Money Management

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a woman in sunglasses holding money with the words what is net worth and why you should care about it
What is Net Worth (And Why You Should Care About It)
Your net worth is the difference between your assets and liabilities (aka what you own vs. what you owe). Click through to read about how net worth works and how to start increasing yours!
a woman working on her laptop with the words how to create a monthly budget
How to Create a Monthly Budget
Creating a monthly budget doesn’t have to be scary! Here are some easy budgeting tips you can follow to take control of your finances and create a spending plan for your money.
a woman sitting at a desk using a laptop computer with text overlay reading traditional ira vs roth irra which is right for you?
Traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA: Which is Better?
Which is better — the traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA? Both come with tax advantages, but the right one for you depends on your situation.
a person typing on a laptop with the text 12 smart things to do with your tax return
12 Things to Do With Your Tax Return (and 3 to Avoid)
Wondering what to do with your tax return? You can use it to pay off debt, build your emergency fund, or even fund your biggest goals.
a woman sitting on the floor holding a coffee cup with text overlay that reads 6 easy ways to automate your finance
6 Easy Ways to Automate Your Finances
These six simple tips to help you automate your finances can help you save time, save money, and ultimately reduce your stress around money.
a woman working on her laptop with the text how to create a five - year financial plan
How to Create a Five Year Financial Plan
Data shows that having financial goals and a concrete financial plan make you far more likely to reach them — Here’s how to get started.
a woman holding money with the words 11 ways to stick to your budget every month
11 Ways to Stick to Your Budget Every Month
Over the years, I’ve learned plenty of tricks to stick to your budget every month. Picking up just a few of these budgeting habits can change your finances.
a woman sitting on the floor with text overlay saying 11 ways to stick to your budget every month
11 Ways to Stick to Your Budget Every Month
Over the years, I’ve learned plenty of tricks to stick to your budget every month. Picking up just a few of these budgeting habits can change your finances.
a woman working on her laptop with the text how to pay yourself first and start saving money
How to Pay Yourself First and Finally Start Saving Money
Using the pay yourself first budgeting method can help you build your emergency fund, pay off debt, and save money for your biggest financial goals.
the words how to save for retirement when you're self - engaged
How to Save for Retirement When You’re Self-Employed
Data shows that entrepreneurs aren’t saving enough for retirement. This article walks you through how to save for retirement when you’re self employed.
a woman holding a credit card with the text 6 ways to use credit cards seriously
How to Use Credit Cards Responsibly (Any Why You Should)
Credit cards can be an amazing tool. They can help you increase your credit card, save money, earn credit card rewards, and manage your finances. But this is only the case if you use them correctly! Click through to learn how to use credit cards responsibly.
a woman's hand on top of a notebook with the words how to get one month
How to Get One Month Ahead in Your Budget
Budgeting one month ahead has completely changed the way I budget and has eliminated so much of the stress I used to have around my finances!
a woman sitting at her desk with the words how to get one month ahead in your budget
How to Get One Month Ahead in Your Budget
Budgeting one month ahead has completely changed the way I budget and has eliminated so much of the stress I used to have around my finances!
a woman sitting at a desk with the words what is net worth and why you should care about it
What is Net Worth (And Why You Should Care About It)
Your net worth is the difference between your assets and liabilities (aka what you own vs. what you owe). Click through to read about how net worth works and how to start increasing yours!
a woman working on her laptop with the text 12 things to do with your tax return and 3 to avoid
12 Things to Do With Your Tax Return (and 3 to Avoid)
Wondering what to do with your tax return? You can use it to pay off debt, build your emergency fund, or even fund your biggest goals.