  • Accepts multiple forms of payment, including Venmo, PayPal and cryptocurrency
  • Recognizable name customers trust
  • Multiple e-commerce features
  • Lacking POS features
  • Extra fees for international credit cards
  • $20 chargeback fee

Square vs. PayPal: Credit Card Processing Comparison

  Square PayPal
Swipe/Chip Transaction Fees
From 2.6% plus 10 cents per transaction
From 2.29% plus 9 cents per transaction
Keyed Transactions
From 3.50% plus 15 cents per transaction
From 3.49% plus fee of 9 cents
Customer Payment Options
Merchants can accept all major credit cards, Cash App, and prepayment options for appointments
Merchants can accept all major credit cards, Venmo, pay-later options and cryptocurrencies
Free Quote Online
Chargeback Fees
No fee
Refund Fees
No fee (when a merchant issues a refund, the customer receives their full payment and the merchant receives the transaction fee in return)
Customers receive the full cost of service, but the merchant does not receive the transaction fee in return
Software Integration
Acuity Scheduling, GoDaddy Websites and Marketing, Wix, WooCommerce, Jotform (and more)
WooCommerce, Magento, Wix, BigCommerce, GoDaddy
International Fees
No additional fees for international credit cards
Additional 1.50% for all commercial transactions plus fixed fee based on currency

Square’s fee for swipe/chip transactions is 2.6% plus 10 cents per transaction while PayPal starts at 2.29% plus 9 cents and goes up depending on your package. Besides the difference in transaction fees, there are other variations in fees to be aware of. Keep in mind that PayPal charges a $20 fee for chargebacks, while Square does not. Additionally, PayPal charges an extra 1.50% for international transactions while Square does not. Finally, PayPal does not refund merchants the transaction fee when a customer issues a return, while Square does return the transaction fee to the merchant.

Regardless, PayPal is the leading company for e-commerce. The company offers more ways for customers to pay, including cryptocurrencies. Plus, customers recognize the PayPal name, which makes it more likely they will follow through with payment online.

Square Vs. PayPal: POS Comparison

  Square PayPal
Transaction Fees
No monthly fees; 2.6% plus 10 cents per transaction
No monthly fees. Card present transactions cost 2.29% plus 9 cents per transaction. Manual card entry transactions cost 3.49% plus 9 cents per transaction.
Customer Service
Live chat, knowledge base and blog, no 24/7 phone support
Live chat and knowledge base, no blog (24/7 phone support not specified)
Tip Management
Not specified
Software Integrations
SKU IQ, Linktree, Acuity Scheduling, GoDaddy Websites and Marketing, Wix, WooCommerce, JotForm (and more)
Quickbooks, SalesVu, WooCommerce, Big Commerce (and more)
Cost for Card Readers
First reader is free and each additional card reader is $10
First card reader costs $29 and $79 for each additional device
Cost for Terminal
Starts at $299
Starts at $249
Built-In Payment Processing
Selection of Multiple Hardware
Yes (through Zettle, which it owns)
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Read Reviews
Read our Square Review
Read our PayPal Review

In general, Square is a better option to accept in-person payments while PayPal is a better option for e-commerce and online payments. Both Square and PayPal were rated one of our top ten POS systems in 2024, but Square received a significantly higher score.

One of the biggest differences between these two companies’ POS systems is that Square offers more business tools, such as employee management, while PayPal’s features are limited to payment. Square has a feature to schedule appointments within the app so that you can integrate your calendar with your payment platform. Customers can book online and you can send them reminders through the app. The software also enables you to keep client credit cards on file and schedule prepayment before visits.

PayPal’s transaction fees are listed as lower for card-present transactions—2.29% plus 9 cents compared with $2.6% plus 10 cents—however, PayPal does have more additional fees that are less apparent and harder to account for (such as a $20 chargeback fee and additional fees to process international credit cards).

The first card reader Square gives you is free. After that, each additional card reader is $10. With PayPal, card readers cost $29 and $79 for each additional device. Square offers a tip management tool and both companies offer multiple options for software integration.

Bottom Line

Square is a better option for small businesses that focus on in-person transactions. If you plan to receive payments primarily online, PayPal will more likely suit your needs. Square offers business management tools as part of its POS system, while PayPal’s is simpler. Additionally, PayPal issues more fees than Square, such as a $20 chargeback fee and higher fees for international credit cards. However, there are advantages to using PayPal for an e-commerce store or for online payments. PayPal is able to accept a wider range of payment options (including PayPal) and the additional options may help boost sales.

Top Square and PayPal Alternatives

There are many excellent payment gateways on the market. The best fit for your business needs to strike a balance of affordability and scalability. Here are some of the best credit card processing companies that you may also want to consider.

Company Forbes Advisor Rating Pricing structure Monthly fee Processing fees LEARN MORE
Payment Depot 4.7 4.5-removebg-preview (1) Subscription $59 7 cents to 15 cents plus interchange Learn More Via Payment Depot's Website
4.4 4.5-removebg-preview (1) Flat rate $0 From 2.7% plus 5 cents Learn More Read Forbes' Review
Helcim 4.3 4.5-removebg-preview Flat rate $0 From 0.15% plus 6 cents Learn More Via Helcim's Website

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are Square and PayPal?

Square and PayPal both offer a variety of services but, at their core, they are credit card processing platforms. Their primary function is to securely verify customer funds and transfer payment to a merchant account, but they also offer additional features, such as platforms for online stores and physical POS hardware.

Who should use Square or PayPal?

Square is a great choice for small businesses that want to accept in-person payments. It offers free hardware that lets you make sales simply using your cell phone, with no monthly subscription fee. PayPal is excellent if you primarily operate online and need to be able to add payment options to an existing website or want to set up recurring donations for a nonprofit organization.

Which is cheaper; Square or PayPal?

PayPal has lower rates, starting at 2.29% plus 9 cents per transaction. Square’s fees are slightly higher at 2.6% plus 10 cents. But processing fees aren’t the only thing you need to consider; be sure to also factor in any hardware or software integrations you may require to meet the full scope of your needs.

Is Square a good credit card processing company?

Square was named one of the top 10 credit card processing companies in 2024. It is especially popular with small businesses because of its ease of use, free mobile card reader and lack of monthly fees.